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The new Snapdragon architecture makes this possible for the first time for Linux with comparable performance and lower energy requirements

Perfect for people who love emulation too. Now you can play your favorite Windows x86 games on Wine on Zink on Fex on ARM


I mean… Sounds like the parent is doing the right thing (being interested in their kid’s sport) but for the wrong reason?


Holy smokes people are mad at this thread. I genuinely don’t know why. It’s a valid and good question to have.

Here’s something to get started, although I don’t use any of these so take it with a grain of salt:

  1. Fedora LTS: Approximately 6 months.
  2. openSUSE Leap: Approximately 8 months
  3. Linux Mint LTS: 2 years
  4. Ubuntu LTS: 2 years
  5. Debian: Approximately 2-3 years
  6. RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux): Approximately 3-5 years.
  7. SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE): Approximately 3-5 years

Unmirrorable? The whole thing, including the configs are open source?


Dunno, player count has been +1 since you posted this comment though!


Clearly, someone was not thinking of the children


I’m a big fan of this, but I wish more drastic theming got better love. (yes I’m aware of stopthemeingmyapp or whatever)

South Korea blasts Russia-North Korea deal, says it will consider supplying arms to Ukraine (apnews.com)

South Korea’s presidential office on Thursday condemned an agreement reached by Russia and North Korea that vowed mutual defense assistance in the event of war and said it will reconsider its policy of limiting its support to Ukraine to non-lethal supplies....


According to the text of the deal published by the North’s official Korean Central News Agency, if either country gets invaded and is pushed into a state of war, the other must deploy “all means at its disposal without delay” to provide “military and other assistance.” But the agreement also says that such actions must be in accordance with the laws of both countries and Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which recognizes a U.N. member state’s right to self-defense.

This seems like the bigger point


South Korea, while obviously a US lap dog, likes to pretend to play goodie goodie with China


Yes, but I’m also a South Korean resident, so I think I have a bit of context for what I’m saying.


Not a citizen, just a resident

Edit: I actually tried to upload a blurred out version of my ID but Lemmy said the file was too large


The best thing for the world is to ensure the “defender” of land wins wars, to discourage future wars.

The best thing for South Korea is to not give North Korea any tangible reason to get upset. South Korea is saying they want to help Ukraine, because they want to please the US, but they’ll only do the bare minimum to please the US.


Regarding the charges,

“[The evidence] just wasn’t there. It’s heartbreaking and it’s unsatisfactory but it is where we are at right now,” she said to ABC15 in November after she told victims she wouldn’t file felony charges. “It’s a collision where we cannot show with the evidence that there was a conscious disregard of a risk that this individual made.”

Why is it that someone can run into over a dozen cyclists, killing some, but also not have made a “conscious disregard of risk”? If it’s true that the driver was not consciously disregarding risk, but we still got this outcome, it’s absolutely true that the process for obtaining a permit for his vehicle and/or speeds is way too lenient.


No. For all the memes and fake nonsense, LLMs still give access to a swath of knowledge at a degree easier to access. The current kids using LLMs for questions are probably going to be quite a bit smarter than us


Heads up, check out this project. It’s pretty simple and you might be able to help out too! github.com/rozniak/xfce-winxp-tc


It’s a bit weird; it’s not a theme, but an application. You have to run the programs it builds and add them to your startup (i.e. the WinXP taskbar, etc)

Found a security bug in LMDE6, need some help (i.imgur.com)

I have an older Intel laptop that has a 1600x900 display, and I find that if I put the machine to sleep, connect an external monitor with a higher resolution, and then turn it back on, the login screen doesn’t adjust to the new resolution and it reveals what I had open (see photo)....


This is a known Xorg issue. Distros like TAILS have patches (can’t find a source right now, but it was probably 6+ years ago). The solution is Wayland, since despite TAILS fixing it, no one else seems to have bothered.

(I have the same problem on Fedora 40 XFCE)


He posted online, telling his friends it was time to say goodbye. Then his friend called him up, saying he had an opportunity at his company Eternos.Life for Bommer to build an interactive AI version of himself.

It doesn’t get more tech bro than that


“The situation at that time was that the DMZ was now overgrown with trees and the MDL mark was not clearly visible,” Lee said.

“There was no road, and the (North Korean soldiers) were moving through the bushes, and we were observing (them) even before they got close to the MDL,” Lee said.

“We believe that they did not intend to invade, considering that they immediately moved northward after the warning broadcasts and warning shots.”


The death of Windows means more people will come to Linux


The Venn diagram of supported apps isn’t also a perfect circle. You can’t run VPNs as Flatpaks, and Flathub disallows CLI apps from being submitted (because the UX of using a sandboxed CLI app sucks). Snap doesn’t have these issues.


Helix opens it’s own GUI when you run it. It’s not a CLI app in the same sense as git. I’m curious on the others you mention, since as a packager, I’ve seen firsthand CLI apps being declined (or allowed, but only with a hidden status on flathub.org)


For what it’s worth, I’m impressed your bank has Linux systemd support


Protondb and Winedb both sometimes have steps. I personally use usebottles.com since it makes it easy to run OP runners


him being found guilty will not negatively affect his supporters

Yes, but they were going to vote for him anyways. Trump needs to win more moderates/alt leftists. His betting odds (which are generally much more reliable than polls) dropped 3% after his verdict landed: electionbettingodds.com


Betting odds tend to be the best prediction method for 2 reasons; the first is there is no other good prediction method, and the second is that people who spend time doing analysis will bet on one side if that side’s odds are better than the market is giving it credit for. As an example, my stats professor in 2016 bet 1000$ on Trump, not because he wanted Trump to win, but because he saw the betting market was only giving Trump like 30% odds, whereas my prof estimated it was closer to 35 (or something). For the record, the polls had Trump at like 2% during this time.


I remember hearing about this on Reddit a few years ago. Congrats on your beta!! Will check it out 🙏


You’ve gotten a lot of answers (mostly no), but I will say Minecraft runs better on Linux on Mac than MacOS on Mac!


I love that you ride one! Stay safe ❤️


Such a shame those sleeping trucks get scratches on them :/

Kicked macOS to the Curb and Installed Asahi Fedora Gnome

Most of the switching posts are from frustrated windows users making the jump. I’m already a Linux user on my server (Ubuntu for now, going Debian at some point) and a 2014 iMac for tinkering/testing (KDE Neon), and a couple of raspberry pis (raspberry pi os headless) but our main household computer is an M1 Mac mini that my...


KDE on Arch + Nvidia Wayland was a buggy experience for me a few months ago. But honestly, even X11 on Intel integrated graphics gets a few buggy releases every couple months.

I still love KDE though. Way better than MacOS


Did their old Steam Machine not use Gnome? (Or was it just Debian that it was based on?)


Sure, but if the Taiwanese people vote to separate, China has publicly announced that they will invade. So let’s not get distracted and pretend that’s not the fact.


I mean, you don’t hear about the investigations where they find nothing of interest


Tl;dr it’s the same factory but with a 6x6 outdoor pen that most chickens never even see in their life


Do you know what an arrest warrant is?

Also, the ICC court has not yet ruled on it. A prosecutor requested it.


It actually looks really cool. I ran Lineage for a while and it was great, but I do enjoy projects that don’t fully degoogle as well and give a more “modded” experience


Because most of us want projects with users, and there’s a lot more users on GitHub and Discord than Gitea and Matrix


I remember filling OARS out for one of my apps. Maybe I’m naive and it’s a step needed for mass adoption, but it feels like a solution looking for a problem.


Flatpak saved my ass when I super broke my Arch upgrade but didn’t have time to fix it before work. I ran using only Flatpak apps for like 6 weeks because they were the only thing that worked


Trying to set up snapshots is what broke my system. Not sure what the issue was exactly, but BTRFS was reporting a different amount of used space than there actually was, and my snapshots started recursively backing up until everything died

Next time I install Linux I’m going to use Ext4 and snapshots out the gate


Honestly, I’m kind of tired of complicated stuff. I just want a fs that works and is easy to do recovery operations on when it doesn’t work. My SSD is big enough


Btw, Dinnerbone (the Minecraft OG) works on this

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