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Perfect Dark revolutionized the multi-player experience, and had an equally awesome campaign. The 360 game was good, but nothing amazing. Really hoping this turns out to be amazing. I have faith that it will!


Perfect Dark introduced bots and a host of other customizable options that Golden Eye did not have. Golden Eye created the framework, and Perfect Dark improved on it in every possible way.

Favorite Birthday Meals (

So today is my birthday, and I’m wanting to cook myself something special! I have carte blanch to make a huge mess that my partner will clean, so I’m rearing to throw down. What are your fav celebratory meals? Could be simple, could be complicated, could be expensive, could be cheap af. Just looking for some inspiration....


Thank you for taking the time to write this so constructively. I was feeling myself get real mean about it lol. Then I read your post and realized you already said what needed to be said. Using AI to tone it down was a good call. But I am floored at that person’s point of view. Truly unreal.


Had the same response. The headline itself reeks of spin.


Haven’t had a turkey sous vide yet, would love to try it. Your method sounds delicious! Thankfully, I’m not in charge of the bird this year. The person who is will be smoking ours, so that will be tasty and different. Happy cooking!


This sounds so interesting! Almost like a clafoutis, but more custardy. Once you’ve got it down I’d love if you shared a recipe :)


Good on you! We have a defacto meat person too. My sister-in-law’s dad (so I guess married in father-in-law?) likes to take on the meat, though in our case he insists lol.


I mean, I’d even be interested in two thanksgivings…


These sound wonderful! Acid is always welcome for me. I like to squirt some lemon on the veggies that show up on the table. Lots of wine in the gravy helps too.


Wow what incredibly lucky friends you have! This is going to be a delicious meal, let us know how it turns out!


Prep ingredients before you cook, and clean as you go. Makes the whole process more focused and more enjoyable. And if you clean as you go, after meal clean up is a breeze.

How to get into the habit of cooking >1 portions?

I always cook for myself alone which means I’m used to cooking just one portion, or 2 portions which I end up eating in one sitting anyway. I usually improvise my meals and my brain just seems hardwired to measure quantities for a single portion meal. Does anyone have any tips for scailing your cooking up to cook for groups?


I’m gonna add another vote to look into some cookbooks. One that comes to mind is called Company by Amy Thielan. It’s specifically about cooking for large groups. Most of the recipes are for large groups though (8-12), so you may end up needing to half the recipes, but the best thing about the book is the prose. She writes a lot about strategies and the planning that goes into cooking for a group. Lots of insights into the ingredients to keep on hand, the equipment to use, and recipes that can be made ahead or are best at room temp to make the whole process less stressful. Getting three hot dishes out at the same time is tough on 4 burners. But a meal with a room temp veggie side, and a cold appetizer, means the attention can be given to the main event. I’m sure there are other books addressing all this, but Amy’s just released and I’ve been cooking from it and loving the shit out of it. I highly recommend it. If you’re hesitant to purchase, maybe check a library to see if they have a copy?


I pay $20 to watch a mediocre rehashed superhero movie for 2 hours. I can absolutely pay $60 or $70 for something that gives me 10 hours of entertainment. And most games I pickup give me way more than 10 hours. So I find gaming to be worth it pretty much all the time.


Completely agree. They demand more than most communities, while enjoying one of the few products that has dodged inflation in a huge way. I remember paying $60 for games in 2000. 20+ years later, and I’m supposed to be livid that most are still $60. The amount of whining is so crazy it’s embarrassing.


Good points made for sure!

Give me your favorite Halloween meals! (

So I know Halloween isn’t a day with a huge meal tradition like xmas or tday, but I’m having some dear friends stay with me that weekend and I would love to cook up something Halloweeny. So I’m curious, do any of you have any go-to meals/dishes for Halloween? No real requirements here, it can be outright spooky/gross or...


Obvious is good! I’ve never made pumpkin soup actually. Any pointers or recipes you like?


Beef stew is one of my fav meals in general, so this is a great tradition that I may steal!


Lol there we go!


Lentils are so underappreciated, love this idea!


Yummy! I’ve been trying to source legit wild rice from a tribe in Minnesota but it’s proven tougher than I thought. Any suggestions on where to source?


This is awesome! What a fun idea!


Potatoes improve everything, great tips. Thanks!


I’m with you there. I prefer more acid than most, apple cider is a great call. Thanks!


Yeah, this is my attempt to increase the activity around here. Your point is well made though!


What a delightful idea, thanks for the suggestion!


Picked up Warhammer Dark Tide since it’s on gamepass. I played 8 hours straight. This could be bad…lol


Some people truly have nothing going on in their lives. I’d feel bad for them if they weren’t destructive. Alanah is awesome. The line about them being jealous of her successes is accurate here.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


This is so true. I bought the anniversary collection years ago. When I went to play SF1 I was flabbergasted. It’s legitimately terrible. Even by standards back then. Though, as someone who is a bit obsessed currently, I am so glad they kept up with it.

Favorite uses for cucumbers (

Just inherited a bunch of cucumbers from a friend’s garden. I love them just on their own with some salt, and have made many a salad using them. I’m curious what kinds of fun things you all may use them for. Even if you feel like it’s basic please share as I will be eating cucumbers for the next several days straight lol....


Eternal Champions. Such a cool concept, a great cast of characters, and great graphics for the time. Spent so many hours playing it with my brothers growing up. Xavier was the fucking best.


Nice read and very happy for Galante! He is clearly a fan of gaming who made something awesome for fans of gaming. It’s not exactly a game I got addicted to (played maybe 10 or 15 hours total?) but it truly is such a refreshing treat. If you haven’t tried it, give it a go. It’s super nostalgic and super easy to pick up immediately. Mostly, I’m excited to see what other things Galante and his team can do! But as long as they are happy continuing to make Vampire Survivors as good as they can, I’m happy for them.

What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Ever since the language puzzle in Tunic that got me to fill up 6 pocket sized pages of notes over multiple days while trying to puzzle it out as I tried to and, eventually, succeeded at translating the in-game “paper” manual, I’ve had a craving for games that force you to pull out a notebook and take notes/puzzle things...


Nice read, thanks for sharing! The NES will always be the epicenter of my lifelong love for gaming. I will always remember receiving Megaman 2 for my bday. We had other games, but as the youngest of three boys, it was the first game that was truly mine. And I will never forget the weird ass cover art it had lol.


As a massive Destiny fan, I was around for all of that as it happened. So so so glad to hear this is how it turned out. These kind of people need to be made examples of, and I hope he has a miserable time trying to recover.


Such a classic. Genre defining for the time. Great characters, awesome worlds to explore, great music. It still holds up too!!


Conker's Bad Fur Day is available too for those that want to relive that amazingness!


So much Street Fighter 6. I've played fighting games my whole life, but I'm enjoying taking this one a little more seriously. I still suck in online but am slowly improving! Also playing Back 4 Blood with some friends, which is always fun!


This setup looks like a dream. Jealous, but also stoked for you all!

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