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NFS OST remade for kids

One of the weird realization for me as I learnt English and listened to authors who contributed to these games, is that many remastered their tracks to exclude swear words and obvious mentions of drugs, or was it EA specialists? NFS Underground and Most Wanted games were filled with rap and metal, but still got rated for teens...


NFS Hot Pursuit 2 has some tracks from Hot Action Cop that has basically unintelligible lyrics. Listening to the originals, they’re raunchy as hell. One of them was even used as intro music.


What a deep cut. One of my favorite tracks from him.


This has the vibe of the Sims 2 voice that would leave for work saying “Shy-bye”.


There is a puzzle in the original Portal that you can solve by stacking up a bunch of cameras. For the longest time, I had always done this and never attempted to properly solve the puzzle.


Somewhat surprisingly, I’m not able to quickly find someone doing it on YouTube, but it’s the puzzle where there’s a cube propping open a wall panel where Ratman was. There’s several cameras in there. If you take all of the cameras and your cube, you can basically make some janky stairs and climb your way up to the next section.




This could actually work if they go the way of the Need for Speed movie and try not to directly tie it to any one game’s storyline. Absolute banger of a game universe with plenty of potential for fun.


Exactly. Some of my favorite movies are not at all masterpieces but you can tell the whole cast and crew are enjoying their time on set. I’m hoping this is that.


If this is true, please let there be a story sequel, too. I want more BT, dammit!


I second Horizon. There are moments where I’m convinced the graphics are pre-rendered when cranked to the max.


I’d also settle for Spider-Man 2 or the Ratchet & Clank remake.


This is why you should use a very unique typewriter model so the extra on Law & Order gets to play the local typewriter shop salesman that can instantly identify the typeface.


I guess I get it a little bit, but do these get custom labels and a box? Being limited run, it’s probably cost prohibitive to press them. On top of this, unless you go digging, does this make any difference to how the game runs?

Just seems odd to complain about this. Maybe I’m missing something.

Edit: looked again and missed the fact that these won’t run on the actual hardware. Now I get it. Yeah. This would annoy me, too.


Thanks for the summary. I started on PS1 and we haven’t really seen many fan projects for anything in that era just yet. I’m hoping this type of stuff makes it to PS1 and above at some point so I can enjoy this type of nostalgia.

Now I know to look out for this sort of stuff if we ever do make it to that point.


I’ve found it useful for getting approaches to programming projects. Rarely does it completely solve my problems, but it keeps me headed in the right direction.

I’m also partway through making my first ARG and it’s super useful for generating ideas, especially when I feed it my established lore because it can keep ideas within that universe.

I’ve found overall, it’s best to use it to fill in the gaps on ideas I have in general. I theoretically could make all of the content myself from scratch, but I’m honestly terrible at all the little details in many cases. It allows me to not dwell on the little stuff.


What Remains of Edith Finch is a great way to break this metric as well. Fantastic emotional rollercoaster of a story that’s over in about 2-3 hours. The original Portal also fits here. Probably about 4-6 hours for most people, but hits hard on quality and impact.


I have a fun time with the Rockstar Launcher for RDR2. It’s a 50/50 chance it will actually launch properly. The other half of the time, it tells me I don’t have access rights to the game.

Thanks, DRM!


I guess the market for this is people who… um… it’s for someone that… uh…

Who the fuck would buy this?

Like, is it for people who don’t know about literally any other PC handheld?


San Francisco Rush 2049 for me. Looked so much better than on the other consoles, too.

Also Crazy Taxi. So much Crazy Taxi.


I’ve always seen it like this: Being single and content with yourself is always better than being in a relationship where they make you doubt yourself. And this is coming from being single for about 8 years now.

If the person you’re with makes you feel unsafe, they’re ultimately not benefiting you. It’s a trap you can find yourself in where you attach the happy moments to the present.

On top of all of this, anyone who demands access to your phone is just not someone I would trust. They assume you have something to hide because they have something to hide themselves.


Indie indie indie. It’s a play on AAA games, as far as I understand it.


Lucid dreaming can have more to do with visualizing the possibilities. There’s a great quote from Waking Life that touches on exactly this:

The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because, if you can do that, you can do anything.

Lucid dreaming lets you see how obtainable those dreams can be.


Super glad to see this for these guys. I’ve been messing around with UEVR for a ton of games and it’s worked really well for most of them. It’ll be great seeing this same dev team get to make some money from their efforts.


The rare times a complex had a map of the complex when I was delivering was a godsend.


If you somehow haven’t come across it, Distance is a spiritual successor; wings, stunts and all.


“Joes Barbecue and Funeral Home: Your Loss Helps Make Our Sauce”


The thing that just doesn’t make sense to me about parking minimums for most places is, what are the consequences if you can’t access said business in the moment?

I can understand if it’s a hospital, grocery store or large supermarket where all the essentials are, but for your little mom and pop small business, you just come back later when they’re less busy.

Besides, if all 2-3 spots are full at a tiny shop like this, it’s not likely you’ll get timely service anyway.


I’ve never deleted an email from my inbox and I have all of the sunset emails from them, including this one!



At the time it came out, not really. There wasn’t really anything else to compete with it. If I’m not mistaken, it was the first handheld FPGA console.


Was just emulating this last night. Thank heavens for PCSX2 at 4k60. The art is so well done in this game it still looks awesome at high res.

I still get flashbacks to the Tropical Drive Westbound time trial with the F1 car. Took me years before I got good enough to beat it. Also one of the first games that I got 100% on.


This is still my favorite meme of all time and I have no idea why.


Definitely not the case. You can easily get all-in-one mini PCs for $400-500 that can play most any new game at 1080p without much issue. Thanks to all the new stuff like DLSS/FSR, you can get away with a lot more for a lot less.


I have been wanting more Okami since the first time I completed it in 2009. I just want more of this universe! (And no, Okamiden on the DS just isn’t the same)


Bullet heaven is what I’ve heard as an antithesis of bullet hell. You’re the source of the bullets.


I’ll pick up maybe one or two games a year at full price. Just about everything else goes in a wishlist and I’ll just wait for a sale.


I finally started messing around with the Hitman games for the first time and their game design would feel fantastic as a Bond thriller. I can’t wait to give this a shot.


140GB for PC. Wow. That’s pretty insane. Guess I’ll be saving this for the end of the month.

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