
Not bootlicking, just reading the letter of the law. I read this more as “don’t be a total dick about it” so I’d love to hear a contract attorney’s take on this.


??? There’s nothing in this wording that implies anything more than “don’t negatively review us”


There’s nothing in this wording that implies anything more than “don’t negatively review us”

It’s says subjective negative reviews. it seems if you say “It kept crashing” or “this feature wasn’t working” or “this feature was super bugged” those aren’t subjective.


All reviews are subjective by definition. Your examples are observations, not reviews. A review is my opinion of the product based on my experience. Like honestly, if you ever wrote a review about anything on Steam, or IMDB, or GoodReads or whatever, go find it and remove everything that’s subjective and see what you’ll end up with. Not like you’d be able to post it, because they require you give a score, which is inherently subjective.


There’s nothing in the definition of review that requires it to be subjective. It’s shocking that you didn’t even stop to look it up to first figure out if this is accurate.


I did and it does. For example the Merriam-Webster English Dictionary defines review as:

a critical evaluation

Whereas evaluation is defined as:

determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone

It’s subtle, but it’s in there. The examples you gave don’t fall under this definition, as they don’t determine anything, they’re just statements of facts. However the statement “this game is shit” is a determination of quality and thus a review. If you just stop for a moment and think about it, you’ll realise that it is impossible to determine the quality of a video game in a purely objective way.


you’ll realise that it is impossible to determine the quality of a video game in a purely objective way.

The only subtle thing here is the subtle change in your wording from simple “review” to “determine the quality.” I agree with you there, as whether you think something is good or bad is subjective.

But it appears you realize Im right, which is why you’re trying to reframe it. Why is it hard for you to admit you were wrong? It’s okay, no one is perfect.


I literally gave you a definition that says a review means to determine quality, I just assumed you would make the connection between that definition and the sentence you quoted, but apparently you’re too dense for that. The only error I made in this conversation is assuming that your reading comprehension is above that of a 3rd grader

EatATaco, (edited )

I literally gave you a definition that says a review means to determine quality

Or” do you really not know what that word means? Do you really not realize that when you cherry pick one part of a definition that it doesn’t mean none of the others apply? really such an idiot that you don’t know this? Or is it just that you’re willing to be completely dishonest in defense of your ego?

And of course you don’t address the fact that I called out your reframing. Stupid and dishonest. Lol


You’re only strengthening my theory that you have absolutely no reading comprehension. Or you’re just trolling. Literally none of the things you just said make any logical sense whatsoever and I refuse to believe that anyone that passed elementary school can be so absolutely illiterate.

Please do tell me how if I wrote the whole definition there of “determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone” instead of shortening it to just “determine quality” it would make my entire point completely invalid.

And literally how can you look at my comment and, with straight face, say that I didn’t address your claim of “reframing”. It was all literally addressing it. But ok, you’re a moron so you might have not understood my point so let me put it in simpler terms:

Me show you the definition of word Me give an example Me refer to definiton to show example can be described with word You: that’s reframing

Do you see how absurdly idiotic you’re being?


Please do tell me how if I wrote the whole definition there of “determination of the value, nature, character, or quality of something or someone” instead of shortening it to just “determine quality” it would make my entire point completely invalid.

You see that “or” in the definition? The word I already pointed out to you in the previous post? It does not mean “the one thing from this list that I get to pick because it makes me not wrong” it means “any of these things.” I can’t believe someone insulting me as “not having the reading comprehension of a third grader” needs this explained. It’s honestly hilarious. Although, can we appreciate for a second that you first said it was “subtle” but now are trying to argue that “it so obvious even a third grader would figure it out.” lmao. This is classic. Please keep it up.

Do you see how absurdly idiotic you’re being?

If I’m being absurdly idiotic, god help us because no way in hell we’re going to be able to come up with a term describe your stupidity. You’re not giving us nearly enough space to reach the depths of your stupidity if the fact that I understand what “or” means makes me “absurdly idiotic.” lol


I sort of saw it that way, but the last bit about “subjective negative reviews” seems unusual even for contracts.

There’s enough lazy rage bait “Turns out X is DOGSHIT?!?” videos out there that I don’t think it’s unreasonable to put some terms in expecting some professional effort. But disallowing even polite criticisms definitely seems too far.


The opinion of what is and isnt “subjective” is up for a lot of debate even if you dont personally have a major stake in a videogame’s marketing campaign (such as the authors and enforcers of these contracts).


The content creator agrees not to make public comments that are detrimental to the reputation of the game

Sounds pretty clear-cut, if you say anything bad about the game regardless of if it’s true or not then you’re in violation of this contract. That’s ridiculous.

They’re are actually saying you can’t criticize the game. Now, you tell me who is the arbiter of what is and isn’t “criticism”, because it never says constructive criticism isn’t criticism so presumably is also not allowed.

g0d0fm15ch13f, avatar

Ok regardless of whether or not you should be able to. Why the fuck would you? Wouldn’t it be in your ultimate best interest to recieve negative feedback early? So that it could be addressed?


I wager they are angling for the negative feedback to be private.


i feel bad for the developers who worked on it because from what i played so far it looks like a surprising amount of love and care was put into the game. they didn’t need something like this at all to get generally favorable first impressions. shameful display from the suits who are always ready to ruin everything.


Blink twice if you signed the contract…


seriously, i was expecting a complete farce of a game considering it’s fucking NetEase but i was pleasantly surprised. the visuals, lighting and shaders, the particle effects, the UI, everything is so thoughtfully made and in line with the theme. even the alternate skins have “inspired by this comic issue” note attached.


Sounds pretty good. Personally i have no interest in Marvel stuff so its not up my alley, but i always like it when a fanbase gets something they enjoy. Have fun!

Apeman42, avatar

This is utter hogshit, but also seems relatively easy to work around. “I am legally forbidden from sharing my opinions on the quality of Marvel Rivals.” is a pretty clear and succinct review that technically flies under their legal fuckery.


Iron Man is shooting green lasers? wtf?

Edit: After watching the gameplay video, I can say it’s a similar game to Paladins by Hi-Rez studios. The only thing is that Paladins has EAC and makes it unplayable on my OS.


No satire either??

So you can say nothing but praises for the game, but if they detect sarcasm, you’re STILL getting sued?


My first thought is: This is probably a shitty game because if it was good, they wouldn’t be worried.


They are probably concerned because management has decided that the game should be shown off even though it’s probably not ready. This is that kind of clouged together solution.

As per usual it just seems to have blown up in their gormless faces.

Buttons, avatar

This is so stupid. Isn’t this a free-to-play game? With one-time-purchase games you can try to fool people, then take your money and leave while people complain about the game behind you.

But this is a free-to-play game, they intend to make money by gradual ongoing revenue from in-game purchases, etc. You can’t fool people who are actively playing the game.

The contract hurts their image, and prevents them from receiving critical feedback.


I think we should rename this community “gaming controversies” because that’s all that’s ever discussed here.


I’m just curious, what exactly would you prefer to see here? I don’t think this community is specific controversies, but I do think it is, and rightly so, mostly focused on gaming discussion rather than just games. And contentious topics are simply famously those which cause and often merit the most discussion.

Would you prefer instead if all of the posts were simply “How Great Is God of War?” followed by a chain of comments saying nothing but agreement?


I’m excited about the Paradox sale this weekend. Haven’t seen that mentioned anywhere on Lemmy🤷

iterable, avatar

I mean most play tests let you say nothing at all. So not sure if this is better or worse.

Blxter, avatar

I think the difference is that those play tests we are thinking of are for lack of other terms locked down. Playtests I have done were not able to be recorded, streamed and had water markers all over the place. In this case people are playing and streaming making videos at that point you should be able to give opinions on the game.

xkforce, (edited )

Saying nothing at all is better than only being allowed to say good things and none of the bad. The former doesnt shift opinions in either direction but the latter introduces a pro-buying bias to reviews. Good for the publisher and no one else.


It’s worse.

Playtest results inhibit you from disclosing things because they are subject to change. They take gamers’feedback, decide if they want to act on it, and at the end of the day the finished product may look different so it makes no sense for people to loudly state “they have feature X, and they don’t have feature Y” because by release it may be the other way around.

Whereas this type of contract says “idgaf what’s bad about the game, you can only sing its praises online”.

Silence > dishonesty.


If it’s actually a closed beta then it shouldn’t be open to streamers at all. If are going to allow stream is to play it then it’s not really a closed beta. It’s a marketing gimmick.


Every reviewer who signed this should post a review, but of the business practices and why not to buy the game.


engage in any discussions that are detrimental to the reputation of the game

You would literally break the contract


Arguably it’s not detrimental to the reputation of the game, but the company.

“Great game. Never buy it.”


“It’s a game. Don’t buy from them.”


Nope. They would be talking about the company not the game.


Which discourages people from buying the game, thus hurting the game.

Buttons, avatar

“Good game, but the company behind it is shit and required me to sign this contract. <Insert contract clause>. Remember this whenever your reading the totally honest reviews about how good the game is.”


When they reach the aspects of the game that they didn’t like they can just say “let’s skip this next part about CTF mode, because I signed a contract” and let the viewers deduce what they deduce.

01189998819991197253, avatar

It did say “subjective negative reviews”. I would take that to mean that strictly objective negative reviews are perfectly acceptable.


Basically makes any test results null and void


How? The agreement restricts public statements, not negative feedback as a whole.


or providing subjective negative reviews

I’m not sure what your argument is here but it doesn’t seem solid. How is a reviewer supposed to do their job?


The Closed Alpha playtest isn’t an invitation to publicly review, it’s an invitation to playtest. They’re trying to gather data and feedback on an inherently feature-incomplete and unpolished game to help with development. There are going to be private channels for feedback and the playtest data itself is like feedback so public channels are redundant. Obviously Marvel is also just trying to dodge criticism, but that’s not a mutually exclusive reason.

Carighan, avatar

Yeah this seems to be something people are missing. These tests sometimes prohibit all reviewing and commenting in their NDAs (including positive ones). It’s a playtest, not a beta, review copy or pre-release.


You sure? Post doesnt stipulate


It must be a REALLY good game. Only the best games that were already going to get high reviews would ever resort to such a policy

Blxter, avatar

Could be wrong but this does not sound sound outlandish for a alpha. There should be no point to ruin a name/brand before it is out. You should not leave a “review” of a unfinished product.


If the product is unfinished, why is it being released to the public, in any capacity?

If they want to playtest and find bugs in their unfinished product, they should do that. By paying a QA team and playtesters, not by trying to dupe streamers into generating free advertisement.

Blxter, avatar

You have never played an early alpha of a game and signed a NDA to not disclose it I did this with many games the finals, th division heatland, x defient, arc raiders etc. although in this case since there are yt videos and streams seems a little weird. I was uneducated the games I am talking about when I played had watermarks on them and were made for testing etc had no idea the game was like viewable. In this case it looks more like if tarkov or an EA game said you can’t leave reviews.

To clarify yes I fully agree that not ok and didn’t know the full facts.

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