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Yes, republicans complain when they get everything they want.


They don’t want to compromise they want to rule.

We should stop compromising with them, then. When compromise is only ever in one direction, it’s called capitulation.


And as a result, only the wealthy should be able to afford it?


Yes, Democrats know this and are taking the opportunity to move to the right.


With no aspirations toward better than “okay”.


So I would anecdotally say this election is outside the norm.

I worry that it’s the new baseline.


Biden has been the most progressive president since Kennedy.

LBJ was more progressive than Biden, and he took office after whom?


Or would you say… well, this first step is too hard… I’m just gonna lie down and take a nap?

That’s what the party did with the public option and increasing the minimum wage.


I was referring to the party’s aspirations. They have none beyond “ok.”


Oh, he’s certainly the most liberal since Kennedy. But he’s not progressive except in the slogans of centrists.


Sure. If voters showed up at the midterms and gave him a D house, he could have done more. But they didn’t.

If Democrats had used the majorities we gave them during his first two years instead of getting in their own way, this would be a convincing argument.


That’s why I said Democrats and not Biden.


Purported positions?

Fuck, tell me what my positions are, wise and ancient omniscient one.


You pretend to want to stop the killing in gaza.

I do want to stop the genocide you support by refusing to call it a genocide.

All while agitating against the best solutions for it.

The best solution involves Biden ceasing his support for the genocide that you also support by refusing to call it a genocide.

The most hilarious part was that I said pointing out your Youth and experience was not an insult.

You baselessly insulted me by calling me a child. And then lied and said it wasn’t an insult.


I call it genocide all the time [demeaning pet name omitted].

Then call it a genocide right now. Say that the actions of Netanyahu that Biden supports are a genocide.

Biden could stop his support tomorrow that’s not going to change congress.

Congress didn’t force Biden to sell Netanyahu weapons for genocide. Congress didn’t force him to claim there was no genocide. Congress didn’t force him to go to bat for Netanyahu at the UN for so long.

Oh and go check my post history I call genocide all the time.

I checked. Three whole times in the past month, and two of those were denying that Biden supports Netanyahu’s genocide. We have different metrics for “all the time.”

I said you were behaving like a juvenile / adolescent. Not a child. Which you are even here. If you aren’t actually that young and just behaving like you are. That’s a you problem kiddo.

Condescension is what centrists use as their replacement for defensible positions.


Where do centrists keep getting this?

People to your left are allowed to be dissatisfied even when you get everything you want.


They were hamstrung by a filibustering Senate, and two conservative Democrat senators

That’s what I mean by getting in their own way.


And yet your only suggestion it seems is to yell at people to not vote

I have never done this and will never do this. You are lying about my position because you can’t defend your own.


The Bernie bros did the same thing in 2016, and again in 2020. And these clowns think they’re pulling some new grassroots movement.

A greater percentage of Sanders supporters voted for Clinton than Clinton supporters voted for Obama. Clinton supporters formed a PAC to get McCain elected.

They’re doing nothing. And by that I mean, they’re doing a LOT more nothing than even they think they are. Their little “protest” is completely meaningless.

Since they can be safely ignored, why aren’t you ignoring them?

Unless their intent is to get trump elected, and for some- this is the case.

Why do centrists pretend that those to their left are all the way to their right?


Convenient that people to your left are trying to get trump elected simply by disagreeing with you.


“Biden should stop supporting genocide” is a defensible position. I notice that my interlocutor ceased when challenged to call Netanyahu’s actions the genocide they are.

Can you call it the genocide it is?


You refuse to call it a genocide. Noted.


And here comes the victimization.

I’m accurately describing what you’re doing. If you don’t want me to point out that you’re using demeaning pet names, don’t use them.

Anyway, I’m out. I’m not going to argue with a genocide denier.


You judged a book by its cover.


Not that god, the one you actually worship.


There is only one true god, I do not worship false idols.

Right. Which is why you’re so mad at the blasphemy of a thumbnail picture.


Because you’re griping about a thumbnail.


Griping about a thumbnail makes you believe that I think Biden is god?

I’ve seen young earth creationists write off more severe blasphemy against their god as not worth griping about.


So this is gonna be the angle. I was wondering.


I stand by what I said, and it remains in the modlog.


I’m glad it’s there. Transparency is one of lemmy’s major benefits over the old site.


One of my major problems with the old site was the stealth deletions.


Yeah, so they can find just enough no votes and gleefully announce their hands are tied.


What are you even on about.

Not my fault you haven’t been paying attention.


I’m sure it’s a coincidence and not retaliation from the most pro-union administration to ever break a rail strike.


I said you lot would find a new target. Called it.


So you also recognize there are many bad-faith posters who are trying to induce apathy and division in order to facilitate another Trump presidency?

I recognize that centrists interpret all deviation from neoliberal orthodoxy as such.

Cool, I’m glad we can agree on one thing!

Putting words in my mouth and then announcing we agree.


Since you know what I mean to write instead of me, you tell me.


I vote every election.

Progressives are sidelined because the party is run by conservative shit.


Since we can be safely ignored, don’t blame us when your shit candidates lose. We told you they were shit.


“Essential” means “safe to ignore”?

Ensign_Crab, (edited )

so let’s abstain…

This has never and will never be my position. I get that you want perfect unwavering happy silence from your left and only your left, but that’s because your party never disappoints you.


They share finances, data, and a shit ton of other resources with every incumbent.

My turn to ask for a source. I do not accept “behind the scenes.”

I am asking you to provide evidence for your claim that they have treated a progressive incumbent differently from any other.

I provided evidence of the party protecting an anti-choice anti-labor nra stooge. I cannot find any evidence of similar support for any progressive incumbent.

Ensign_Crab, (edited )

Every incumbent doesn’t get Pelosi and Clyburn stumping for them.

You’re still demanding that I prove a negative, and have made it clear that you always intended to dismiss any link I provided.

You’re bad at trolling lol.

You’re fantastic at it.


Already provided evidence. You immediately ignored it in bad faith, like you intended to when you asked. You’ve spent the rest of the time demanding that I prove that something isn’t happening.

May as well demand that I prove unicorns don’t exist.


1 source saying the Dems abandoned a progressive incumbent?

And here you go again, trying to put words in my mouth. They pulled out all the stops for corrupt, anti-labor Coathanger Cuellar. They will NEVER do anything of the sort for a progressive.

I gave you an article. You ignored it. You never intended to do anything else.


The squad has access to every resource Cuellar did lol

Pelosi and Clyburn are stumping for Bowman?


So you should have no problem finding an example of Jeffries campaigning for Bowman like Pelosi campaigned for Cuellar.

Not a reluctant endosement. Campaigning. In person.

Because when he was asked if he would campaign with Bowman like Pelosi did with corrupt anti choice party darling Cuellar, he gave a noncommittal “he and I haven’t had that conversation.”

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