JCPhoenix, avatar

I picked up Starfield on Friday. I’m not very far into it after 12hrs. Been doing side quests and such around New Atlantis and exploring. So far, it’s fun enough. This is the first Bethesda game I’ve played since Fallout 3 (which I didn’t finish). So I’ve kinda come into this mostly blind, which I think is a good thing. It reminds me a bit of Deus Ex: HR/MD, probably because of all sidequest and explo that I’m doing.

Also restarted Triangle Strategy last week or so, after putting it down for a year or two. Had it for the Switch, but then picked it up for the Steam Deck. Been taking my time with that as well.

In FFXIV, I’m in the post-Shadowbringers DLC content. I’ve taken a bit of a break from the MSQ to get the Nier-themed alliance raids, along with the “Eden” full-party raids. I’ve so far only opened two of the three Nier alliance raids, and god are they difficult. But that difficulty means they’re tons of fun. I think I’ve got the first one down pretty well, though I’ve yet to complete it without dying at least twice due to not paying attention to boss telegraphs. The second one is gonna take me a bit more to get through without dying left and right. Prioritizing these over the “Eden” full-party raids at the moment. Did get my MCH to 90 during all the raiding, which means I now my second Lvl 90 class, the first being RDM. Think I might try a healer class next, just not sure which one.


My first leveled Tank was Gunbreaker, my first leveled DPS was Mechanist and I am myself now working on Sage to fill out my “shoot guns at it to solve your problem” Trifecta.

realChem, avatar

In FFXIV, I’m in the post-Shadowbringers DLC content. I’ve taken a bit of a break from the MSQ to get the Nier-themed alliance raids

Are you me? I’m just a bit into the post-ShB patches, and I just finished unlocking all three Nier raids. They’re really fun (although I agree: challenging). If you happen to be on Crystal DC and want to party up for some raids or something, lmk!

Think I might try a healer class next, just not sure which one

As someone who is very much a non-healer main, I quite like Sage. My first healer to 90 was actually Scholar, but a lot of that had to do with the fact that I was really into Summoner for a while: when I’m going to heal I usually hop on Sage.


Dave the Diver! Every bit of the journey is fun, the game broadens in scope bit by bit, you also upgrade in increments, and the story is cute and interesting.

realChem, avatar

I’ve put a few hours in and I agree, it’s just a fun little game that slowly pushes you bit by bit into slightly more challenging stuff. I really like how well the game meshes the diving and sushi restaurant aspects, too. (Plus, I’m a scuba diver – still pretty new to it – and I’m a bit on the larger side, so it’s a nice bit of representation.)

realChem, avatar

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood! It’s a really good visual-novel-style game, but with the added element that you craft your own tarot-style divination deck and then draw cards from it during some conversations, and which cards you draw influence what kinds of readings you can give for people. It is established early on that since you were a kid your readings have never been wrong, and fittingly the game warns you early and repeatedly that your answers will affect your fate, dramatically. Well, no kidding! When I was playing yesterday I had a choice that I’d made hours earlier come back and bite me in the ass, hard. Almost made me want to quit and start over, but I’ve decided to see this play-through through and if by the end I still feel like I need to fix my mistakes I’ll maybe play it a second time.

tl;dr if you like beautiful pixel art, enigmatic beings from outside of space and time, witches, tarot, and/or choices that actually matter in your games, do give this one a go! I’m not done with it yet but I’d already love to chat with someone else who’s played it!


I just got into Factorio, and I’m lucky I have other stuff going on in my life, because it’s such a big rabbit hole I don’t think I’d come out! I never played it or even knew what the game was about, but the announcement last week about the space expansion got me to download the demo.

freakrho, avatar

Death Stranding on steam deck, the version I got for free on epic


How do you play the Epic version on Steam?

ampersandrew, avatar

You can side load a program called Heroic Game Launcher that will automatically download from other stores and apply the best known version of Proton to it. It's not as good as proper Steam support, but it will often get the job done.


Awesome, thanks. I’ll have to check it out.

freakrho, avatar

with heroic launcher, it handles everything for you

  • NEO: The World Ends With You

    • I’ve only played TWEWY Final Remix on Switch recently. I find the control frustrating. Docked, it’s barely playable with joycon motion control, while undocked, it’s tiring, and my finger keeps obstructing the screen. The game also keeps interrupting you, very often when you moved between screens, and sometimes just halfway running, someone will just stop what you’re doing halfway for conversation that’s not that essential.
    • Now, this sequel has improved the gameplay part a lot. It still has problem with interruptions. But at least with proper controller support, this game is way better than its predecessor.
  • Immortality

    • This is very slow, not sure if I will eventually enjoy a 10 hour FMV mainly consists of clips not in proper order. Also, I prefer Her Story’s keyword search than this, because now I need to manually scrub the clips to the point of interests. So far I’m not enjoying the story as much, mainly because it’s about acting for now.
    • spoilerI know there’s some supernatural stuff in it
    • I can’t help but fantasize, what if the setting is sci-fi mystery, you scrub thru a number of CCTV, interviews, interrogations videos, about some weird alien / sci-fi murder. So far Immortality feels like a slog.

Started Noita again. Got to the Mushrooms but got thrashed by a Pikkuturso. Good times.


Fae Farm. It is super cozy. Basically a 3D Stardew Valley. Definitely not as polished as Stardew but I am enjoying it quite a bit.

I am waiting until I upgrade my graphics card and get a TV (or projector) for my basement before I play Starfield. And I am waiting to play BG3 with my wife. Super excited for both of them.


Playing Starfield, very fun so far but man it is demanding on my graphics card, barely holding 30 fps.

Also playing project zomboid with friends making our way to louisville.


Still on a space game kick. Finished up Freelancer and started playing No Man’s Sky’s recent “Voyagers” expedition. It’s still got over a month left so I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t played the game in a while. Just to see whats new; It’s come a long way.

And picked up Hardspace: Shipbreaker on sale for when NMS starts getting monotonous.


Ooh, was this your first time with Freelancer? It’s amazing that it’s twenty years later and it might still be the benchmark for non-HOTAS space sims.

I enjoyed Shipbreaker much more than I thought I would. Not typically my style of gameplay, but the setting is fantastic.


No, I played it at release and was HOOKED. I remember clearing a 3 day holiday weekend so I could play through the whole thing (for the second or third time) in one sitting.

I had somehow missed that a HD remaster was released a couple years ago, so I gave it a shot and got sucked right back in. Still a fantastic game, even if the cut scenes and voice acting are a little dated.

For anyone who hasn’t played it, it’s abandonware now.


HD mod:…/freelancer-hd-edition-v06

Mechaguana, avatar

Wow hardcore has consumed my life. HARDCORE HYPE HARDCORE HYPE


Mass Effect Andromeda! I just played through the ‘Legendary Edition’ of the trilogy, and despite what I’d heard about Andromeda, I couldn’t resist it at under $4 at GameStop.

…and I’m actually enjoying it a lot!

I wonder if it might actually get better reviews if it were released today. We’re more used to open worlds, and it’s less expected that you’d try to finish every little quest line you are presented with (‘Oh, don’t do that - that’s just for people who really like collecting things!’), and more expected that you’d jump around between places and not ‘complete’ one area before going on to another.

I’m not really seeing the problem with facial animations that some reviewers complain very loudly about - and some people online say rendered the game ‘unplayable’. Maybe I’m just not attuned to see it? Or maybe they updated it after release?

ampersandrew, avatar

They did update it after release, but having not played it myself, I got the sense that it was never fully fixed.


Surprising lack of Armored Core 6 in here. Has everyone just beaten it already, or did it get overshadowed by Baldur’s Gate and Starfield.

Just finished first playthrough last night, and maybe halfway through my second now.

ampersandrew, avatar

There are just too many good games this year. Some of them won't make the cut when we've only got so much time and several of the best games of the year each take 100 hours to finish. Armored Core isn't making the cut for me this year.


Was playing Wayfinder, but they broke most of the game’s farms in an attempt to fix a “bug” that was allowing people to actually level up in a reasonable amount of time.

Back to NMS for the expedition. Starfield who?


I’m playing starfield way too much. Every now and then I get a break to continue my Minecraft project with the kids. The internet keeps telling me I’m not supposed to be having fun with starfield but it’s just not working, I’m really excited about the new capital ship I’m working on now.

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