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Rarified salami, hahaha, that got a good chuckle out of me


[Meeting screeches to a halt]

“What do you mean they don’t need to be remade, Tom? How are we supposed to charge $60 for a 20-year-old game we have the rights to, then?”


Remember, this is why your party needs the Bard. It’s not because of the Lute. ;)


Listen, sometimes democracy needs a little helping hand, or in this case, a giant …

Who am I kidding, we’ve learned our lesson.

Right? Right?



I was another person who suffered from motion sickness trying to play the original Super Mario 64.

I wish I could tell you what it was - I have played everything under the sun, including VR (in which I was also motion sick), and the closest thing I could come up with is the low FOV combined with the automatic movement of the camera.

I think it’s similar for people who get car sick as a passenger, but not a driver.


The sky was tuned to the color of a dead channel


I remember some interview with Warren where they were talking about the idea for the game and it was like “What if it was every single conspiracy theory, but they were all true?

Well it turns out that makes for a pretty compelling story but also far too many of those ended up coming true, lol


The rich have problems paying just their regular owed taxes, nothing even exceptional; they draft legislation to lower their own tax rates while keeping taxes on labor the same.

Why is capital gains taxed at a lower rate than income? Is sitting on a pile of money and watching it grow somehow more noble than sweating and hard work?

I think a carbon tax is necessary but I think getting the responsible parties in our industrial world to actually pay it, would be extremely difficult. You’d never see such bipartisan cooperation in various governments until someone threatens the subsidies for the liquid black gold.


Yeah honestly, I bought Tarkov second-hand for $8 and even then I felt like I was getting ripped off.

It’s probably not news to anyone but the game has extremely lax anti-cheat controls.

As for why people would cheat in an online game, it always seems obvious from a psychological standpoint, but the cheats for Tarkov are so egregious they’re like full blown developer offline DEBUG TOOLS.

I don’t mean “oh no, aim assistance, and they can see you through walls” – the cheat tools are hooking into features of the GAME ENGINE ITSELF, allowing players to see:

<span style="color:#323232;">PlayerName, Current HP, Current Level, Full inventory contents, currently equipped weapon, position, heading, estimated value of inventory, estimated value of your account, age of account creation, and so on.

They can also: Teleport, FLY, increase or decrease their run speed, jump height, and so on.

The cheaters are basically running around with admin privileges in the game, and the developers don’t give a flying fuck. It’s like GTA5 levels of cheating.

Why would anyone play such a game, much less pay $150 to be abused by people? You can slam your dick in a car door for a lot less.


I bought a Radeon 9800 Pro for my 13th birthday.

I tell you, people kept telling me that I was wasting my life in front of a computer – but I lived an entire fucking lifetime in Morrowind, to the age of 92.

I must have walked every single square meter or Vvardenfell, and this was before major walkthroughs existed.


I’m somewhat partial to the Telvanni Mushroom kingdom (the idea of, hey, here’s an acorn, go GROW your house) but Balmora has always held a special piece in my heart for being the first “big city” I’ve felt in a video game.

The transition to the Ashland and seeing a different biome entirely / grasslands / plains was also pretty incredible.

Ald’ruhn’s Capitol was also novel in design with the redundant rope bridges built on the inside of the shell of a gigantic upturned horseshoe crab.

Vivec’s cool but it’s only possible because of a demi-god’s literal meddling around with the terrain, and it’s too easy to get lost.

Caldera’s also nice, as well as Pelagiad.

I know I just named like ten places but Morrowind’s got a lot of diversity and biomes.


Hemlo, inventor of PWN here.

It was a misspelling of “Owned” in a Warcraft 2 map that I made. People thought it was funny that it upset me when I noticed the typo and perpetuated the map version with the misspelling.

“Player 1 was pwned.”

For more Internet history facts, stay tuned.


I fucking did. The Internet will never let me live it down.

However, it belongs to you all now!

Be free

And get rekt :p


Are you kidding me? No way. You can’t trademark a word or a typo. That’s dumb.

Jeremy deserves every ounce of his fame from Pure Pwnage


Hello fellow pog, it is me, your ancestor :>


Humanity! Fuck yeah! Only in 200 years!


The mushroom kingdom’s lack of affordable healthcare was the real villian all along!


Sorry can’t be bothered, too busy looking at rocks in distant galaxies. I’m sure your species martyrdom complex is fascinating, but you’re perfectly capable of destroying yourselves without our help. o7


It’s that weird emotion you feel on your first full pack of saltines, not the 54th one


I got lucky, I bought a pair of Focal Elears on sale for like $800 and they’re so good I quit my search.

Legitimately everything just sounds amazing, well, transparent. I forget I’m wearing them and it sounds like stuff is just in the room or whatever. That’s good enough for me.

Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (

I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they’re on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can’t be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...


Hey man, quit repeating that. Each time we do it becomes closer to truth. Reality is what we make of it and we if tell these fucks no means no, it’ll stop.

We’ll own things, and we’ll be unhappy about people trying to take away the things we own and paid for.


That got a good laugh out of me, thank you

Enjoy your yellow arrow


looks at the race bike

Race bike looks back

“It is time.”


It’s like that demotivational poster:

“Sometimes the purpose of one’s life is to serve as a warning to others.”


OpenAI trains their data on Lemmy

GPT installs Arch, upset that it’s running inside a Docker container

The entire model breaks down and begins speaking Spanglish, and then crashes

Coincidence? I think not! :P


We can sit on chairs but slouching on stuff is way more comfortable.

Source: Dated a human girl, everything got in the way. After two weeks we found a pose that finally worked in terms of seating/cuddle compatibility.



I mean we pretty much know that micro and nanoplastic cause all sorts of various cancers, and especially leech into water, so like, those disposable spring water bottles are all just a helping gulp of liquid plastic into bodies who are desperately repairing cellular damage and inflammation caused by said plastic shards lodging themselves deep into every membrane.

But yes have you heard of our friend leaded gasoline, yet? C:


Ladies and gents, the first viral meme of Lemmy

Also, have done both

Stop stalking me D:


I’ve had a real one from a Turkish place called Gülloglö, which no longer exists, and it was incredible. It was like a block of rose water, covered in powdered sugar, and biting into it was a floral, sugary, explosion, especially combined with their harsh, dark, Turkish tea – unbelievable.

I loved that place, and no idea how they went under.


Steam has a sub 2-hour game time no questions asked refund period - what prevents someone from doing exactly what you said using the refund process instead of resale?


It’s so sad to see one of the greatest gaming companies in history go down such a dark path…

It feels like almost yesterday when I was unwrapping that fresh copy of WarCraft II and being stunned by the CGI intro, seeing the Orcs on their great warships and thinking “Holy hell”.

What happened, man? Why does money ruin absolutely fucking everything?


All of the good developers and software engineers seem to be assigned to their CPU/processor microcode division, the GPU section seems to be the leftovers of ATI and isn’t getting anywhere near as much love.

I went full Team Red for the first time in history - AMD CPU, AMD GPU, unironically, and man, I’ve been having so many driver problems in 2023, it’s crazy.

I never know if the next driver update will break my GPU overlay monitoring on my second monitor, get me kicked from multiplayer in MW2, or in this case, banned on CS2.

I’ve simply stopped updating my drivers at this point unless there’s a major feature upgrade like Bug that made VR unplayable fixed, adding +50 FPS


I’ve got the Q2, and I’ve heard the Q3 is like half the size and weight. If that’s true, it’s a decent upgrade - for me, personally. I don’t care about any of that Meta/Facebook shit, I sideload my APKs and neuter their monitoring and use it as a wireless display, a la Valve Index.

EVE Vanguard Aims to Be the EVE FPS That Dust 514 Wasn’t - IGN (

EVE Online's starry realm of New Eden is a vast expanse of more than 7000 star systems, which we have so far experienced almost exclusively from a distance aboard swooping starships or in the colossal interiors of mega-scale space stations. But all the while, I've imagined what might be going on down on these lonely planets I'm...


First you make an Excel spreadsheet

Then you benchmark every weapon and attachment in the game

Then you optimize to make the perfect build to use in battle

And get headshot in 0.2 seconds right out of spawn


Well compared to D2, the progression was reverse linear, you started off strong at Level 1, and cleared rooms and then you became weaker as you levelled up.

To maintain your strength, you needed to have the optimal gear in every slot (head, armor, gloves, boots, etc), and have an optimal spec.

The issue was that the items were egregiously generic, and were replaced pretty much on a constant basis, anything you picked up was an upgrade until Level 50, when “Sacred” and “Artifact” became a class, and your entire inventory was outdated.

The main issue was they began by making Diablo: Immortal, a mobile game and midway through development remembered it’s a PC game and not a mobile micro transaction machine, and kept the MT shop in the game regardless (which retails for $100, mind you)

I’m a Diablo 1&2 Veteran, who has meleed Uber Diablo to death with a Fury Druid in 2022, soloed Diablo in 1996 with a Warrior, and I’ve never been more bored playing an ARPG than Diablo 4.

My best friend is a stoner, so he got far more value out of it. To be fair, he also gets a lot of value out of staring at walls, so there’s that.


It doesn’t need to, we all know it’s the highest form of art. It’s like mentioning the Mona Lisa. Daikatana is simply implied.


MechWarrior 5: Clans Stomping to PC, PlayStation and Xbox in 2024 from Piranha Games (

Piranha Games revealed MechWarrior 5: Clans today, a new stand alone MechWarrior game coming to PC, Xbox and PlayStation consoles next year. MechWarrior 5: Clans, while retaining the MechWarrior 5 designation, represents a transformative step forward in the MechWarrior 5 franchise. MechWarrior 5: Clans linear campaign will be an...


Those Inner Sphere bastards have sat on their laurels for far too long!

Clan Wolf, let’s awoo!

Awoooooooooo! in yellow lasers

(Furries are canon in BattleTech, you’re welcome)


While I agree with the general sentiment, Gothic 1 is basically unplayable on modern hardware. It outright crashes, and a generation of players misses out on one of the best/most pivotal western cRPGs in history.

Not to mention, graphics cards and even the worst potato are so much more powerful than our gaming rigs in 2001 that we can afford more than 32 MB of video memory for textures that don’t look like blurry smears, or perhaps, characters with actual fingers.


BG3 is phenomenal. It feels like it came out in 1998, and that’s a good thing.

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