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Though now I realize you actually have to get referred by one of the other members in order to start posting

That is done with the intention of keeping the quality of content high.

I doubt they want to get flooded with low effort “let’s play” gamers or even lower effort AI voiceover stock footage crap.


Of course, but you can’t fight everyone.

Choosing your battles and focusing your efforts wisely can generally accomplish more.

kent_eh, (edited )

The resellers still use (and pay fees to) those incumbent networks who own the physical infrastructure.

And they’re reliant on those networks they are competing with to respond to outages in a timely manner.

You’re fooling yourself is you think you are significantly hurting “the big guys” by going with a reseller.

The only reason to go with a reseller is if they offer better plans.

How the “Queen of Canada” and Conspiracy Theorists Splintered a Small Town | The Walrus (

Few people drive into Richmound, Saskatchewan, without purpose. The town, with a population of just over 100, lies around seventy-five kilometres from the Trans-Canada Highway, near the Alberta border. So when a caravan of RVs and motorhomes drove into town one day last September, it caused quite a stir. The vehicles were...


Are these lunatics still out there? I would have thought they’d have got bored, run out of money and wandered off by now.


As a country, we’ve made deliberate decisions to ignore developing mass transit,

But as an individual, I need to have an income, and I need a place to live that my income will support sustainably.

I don’t get a say in where the affordable homes are in relation to where my work needs to be done. And I don’t get a say in the transportation infrastructure between those locations.


but it’s kinda hard to mop the floors where I work from home.

Yeah, the “everyone should work from home” factions seems to forget those of us whose work requires us being able to touch the things we’re working on.

kent_eh, (edited )

This started way back in the 2000s and has snow-balled the last 10 years.

It was pretty common back in the '90s.

My family was approached several times by people representing foreign corporate buyers trying to buy our farm.

A few older farmers sold because they were getting too old to keep working and their kids had no interest in farming.


they hate the boneheaded ideas thought up in Parliament

Such as this bonehead “national service” idea that a few conservative parliamentarians are suggesting?

This idea isn’t one coming from the NDP or Liberals.


Nobody is seriously talking about mandatory service in Canada are they?

The NatPo article that this article is responding to is the first time I’ve heard about it in recent years.


In America, it’s starkly divided by generational lines,

Not as much as the “lol boomers” crowd would have you believe.

There’s a lot more <50 at Trump’s rallies than >60.

Same with the Jan6 traitors. Lots of them were <40


So they market themselves as the just the strong man you need to deal with these problems

Without ever specifying how they’re planning on fixing those problems.

And more often than not, the problems they claim to be able to deal with were not anything people were thinking about until that same candidate told them they should be concerned about it.


From your first link:

Across the country, small business owners who attended the pro-Trump event are facing backlash

That gives me some small measure of hope for the future.

kent_eh, (edited )

Most First Nations are Christians

Only because it was literally beaten into them in the residential schools.

no -longer teach blasphemy and satanic religion.

Everyone’s religion is blasphemous to other religions.

And traditional first nations beliefs are not Satanic. Satan was never part of their religious beliefs - that’s another concept that Christians imposed on them.


Ukraine has no interest in a ceasefire that causes them to lose territory to the Russian invaders.

And rightfully so.

kent_eh, (edited )

Putin is welcome to cease firing and get his army back on the other side of the fucking border any time he likes.


He’s one of my favorite rednecks on youtube.


Do you realize there are 5 cases already like this? Do you know why? Because this mistake is super common.

Maybe it’s common for Americans to be this lax with their weaponry?

I don’t see the citizens of other countries making the same “common” mistake.


Those aren’t mutually exclusive terms.


Fixing yet another part of Harper’s shitty legacy.

kent_eh, (edited )

it will just crash on you before you even find out

Older versions may have had issues with that, but I haven’t encountered any crashing in over 2 years. (And I i do 6 youtube videos per month with it)

kent_eh, (edited )

Lightburn for controlling laser engravers.

It’s pretty much the only choice on Linux (though it is cross platform). Free 30 day trial, then ~$80 lifetime licence.

The other choice is LaserGRBL, which is open source, but doesn’t seem to have a Linux port for some reason. And it has a lot fewer features, with a more complex workflow.


What are they gonna do? Set up “settlements” in Ireland and Spain?


Part of me this at this point that Netanyahu is partially prolonging the war because he wants Democrats to be divided and Trump to win so he has an even friendlier US.

That also seems to be part of Putin’s plan.

kent_eh, (edited )

seriously doubt the USA will exist in 50 years

As someone in a country that shares a land border with the Americans, I am increasingly concerned about the instability (and likely violence) that will accompany that impending collapse.

I hope sanity can prevail, but it’s looking pretty bleak.


Because most countries are not like the US.

It’s odd to see this level of American exceptionalism in the wild.


Meanwhile the mis/dis-information campaigns continue to roll along at an ever accelerating speed around the world.

kent_eh, (edited )

How arrogant of those American governers to assume they can just dictate how other countries deal with people smuggling weapons into their country (even if those people claim to have done it as a casual accident).


I feel bad for the staff who have to enforce this bull shit.

When they try, shit like this happens:…/food_fare_staff_attacked_by_susp…

Broken teeth and infected gums: 46K claims filed so far with Canadian Dental Care Plan (

Massive cavities, mouthfuls of broken teeth, bleeding gums and abscesses — they’re just some of the serious dental issues Dr. Melvin Lee has treated in less than two weeks of providing care under Canada’s new public dental insurance plan.


However, the Federal government has limited options when it comes to influencing the provincial health care programs.

Exactly. Half of the provinces (the ones with conservative governments, to the surprise of nobody) were fighting against the feds doing any sort of dental care program.

I’m plesantly surprised they were able to get even this weak program operational.


I only take offence when others are forced to be exposed to it.

People such as the staff who have to work in the smoke filled environment?


I can almost guarantee you that very few (if any) service industry jobs are paying $34.95 per hour.

And if they are, those aren’t anywhere near full time hours.


It does also show Russia that Ukraine is capable of bypassing their defenses and successfully attacking infrastructure (or military installations/encampments) several hundred kilometers inside Russia.

And doing it multiple times.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


Thats something that a lot of people seem to forget. This fight has been going on in one form or another since the creation of the modern state of Israel. And there is an almost unlimited amount of blood on the hands of both the Israelis and Palestinians. (As well as the colonial countries who set up the borders in the first place)

kent_eh, (edited )

As a citizen of one of those “more Northern countries”, that is one of the things that concerns me.



There is a difference in how Canada Post treats “unaddressed admail” and addressed mail (even if it is an advertisement).

Just how far is Pierre Poilievre willing to take the notwithstanding clause? (

In January, the Federal Court found that the Trudeau government’s use of the Emergencies Act to respond to the protests of the self-styled freedom convoy in 2022 was not properly justified — a decision the federal government is now appealing....


I was really hoping the next election would feature a normal Tory leader

Given the state of conservatism globally, I don’t think you will get your wish for quite some time.


giving Netanyahu the 26 Billion in bombs

An American tradition of blindly supporting Israel since 1947


Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.

After a few centuries of doing that, how about we try the opposite for a while?


I’ve actually heard it’s incredibly difficult to retrofit office space into condos/apartments.

It is. Difficult, time consuming and expensive.

But even with that, I’ve seen a couple happen that seem to have been sucessful.

It took them almost 3 years between commercial tenants leaving and residential tenants moving in, but it from what I can tell, it appears to have been sucessful.


The 2 projects I witnessed had to re-do the plumbing, electrical, elevators, fire detection/sprinklers, HVAC, and exterior glass, in addition to gutting every interior wall and doing a full asbestos removal.

It was a lot of work, over several years, but they now have full residential occupancy, so it seems to have worked out.


That’s a large part of it.

I think China is also studying the western response to Russia as they think about their own future activities in Taiwan


I hope this trend continues internationally.

kent_eh, (edited )

If there is some sort of cease fire, the UN needs to bring in a Cyprus style peace keeping force to physically stand between Israel and Palestine for a generation (or probably more).

Anything less will just lead to the same repeated outbursts of violence that we’ve seen for the past 70 years.



As I said, it’s not a quick fix, but is has managed to keep the Greeks and Turks from killing each other there since the 1960s.

kent_eh, (edited )

Questionable if the are fully aware what their role is.

I doubt they are explicitly told they are cannon fodder.

But I also doubt they have been offered a lot of other options, either.

“Fight and maybe die, or refuse and guaranteed you will die a slow painful death in a gulag.”


Of course, the problem with crown corporations is that as soon as the Conservatives get into power, they’ll sell it for pennies

See also: PetroCan


I think nationalizing the industry is a far better state than what we have now

You may recall that was attempted in small part with the creation of Petro Canada.

And that it was subsequently privatized by a subsequent conservative government.

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