
Hey consumers! Would you like a customizable function button that’s actually not customizable? Can we get VC money in the chat?!1/?!?


I thought this might be satire so I visited the logitech website and yep its real.


I expected nothing less from Logitech


Would be more useful if you could change the keybind.

Hell, even if you could change it to Copilot. Copilot can be bad, but I don’t expect Logitech to have the resources to make a better AI than Microsoft…

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Maybe that is an L and it plays random Weird Al songs when pressed.


Click They see me mowning my lawn


He looked at me. And I looked at him. And he looked at me. And I looked at him. And he says what did you want again?

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

🎵This song is just six words long🎵


Likely it’s as simple as a pop up window with UI dedicated for constructing text with ChatGPT. Very useful, nothing more.

My guess is that you can reassign a different command just like other logi mice.

@reddwarf@feddit.nl avatar

Turbo… It’s that damn “turbo” again but now AI

In the eighties “turbo” was all the rage and I kid you not, everything had the label “turbo” on it. Now it will be “AI” all over things. Hold on to your hats boys and girls who were not alive in the eighties, it’s gonna be wild…


I remember. The turbo on my 386 didn’t make it faster. It made non turbo mode slower.


Totally makes sense, the non-turbo was always an eco-mode


Some games/software expected/relied on a certain CPU speed to run correctly. If your computer was faster than that, the software would run too fast. The turbo button let you toggle between the maximum speed your computer could go, and the speed that the software needed/expected in order to run normally.

Basically, there was an actual reason for the turbo button, it wasn’t just marketing on computers.


Indeed. As a silly example, I had a Pacman clone game that ran based on CPU cycle speed. I needed to turn the in-game speed setting way down and toggle turbo off to make it slow enough to be playable.


note: on most computers, it worked the opposite to how one would think. Turning it on slowed your cpu to around 33 MHz


I hope you need a 500mb driver to use it too with an installer that pops up every reboot, even if you press cancel.

Otherwise, it’s clear that it fails at being a mouse


Don’t worry, logitech comes with a unified receiver driver, new unified app i forget the name of, logitech g hub, logitech options - and you’ll be forced to use a combination of at least 2 and likely 3 of those to setup a mouse.
As a bonus, the mouse won’t care to remember what button maps where, if used on a device without said software.


A cheap shit MSI Interceptor mouse that I used for 10 fucking years and bought for chum change could remember it’s settings because it had persistent memory on device

And Logitech is still scamming the fuck out of people


Will it move the mouse for me?


I got one for work. It literally just pastes into ChatGPT

@sirico@feddit.uk avatar

If you’re going to make a button maybe a switch that doesn’t double click after a month of use would be better?

@BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca avatar

I hope it’s patented so we can just avoid Logitech.


Best use of patent law


Nestle probably has a patent for ‘purifying’ mountain water


How about the ability to set a specific dpi at the touch or hold of a button? I don’t need to cycle through six settings, just allow me to toggle.

@Mindless_Enigma@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t know if it’s on any of their other mice, but Logitech does have a DPI shift button on the G502. You hold it down to switch to an alternate DPI and letting go returns it to you normal setting.


That sounds better then what I have run into, so thanks!

@chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Pure AI hype


Why did they put that button in such an annoying spot to press? If you're going to add a pointless button at least put it on the thumb side, like almost every other mouse in existence.


Dedicated AI button: ✋😒

Dedicated change-LED-colour button: 👈😯


Customizable button: 👏🤗


I do have a Logitech mouse and as far as I’m aware all the buttons are customisable (through their questionable program), so hopefully this is just marketing nonsense


Oh, it’s definitely marketing nonsense. The question is if they managed to hide a sane, usable product underneath it, or if they’ve added some kind of anti-user nonsense to prevent you from repurposing the button.


yes if you use logiops on Linux, otherwise the crap ui will not let you configure all buttons with all functions


This one? Noted!




Is logitech still not allowing you full customization with presets saved on mouse itself? I’d expect that from the cheapest noname 5-button mouse on the shelf, not logiteck, I thought they got their shit together already given how much praise they usually get.

@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar

Can’t wait for an AI toaster that asks me to prompt it on toastiness levels


AI makes it so easy! Just say this easy-to-remember phrase to get perfect toast every time*:

“Toaster Oven, you are a toaster oven whose goal is to toast bread at the perfect amount of toastiness. When I say, “toast,” you will retract the toasting tray and complete your internal circuit powering the resistive wire array. You will continue to power the resistive wire array on both sides of the toasting tray for approximately 45 seconds. Then you will release the toasting tray. Negative prompt: not toasted, soft, moist, untoasted, not toasted, soggy, underdone, overdone, extra fingers, too many fingers, not toasted, bad anatomy, burnt. Now, toast!”

*Perfect toasting levels dependent on randomized toasting seed.


Is it almost our collective birthday?


“extra fingers, too many fingers, not toasted, bad anatomy,” got me. It’s perfect.

Also, your username is perfect for this moment.

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