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An even more pertinent example: “I know you went out-of-state to get an abortion last month, Janet, so now I refuse to treat you for the Flu. Better head to the nearest hospital, 40 minutes away.”


I’mm’a need a gif of the two guys, arm-in-arm, sinking slowly into the lake. I smell a new meme format.


I remember when Toonami gave it a 10/10 and I agreed wholeheartedly.

I’m probably a lot more willing than the average person to forgive the occasional part that sucked. All games have them, so I try not to hopdbthat against a game that has plenty of non-suck to offer.

Lord knows Sunshine has a few. Fucking Plinko.


Having happiness in your life and wanting to share it with others?

Fucking nerd.

What Columbia Should Have Done Instead of Brutalizing Its Student Protesters (slate.com)

One example, from just up the Ivy-garlanded I-95, at Brown University, was announced just hours before Shafik again called in the police. Brown’s governing body agreed to vote on a proposal that would divest the school’s endowment of companies affiliated with Israel in a meeting in October. The proposal is based on a 2020...


To over-simplify, making sure that they don’t accept donations, grants, etc. from companies or other third-parties that are involved with Israel. The article gives some brief details on how “divest from Israel” is the approach that Brown University actually took here.


“Both are valid points to be honest” got me particularly good, for some reason.


There was also this guy named Mitch McConnel involved.

How do you handle your passwords?

I rely on Bitwarden (slooowly migrating from… a spreadsheet…) and am thinking of keeping a master backup to be SyncThing-synchronized across all my devices, but I’m not sure of how to secure the SyncThing-synchronized files’ local access if any one of my Windows or Android units got stolen and somehow cracked into or...


KeePass on my phone and desktop, with the master file sync’d automatically to the server in my basement.


In favor of who? Y’all don’t remember how much trouble you had finding one LAST time?


So, you’re a tech nerd who wants an addictive game?


Also Satisfactory, but I’m not sure how well it runs on Linux. Fairly sure Factorio will run on just about anything


Windows 11 has ads NOW, in the enterprise install I’m provided at work.


Gotta be Breath of the Wild, for me. Taken together with Tears of the Kingdom, the series’ storytelling and immersion has never been better, I think, and as a game, Breath of the Wild was the tighter, more-satisfying experience, overall.

Wind Waker is a veeerrrrrrry close second. I think it’s the most-polished entry in the whole series, in both categories. I’m really not sure what I would change, if given the chance.


Protip: don’t even engage with those systems. Just press 0. Every time it prompts you to say something to proceed. Has yet to fail me.


You can’t just steer people into bridge abutments

So thaaaaaat’s what happened with the Francis Scott Key Bridge.


The fuck is “cheugy”? How the hell do you pronounce that?


I don’t know why this makes me giggle so uncontrollably.


Why the hell is a professional tech business not relying almost-exclusively in ethernet, anyway?


Discord gained popularity and maintains it, in spite of the many reasons to avoid it, because of usability and feature richness. Slack, Teams, Matrix, Telegram, they are miles ahead of everyone else in the live-chat space, when it comes to user experience.

This was an interesting article about some tech I’ve never heard of before, but it has little to nothing to do with Discord’s overall success.


Huh? Nothing in this article is discussing putting restrictions on consumers of content, it’s about acquiring proper consent for content uploaded to the platform.


I don’t. I don’t think you can grow to that kinda size without engaging in growth and profit chasing. We don’t need a Blizzard that behaves like Larian, we need lots of Larians.


I can’t decide if Kojima is putting the acid industry out of business, because his games are enough of a trip already, or singlehandedly propping the industry up because he’s obviously consuming it all himself.

NVidia Shield For Streaming Steam Games Opinions?

I really get fatigued sitting in my chair playing steam games, I almost pulled the trigger on one of these the other day with the intent of installing moonlight, and sunshine to stream to my TV. Anyone have any opinions? I saw there’s 2 versions, does it make sense to get the pro version? Can I use my PS5 controller on it?...


The SteamLink experience within the Shield has only gotten worse over the years, and a LOT worse recently. Examples include:

  • The app often fails to launch big picture mode, or launches it, but without focus, requiring me to go walk to my desk in the other room to fix it.
  • Connecting to a PC with a game already-in-progress no longer puts the game in focus immediately, again requiring me to walk over to the desk and fix it.
  • The app is prone to having the video completely freeze within any of the Steam UI, requiring a disconnect and reconnect. Like VERY prone. Like, it’ll take 5 tries at connecting and reconnecting to actually make it into a game.
  • Some games that used to be able to play well remotely now have an unplayable amount of input lag.
  • The app will occasionally get drop to si gle-digit framerates within a game, for which the only fix seems to be to completely reboot the Shield.

As a media player, I’m still overall happy with the Shield, and I know there’s a rather large community of custom OS enthusiasts for it, but with the degradation of Steam’s performance, and the slow addition of ad gabrage in the home UI over the years, the Shield is NOT sensible for a new purchase.


Yeah, “Pokemon with guns” is certainly grabbing attention, but it’s a terrible pitch. This looks much more like “ARK with Pokemon”.


The only thing I can think of not aging well by today’s standards is the level grinding. I recall having to do quite a bit of it my first time playing it, just to keep up with the difficulty curve, and it’s not like I was skipping all the sidequests. That was a fairly common aspect for RPGs of the era, I think.

It’s also possible I wasn’t very good at the game, I was like 11 or 12 at the time.


I made a romhack at one point to increase all gained XP by 10x. Might still have it somewhere, and it’d be easy enough to adjust for reduced XP.


Armored Core 6 topped it for me, with Tears of the Kingdom and The Talos Principal 2 as close runners up.


They’re both good voice actors, I think, but FemShep is canon, as far as I’m concerned.


“The first real open world.”

That’s a rather hyperbolic statement, even if they’re not just over-hyping.


The majority if the reason it’s significant is that Nintendo MADE it significant, by releasing that “official” timeline tying all the gamrs together. Then, the made BotW with a whole bunch of direct and indirect references to this timeline, and events in previous games. Then TotK threw pretty much all of that in the garbage.


So, looks like a singleplayer story/campaign game, built in the FighterZ engine? Sounds dope.


No way it beats AC6 for me, but I wish it could have gotten something, it’s a really remarkable first-entry into the field.

They had a “best first game by a new studio” or something category last year, didn’t they? Isn’t that what Stray won?


Picked up this game earlier this week, and I have been VERY impressed. I was expecting Power Wash Simulator, but in space, but the game is SO much more polished than that.


As someone with 0 investment in this whole ecosystem, I saw and perused this article like a week ago, and my immediate impression was “Why is this guy constantly saying ‘Wayland breaks XXXXX’? Wayland isn’t breaking anything, it’s new tech. Wayland has certain features, or it doesn’t or doesn’t yet. The only folks breaking anything are those swapping use of X with Wayland, within various apps or tech stacks, potentially prematurely, where Wayland doesn’t yet have the full set of features needed.”

Whoever this is seems to have a really poor understanding of long-term software development, despite being way more invested in it than I am.


Love how this plays in relation to all the arguments of “well, you have to understand, Unity doesn’t turn a profit yet, they need to be able to make money”, from when they first announced the change.


Let’s be clear, though: developers did not make this decision. Managers and publishers did.

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


Borderless Windowed mode. Seriously, there is 0 excuse for PC games to not support it, it’s 2023.


It means you can take focus away from the game without it throwing a hissy fit. I.E. you can click out of it.


Wow. Valid cert, matching icon, identical web page, and virtually-identical URL. I absolutely would have fallen for that, and I’ve been meaning to visit KeePass’s website and download the latest version, too.


It took me three attempts for me to finally enjoy it, and get through the whole game, I feel you. The game’s high barrier to entry is its biggest flaw.I’m glad you’re enjoying it


A couple days of Stardew Valley every couple days IRL Also picked up a really fun chill-ish game called Unrailed.


Finished final achievements in Armoed Core 6.

Picked up Unrailed for $5 on Steam (great purchase).

Started a fresh file Ilin Stardew Valley, cause why not?


Finished all achievements for Armored Core 6.

Picked up Unrailed on Steam for $5. Great purchase.

Stsrted a fresh file in Stardew Valley, cause why not?


As good of a buy as Minecraft was, last decade.


Surprising lack of Armored Core 6 in here. Has everyone just beaten it already, or did it get overshadowed by Baldur’s Gate and Starfield.

Just finished first playthrough last night, and maybe halfway through my second now.

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