What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?

I was going to say replaying but I feel like that limits the question to games like Prey or Fallout New Vegas that have endings and games like The Sims 2 or Cities Skylines where you can play indefinitely end up excluded.

I’m not really referring to games like League of Legends where you’re coming back every month. More so games where you stop playing for an extended period of time.


Paper Mario for the N64 and Super Mario World for the SNES. I think it’s because I found them both at the perfect point in my childhood where they were the first games in their genres I managed to beat.

I had a blast finding every single exit and bonus stage in SMW, and Paper Mario was the first RPG that didn’t make my eyes glaze over (including Super Mario RPG). Plus the characters and aesthetics are still so charming, the whole game gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.


Satisfactory, I’m hoping to get employee of the planet cup before 1.0 comes out.

Angband. I don’t stick with it long, but I always come back, even though I’ve never killed Morgoth or the Balrog in Moria before that. Still, I enjoy it for a while and then move on again.


Kerbal space program 1

Dwarf Fortress

Deep Rock Galactic

Age of Empires II


Dragon Age: Origins


I started playing through Skyrim again last year, but didn’t get very far before I lost interest.

I jump back in to left4dead every year or two. The original is probably my favorite shooter. I haven’t found Back4Blood as compelling.


Dark Souls


Quake 3


Space Engineers

@Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca avatar

STALKER, Stardew Valley, No Man’s Sky, Skyrim, Morrowind, WoW Classic/Vanilla, Mass Effect, Fallout 3/New Vegas.


Postal 2. The game mechanics and open-world flexibility have aged amazingly well, it’s still very funny, and I love the way the game’s level of violence firmly depends on the player’s actions.
Plus the Postal Dude’s petition to make whiney congressmen play violent video games is needed more than ever.

On Android I miss Spaghetti & Marshmallows, where you had to build towers out of said materials. That was a wonderful game with great physics but sadly only runs on very old phones.

@Friendship@kbin.social avatar

Star Citizen, I like to poke my head in every few patches to see how things have progressed. I gotta say, despite what a lot of the naysayers claim, it has become quite a fun game and their development has only sped up since I first started playing. Still, a couple months hiatus every once and a while is worth it.

Fallout 4, I get that this is one of the more controversial choices but while the main storyline was super weak the world design was phenomenal. I love just wandering through the Boston area wastelands uncovering random things and fighting ghouls and bandits.


Neverwinter Nights (the first one) and Heroes of Might and Magic (3 and 4). They’re just so comfortable for me to play so I just start them up when I’m to stressed out to play anything new.


Tetris. Always Tetris. Tetris connected is the best iteration so far. The music and visuals are amazing.


Mirror’s Edge, Jet set radio future (and now bomb rush cyberfunk)

The 3D Mario’s (I haven’t gotten around to playing galaxy 2 yet and it’s eating me up inside lol)

Skyrim, Minecraft, stardew Valley

Ocarina of time and majoras mask.

Animal crossing (usually whatever latest entry, but I liked new leaf the best so far)

Lumines has become an addiction

Forza Horizon (similar to animal crossing, usually the latest entry, but surprisingly I enjoyed 1 and 4 the most. I was surprised about 4 because I didn’t think I really cared too much about the location, but I liked the seasons a lot. It kept everything feeling new)

Kirby and the crystal shards


You’re the first person I’ve seen say Mario, which I find surprising.

For me, it’s Super Mario World, including romhacks. It’s platforming perfection. I particularly like the SMW Central level competition compilation romhacks since you can skip the levels you don’t enjoy.

Spyro is another one I come back to, especially now with the remastered version.

Diablo 2, with mods now, is another. “Stay awhile, and listen.” I sure will, old man.

For a long time, it was Counter Strike and Team Fortress, but I don’t really play FPS games any more so it’s been almost a decade for me at this point.


Super Mario world is a classic! I haven’t tried any romhacks for it, that sounds like fun!

Oh man Diablo 2. I’ve attempted to play it so many times, but I’ve yet to finish it yet. Not because I don’t want to, but it’s like every time I start up a fresh game, something happens to my game or save. I’ve lost a save twice now(this is over the course of 15 years) and the last time I tried to get it to run, it didn’t want to cooperate on my windows 10 install. It’s oddly cursed lol. I’ll finish it one day. I have to haha

@Lurra@lemm.ee avatar

Kenshi and Rimworld, with tons of mods its like adding different spices to the same yummy dish ☺️


I've had Kenshi on my wishlist for a long time, and I haven't pulled the trigger. What's your favorite part about it? Most of what I know is that it's punishing and has deep roleplaying opportunities, but I don't know a lot of the specifics.

@Lurra@lemm.ee avatar

I love that its brutal when you start out. Everything can kill you. From bandits, to creatures, hell even certain regions are hazardous. First time playing and exploring the biomes I was walking on egg shells constantly, really enjoyed that. Overtime you get attached to your npc as they continuously get into fights and try to not lose a limb (seriously). Lore wise (if you are into that like I am) you start shifting through bits of relics from the past on your travels. You can buy maps or just randomly discover landmarks as you roam. There’s also politics and you’ll learn with time who is in charge of what. Is it safe to enter here or stay there? You are free to be whatever you want; Have a storefront and sell your crafts for cash (cats), explore and make bank with old artifacts you find, become a thief and run mock stealing, grow drugs and profit from that, you can build a base or not. Choose to make a large squad or keep is small. Watch as they fight & work together. Each play through is always different and if you love mods then you can go crazy with added customization. If that sounds good than you can totally wait for it to go on sale if anything. Kenshi 2 is in the works now so will definitely look forward to that one ☺️


Everything can kill you.

Sounds like Noita.

@Lurra@lemm.ee avatar

Gotta look it up now ☺️


Apparently Noita is gonna be in April’s Humble Choice, if that’s up your alley at all.

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