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What you described is just welfare, not socialism. Socialism is collective ownership of the means of production, meaning there would be no need to re-distribute wealth as it would be fairly distributed from the start.

What you’re thinking of is more along the lines of what Scandinavian countries have, which is just capitalism with social democracy and extensive welfare programs.


I’ve noticed a trend in some new American media coming out of more openly positive depictions of socialism/communism. The new HBO The Last Of Us series for example has this scene, and the new Fallout series has a more centrist/neoliberal take but at least calls out how the right uses communist as a “dirty word,” though she qualifies the statement by first saying “I’m not a communist.”


Chickens are domesticated to the point that they cannot survive in the wild / have no ecological niche. Without some small scale animal agriculture like backyard chickens they would go extinct, though you could argue it’s for the best.

Personally I think small-scale egg farming is not exploitative when the chickens are treated well.


We’re lucky we don’t have ancient Roman style privatized firefighters that would stand around and wait for payment before putting out your fire.


No they hate this truck. It needs to be 3x the size, get 10 miles to the gallon, and be filled with useless smart features before it meets their standards.


Words mean what people who use them think they mean, and Americans using the word Libertarian mean right-wing anti-government and pro-business folks. This may not have been the word’s original meaning, but language changes.

Schmoo, (edited )

I mean, the entire game can sort of be described as an easter egg hunt. If you’re talking about >!warping inside the Ash Twin project!< then I get it, I got stuck on that for a while too but I love puzzle games and am used to that feeling of being stuck. I’ve noticed watching playthroughs that most people miss >!clues for how to tell the warp towers apart or how to apply the knowledge that warp towers activate when oriented towards the gravitational center of a destination!<, so there could’ve been more clues for that.

Edit: I think something that could’ve improved it is if they made a mini-game of the ship log to get more people to interact with it. A lot of the issues people seem to have with the game stem from them not meaningfully engaging with the clues they’ve been given. As it is the game relies heavily on people actively trying to piece together the puzzle themselves without any mechanism to ensure they do it.


I think it might depend on what client you’re using. They’re working on Sync.


You do have a >!teleporter detector!<, sort of. You can use the >!scout launcher to see when the teleporter activates by shooting the scout on the platform and hanging back. A black hole will appear when it activates and you can jump in.!<


Went to check sources but you have to register to read the whole article, do you happen to know the source or another article that has them?

Schmoo, (edited )

Buying points involves paying more money up front to reduce interest rates. Given that someone struggling financially wouldn’t be able to do that I don’t think it’s fair to include them in conversations about the affordability of homes. It’s also not a great idea to buy points if you’re uncertain about whether you’re going to continue living there. It can take years for the savings on interest to recoup the up front cost of points, so you could easily lose money if something happens and you end up having to move or sell the home.

The “boots” theory of economic unfairness is pretty relevant here.

Edit: also the numbers the above commenter used are not far off, in the US average interest rates in 2021 went as low as 2.65%, and average interest rates in 2024 have been oscillating around 7%.


I’m not mixing average with lowest rate, the average dipped that low in 2021, meaning lots of people were getting even lower rates than that. And yes, of course people with middle class incomes buy points. That doesn’t counter my point.


What matters more for public health risk is virility, and mortality tends to have a negative correlation with virility. In simpler terms, the more deadly it is the worse it is at spreading. It’s not a hard rule but is true more often than not, though I don’t know any details about avian flu. I assume if the CDC has determined the public health risk is low that it’s probably because it’s not particularly virile.


You know it’s been a while since I’ve read that book, but I’m pretty positive that isn’t true.


The problem here is that you seem to value your own property rights over the right of individuals to have shelter. Sure, it’s not an ideal situation; in an ideal society “squatting” shouldn’t occur, but we live in a society where people are forced to choose between being homeless or squatting in someone’s property. If you think they should forgo their right to shelter to preserve your right to property then you are the awful person.


Ah, but you see, it’s not hypocritical because rules are just weapons to use against your opponents, and we’re suckers for not using it against them first. /s

Schmoo, (edited )

Does the rule only apply if they’re name-calling other commenters and not the subject of the article? If not then mke_geek’s original comment should be removed since he directly calls the subject of the article an awful person with no conditional.

Personally I think this rule is being a bit over-enforced and none of these comments should have been removed. Being overly strict with civility rules allows bad actors to take advantage of “civility politics” to shut down dissent.

Edit: except maybe the one calling them a dickhead, I get why that one was removed. The ones that just reflect their own words back at them I think should be left alone.


It is also a cleaner delivery mechanism for THC than combustion.


Yep, I like my dynavap. It’s a much more pleasant experience than a joint or pipe.


These are the exact kind of targeted ads I see when I disable my adblock. I’m a white male in rural Kentucky so I guess advertisers assume I watch Tucker Carlson and buy trucks (as if I could even afford one).

It’s at least an assurance that I’ve been successful at protecting my privacy enough that advertisers don’t know specifics beyond my surface-level demographics.


Climate activists can lobby in person when available, taking time away from other things. Oil companies can hire armies of lobbyists - some of whom masquerading as “concerned citizens” - to overwhelm public hearings, buy out media companies to manipulate public opinion and engage in astroturfing campaigns, and directly sway politicians with legal bribery (deliberately being vague about the purpose of “gifts” to maintain the benefit of the doubt about there being any quid pro quo involved).

Lobbying effectively requires resources - namely capital - which oil companies have in abundance and climate activists do not. To suggest that climate activists should simply fight on their terms is ignorant at best and malicious at worst.


I believe this is from Carl Sagan’s book The Demon Haunted World. A fantastic read, and one I recommend to anyone who will listen.


Coming at this from an IT perspective, a lot of things that people “already know” seem to evaporate when it’s time to actually apply that knowledge. Keeping that in mind, I think a game like this helps to cement the idea in people’s heads in a more intuitive way. It bridges the gap between system 1 and system 2 thinking.


a person must exhibit four out of the eight signs and symptoms to meet the diagnostic threshold for ODD.

  • Is often touchy or easily annoyed
  • Is often angry and resentful
  • Often argues with authority figures or, for children and adolescents, with adults
  • Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules

If I were imprisoned against my will I would certainly be exhibiting these 4 “symptoms.” Does that mean I have oppositional defiant disorder?

The problem with this is that it can too easily classify behavior that is appropriate to the situation as a disorder. The distinction that a professional might make is that these symptoms are only considered signs of a disorder if they are not appropriate to the situation, and that is a value judgement that cannot be objectively determined. This makes the diagnosis heavily subject to the values and beliefs of the person making it. In my opinion, we shouldn’t he classifying these types of situational behaviors as a disorder because the cause is almost always external/environmental, which a psychiatrist is often ill-equipped to address.


Probably because it had its 15 minutes of fame, but you can tell if you just look at it for a second. Look at the words on the drink, or the sign in the top right, or the people in the background.


Ok I admit, I barely skimmed your first comment lol. Suppose I should read the whole chain before replying late in a conversation.


The Finglesham deal discussions will be going well into the night so don’t forget your ham sandwich at half past 3.


There would be a much larger variety of toothpaste flavors.


What’s the straight man seeking gay sex equivalent of Lactase? Poppers?


It’s one character among the modern politicized version of rage comic characters like trollface.


The billionaires are not entitled to our excess labor value.


I’m a 1 on that chart and I struggle to understand how you can even follow what’s happening in a book without being able to imagine it.

I mean, you have to be able to fill in the gaps don’t you? Books can’t describe every detail.


Am american and this: eggsis what I have in my fridge right now. Rural living win.


Are you my dog?


Yeah I suppose I could store them at room temp, but I figure they last longer in the fridge and I’m not really hurting for space.

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