@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



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@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Nice try, buster. She’s married.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

1+ (719) 266-2837

But I can’t go for that. No.

No can do.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

…Some day we’ll find it,
The rainbow connection
The lovers,
the dreamers,
and me.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

When you find the woman who is impressed, or at least stick around and shares her stories, then you found a keeper.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This reminds me of the women’s meme about bringing up horoscopes, even if you don’t believe in them, to see how he reacts.

This could be the spear counterpart; if she walks away when younhistory rant, it wasn’t meant to be.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m happy to see this meme updated with the BAU.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

We’re the black hoodie guy, which is the media aesthetic the way Ninjas are decked in Kabuki black.

Real ninjas look like peasants because they’re covert operatives. Hacktivists look like lower class tech geeks with a band or brand tee (maybe an overworn prized possession like a 1980s Apple tee). The thing is, we willfully choose to look bland, to be not noticed.

uriel238, (edited )
@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Nearest municipal fire department, assuming the city hires women for firefighters. San Francisco did in the late 1980s

ETA SFFD still does in the 2020s and yes, they’re still swoonworthy and would make Themiscyra proud.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In the States police can bust you on false charges and it will typically (but not always) fly in court.

They also have strong phone cracking software, despite what FBI says about piles of evidence locked away in phones.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This may be the first time a federal ruling has been made but I don’t know if it applies to state crimes. Many counties across the nation have ruled one way or another.

SCOTUS once ruled law enforcemeny cannot compel you to unlock a device at all and cannot access your phone without a warrant, but I don’t know if that is current. Police can legally lie to you (and beat you with a $5 wrench and pronably get away with it in court).

They also have strong phone cracking packages despite FBI’s lament about evidence locked away in seized devices.

Generally, do not consent to searches or cooperate without a lawyer present. Expect everything an officer tells you is intended to mislead. They will even lie in court to the judge.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

As an pedantic note regarding existential philosophy, while popular religions feature a god or a pantheon that is aligned with and interested in human civilization, these presumptions are not necessary in theistic models.

As counter examples, the Meso-American gods were largely malevolent to humankind, as are Lovecraft’s elder gods.

It might be a troubling possibility that even if the universe is a simulation that life on Earth, and all of human history are merely emergent from natural laws doing their thing.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m less worried about Dr. Tyson as I am the countess Christian and Muslim apologists who serm to believe evidence in a generic deity or prime mover is significant evidence in favor of their own narrative of preference, especially when they assert their understanding of the divine carries authority in human society.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

To be fair, in the aughts the US George W. Bush administration totally did torture for no good reason (except so that plutocrats could enjoy knowing brown people were suffering) and the US public let them get away with it, and even let the congressional report stay classified.

The Palestinian genocide’s been part of the plan for a century now, though it was originally a British colonial plan.

The only difference now is that news media moguls don’t control the narrative. Hopefully that’s enough to get them to stop, but I doubt it.

Watching Iran’s recent attempted revolution, violence is always unthinkable until the hour it’s inevitable. They’ll keep killing until enough people decide collectively it’s time to kill back. Our plutocrats would rather scorch the Earth than lose their power, and this is exactly what is happening. Even if we just want them to be part of an egalitarian society with the rest of us.

I’m pretty sure it’s not a good thing that Mahsa Amini has to die before Molotov cocktails are thrown and precincts are burned, if that is what is necessary to stop genocide. The problem is, it isn’t going to help Mahsa Amini. It didn’t help Armita Geravand. Whoever triggers the next public unrest won’t be helped either, so this paradigm sucks.

So I wonder if all of Palestine will have to be lost before the people of the world are willing to take seriously the threat that our plutocratic elite present to the rest of us (and themselves). I hope not. But then I’m afraid the death of five million Palestinians still won’t be enough.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yes, the quotes on later paragraphs is to remind the reader that Gandalf is still speaking and weaving his long tale about getting captured by Saruman and rescued bt the eagles, oh and that Saruman is a player in Sauron’s bid for world domination.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oh, when it comes to torture, we can rule out actual proper interrogation, given the military (and CIA) were schooled enough to know the techniques developed by Hanns Scharff (which do not require violence or cruelty) are far more effective than enhanced interrogation. To the contrary, Rumsfeld actively sought to circumvent Geneva Convention proscriptions against torture, even trying to suggest waterboarding isn’t torture. (Plenty of pundits, whether right-wing and trying to be macho, or left-wing and trying to demonstrate that they are being impartial, got waterboarded by SERE to get a first-hand experience, and they all found it was unbearable, traumatic and caused lasting – possibly permanent – psychological symptoms. It est, waterboarding looks, smells, waddles and quacks like torture.)

The only reason people were tortured by agents of the United States, either by the US armed forces, or by CIA in its extrajudicial detention and enhanced interrogation program, is because plutocrats with influence within the government wanted revenge over 9/11 and blamed every Arab Muslim in existence, and wanted them to suffer.

This doesn’t necessarily inform the countless other war crimes that were committed in the global War on Terror, or Iraqi Freedom, but there really is no strategic or diplomatic reason to torture, so it had to be done for aristocratic kicks.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

All four, but since I’m eepy (and old), I just teach theory to the young Chaos Activists.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I thought the Netflix part was just an excuse, a brand-safe justification for getting the victim invitee into the house. On those occasions Netflix it not a lie, it’s used to show a b-grade movie everyone has seen that won’t distract from making out and getting totally railed.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Far more fierce than the Pickelhaube.

Also, holy shit, have you seen the skirt and thigh-highs on the Prussian infantry that wore Pickelhauben? That would go perfectly with cat ears!

How to revitalize this sub?

I love the original patientgamers subreddit so I was stoked to find this community. And because lemmy seems to have a more knowledgeable crowd any topic I posted here had great engagement and discussions, despite the small community. I am too busy to be a mod but maybe I can help by sparking this discussion: what would be needed...

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Post when games get a free day on platforms like Steam or GOG?

Post when games are at a new low price point (< $20 USD and < 50% their launch price?)

I’m waiting for Rimworld to drop to $15.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Collective voting efforts will slow the fascist push some, enough that sabotage, monkey-wrenching and the destabilization of the GOP might allow some efforts to re-empower the public to happen… or at least drive the MAGAs to start the civil war prematurely, putting them again on the side against the state.

Voting is important, but it’s not the force for change we were promised it was.

For that we will have to expose the rich enough that everyone knows how tasty they are.

Oh and remember what the French did whenever the monarchists started rolling back civil rights.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, if I’m staring at you, it means a) I’m thinking about what I’m cooking at home, or balancing HOR production with HOR-to-fuel conversion in Satisfactory and b) my eyes are so bad (I haven’t had prescription glasses for years now) that you’re a blur of colors.

That said, I wonder if she likes board games.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It just amazes me that LLMs are that easily directed to reveal themselves. It shows how far removed they are from AGI.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Actually, yes. Much the way a guide dog has to disobey orders to proceed into traffic when it isn’t safe. Much the way direct orders may have to be refused or revised based on circumstances.

We are out of coffee is a fine reason to fail to make coffee (rather than ordering coffee and then waiting forty-eight hours for delivery or using pre-used coffee grounds, or no coffee grounds.)

As per programming with any other language, error trapping and handling is part of the AGI development.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am I, Don Quixote!
The Lord of La Mancha!
Destroyer of evil am I!
I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory
Forever to conquer or die

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Some vets I knew with PTSD and sleepwalking would do things like that. One guy would try tying himself to noisemakers or restrain himself securely, and his sleepwalking self would undo those safeguards, do mischief and then come back and re-secure himself, but do it wrong so he knew he was up and moving in the night.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I get 196 in my feed. That is technically not a visit.

That said, I post sometimes, carefully curating what I post.

Maybe that’s my problem.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I wish I had a team of fellow emo types willing to intervene on my behalf.

Usually it’s dudes with ties saying I’m a problem for being too emo.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Prosecuted, maybe, but it would be the greatest bean heist in history. …As soon as I find a grocery store that has 167,217,600 cans of beans in stock.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

At first glance I thought these were just response pics to when I made an oopsie and someone else pointed it out.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In the mid aughts, as the US political train switched into overdrive towards fascism and autocracy (yes, the signs were evident even then) I did some deep dives on the holocaust, not just to acknowledge how bad it was (I did regret that) but also to understand the steps from just collect the undesirables and send them away to time to stuff the untermenschen into the giant execution machine and watch it go brrrrr

That way, when someone claimed it was inappropriate to compare what’s happening in the US to the Holocaust, I could point out along the timeline where we recently were, and are now, and how the train is totally on schedule and we totally bought a ticket to ride.

It’s not an eternal string of words, but it is a very grisly, ugly one.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Obligatory XKCD

Integration is what ruined my comp-sci career. I couldn’t make the numbers go. My teacher called me Baroque.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Subway’s got a lot more problems than the unsavory personal life of its past spokesperson, but the sandwitch guy at the local one is just a wretch who doesn’t get commissions (or, likely, tips) for his service. I’d take a look at John Oliver’s main LWT segment on Subway Sandwiches.

However, the child sexual assault scandals and cover-ups of religious ministries is not unique to the Roman Catholic Church and but is epidemic among major ones, conspicuously centered around youth ministries.

And it’s indicative of a system that doesn’t sufficiently vet people who work with kids (contrast faculty of public schools) and aims more to silence victims and preserve the (now false) reputation of the church rather than preserve justice and transparency and care for the victims.

It speaks ill of organizations that allegedly carry God’s favor that they feel compelled to keep secrets and allow sexual violence to fester within their own ranks.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sheer numbers assures us that there are dastards among all walks.

But yes the Christian nationalist movement does seem to have high numbers glad to dispose of the rest of us and turn the US and its states into a one-party autocracy.

Curiously, Evangelist academics have warned this could really set back the acceptance of Christianity, who will be regarded for decades the way Nazis were in the late 20th century. (Shunned and sometimes hunted.)

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Some Catholics.

A friend of mine is deeply Catholic, teaches high school American history, has progressive values (is pro-civil-rights) and explains it that he has a spot in his brain for all the church stuff, wheras the rest of his brain adheres to science and the secular morality we’ve developed through trial and error and beating back the dominance-minded shenanigans of plutocrats. I’ve met many Catholics like him.

But then theres Brett Kavanaugh and all the rest of the Federalist Society, who believe in pre-constitutional feudalism (so long as they get to be aristocrats).

So I’m pretty sure Catholics can be kind and compassionate and merciful despite their faith. But doing so is quite common.

uriel238, (edited )
@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

They kill over 50,000 dogs a year. Among The 1000+ (up to 5000) people they kill, half of them are unarmed and not resisting.

A long time ago, another country had a similar problem, the Weimar Republic which was patrolled by Freikorps militias who took and killed what they wanted, and it was better to comply than see a massacre in your village. It’d be from these that the Sturmabteilung and Schutzstaffel would be recruited in the early days of NSDAP.

The second amendment in the US has never been extended to marginalized groups, and when the (successfully anarcho-capitalist anarcho-communist!) Black Panthers rose in the 1960s to protect black neighborhoods and engage in mutual aid, FBI engaged in an assassination campaign to hunt down and murder its leaders and theorists.

Edit: BPP were anarcho-communist, not an-cap. I’m a derp and was typing on mobile. Sorry all.

ETA: Huh. Raccoon doesn’t show strikeout text.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Curiously, the societies that used horses as a primary transit mode beat out the ones for whom oxen were the primary transit mode. Horses in Europe in the early middle ages were so specific to the noble class that it was assumed a guy with a horse was noble, and a noble without a horse was just a commoner. (This was before the merchant class messed the hierarchy up.)

So yeah, when the Mongols came with their society in which everyone was on horseback, it was a game changer.

Curiously, with the rise of firearms (involving centuries of tech races between crossbows and firearms vs. heavier armor) there was an overabundance for a while of heavy warhorses. Then someone invented the shoulder harness which allowed horses to pull a load without getting strangled.

That said, it’s always neat to see when fiction writers actually do their worldbuilding homework and work out details like personal transit, freight, mail and so on and how they are affected by the diegetic mythical aspects.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It still befuddles me, especially since it’s a specific format for a horror story: A bunch of rich people pay through the nose for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and of course it kills them (though the final girl might escape). The Menu was a recent example. Maybe to get Stockton Rushed should now mean to buy a super expensive experience or trip or thing that kills you.

A drug named Stockton Rush would be super expensive, and the most amazing trip ever, and fatally toxic.

So if you’re hiring someone to chart out your trip to Everest or the Titanic or the moon or something, it’s good to get your legal team to do some due diligence and make sure the company knows what its doing. (For a deeper dive, check out Behind the Bastards’ two-parter on Stockton Rush. All the warning signs were there he was doing mad science and not listening to his deep-sea experts.

Also, the door that only can be opened from the outside was total early foreshadowing.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

According to Behind The Bastards they could hear the carbon fiber hull deteriorating below 4000’ and Rush dismissed it as settling.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

True. It was also intentional whereas an IRL stockton-rush is more likely to kill you through incompetence or underestimating the challenges. (A lot of people die on Mt. Everest just from the elements and preparation miscalculations.) Though if you die because you hired the Joker, that might be incompetence on your own behalf.

My take on The Menu is that the Hawthorne exploded due to compound stress of its staff. While this is accurate representation of the restaurant industry as a whole (in the US at least), their austere lifestyle may have accelerated the process.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Obviously I am playing my cat craze run.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Laziness is indistinguishable from avolition a symptom of depression. Laziness, and its predecessor sloth are just terms of abuse used by the ownership class to admonish the working class.

No one wants to work in a toxic work environment, and the only reason we tolerate them, and workplace bullying is through extortion, because we have to, to eat.

But 2020 lockdown furlough and the great resignation that followed demonstrates to us that people aren’t lazy at all, and will turn to other ways to be productive when given half a chance. But bosses really like to enjoy their place in dominance hierarchy, and can’t actually be bothered to manage their companies – we see very little exercise of management, that is getting to know and understand the workforce and regard them in a way to maximize productivity – instead we see bosses deliberately choosing to engage in abusive and self-indulgent behavior, or enact policy that only deteriorates productivity, as we’ve seen with the return-to-work mandates. (Studies have shown people who work from home are as productive or even more so on average.)

So no. Laziness is not a thing. If someone can couch-potato for two weeks and not get cabin fever, then they’re dealing with mental health issues, possibly exacerbated by a mean boss and a shitty work environment.

@uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You appear to be talking about a specific incident. Most people in the states cannot afford to walk out in the face of sexual assault or extortion.

Are you in a position where you can freely reveal details about what happened?

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