A Christian Nation that follows Biblical Laws is possible in Alberta. God is winning, let’s work together to keep it that way.

All denominations, all Christians, imagine a world where Government obeys Gods rules.

  • no corporate regulation
  • Legal system changed to include biblical punishments for criminality
  • abortion outlawed
  • LGBTQ in all forms outlawed
  • Sodomy outlawed
  • removal of false science from education - no big bang, no evolution, no genetics, only Biblical truths
  • Bible study in school
  • banning of non-Christian symbols, films, books, music to keep society pure
  • required church attendance will help non-believers see the truth and accept Jesus
  • Hard work goes back to men, as women see their tremendous value in motherhood
  • banning of all non-Christian immigration
  • banning non-Christian political parties for democracy as God intended.



Do all of us a solid, and jump off a mountain. Your sick and twisted version of reality has no place in our world. You aren’t an elected politician, so quit trying to shape our laws.


The First Nations aren't going to be happy with this


Most First Nations are Christians and no -longer teach blasphemy and satanic religion.

kent_eh, (edited )

Most First Nations are Christians

Only because it was literally beaten into them in the residential schools.

no -longer teach blasphemy and satanic religion.

Everyone’s religion is blasphemous to other religions.

And traditional first nations beliefs are not Satanic. Satan was never part of their religious beliefs - that’s another concept that Christians imposed on them.


Sometimes some people must fall in pursuit of greater things. BringingFirst Nations people to God was worth every bit of difficulty they had in school


Fucking fascist.


Take Back Alberta is the worst of all Albertans. Fuck off with your backwater religious nonsense.

But also, thank goodness that you’re so transparent and open about your rampant stupidity. That’s helpful.


Kindly crawl back to your cave, the brain leeches are missing you.


You had me until the outlawing of sodomy.


Hail Satan!

stanleytweedle, (edited )

A ‘Christian’ nation thumping the bible while completely ignoring Jesus’ message. Sounds about right.

We’ve got “Hard work goes back to men” but nothing about “Feeding the hungry”. I really wish I could even be surprised but this is exactly what you’d expect.

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