Risk of Rain Returns Released!

The first two are probably in my top 5 games of all time. This one combines both into an experience closer to the first while adding new stuff.

Can’t wait to boot it up later!

Edit to add some info:

The Risk of Rain series is now three games, all run-based roguelites. That means you start out with a set amount of characters… Most of the cast still locked.

You start a run, collect items along the way, kill beasts, slay bosses and get bonkers strong.

Each stage ends with charging and defending a teleporter which triggers a bossfight and waves of mobs.

Depending on how well you do, what secrets (esp. in RoR2 proper hidden puzzles to figure out) you uncover and which challenges you beat, you unlock items for future runs, and characters.

The kicker of the formula to me is the difficulty mechanic: the more time passes, the harder it gets. Regardless of your progress im the run.

Depending on mode/modifiers you might choose to grind out the first stage, rush to a certain point for a basic set of items, or push towards the boss.

This much is true for all of them - though I haven’t played Returns yet.

The first one is a pretty old-school 2D sidescroller/plattformer with a steep learning curve due to the limited mobility and static aim.

The second one is a 3D third person shooter/brawler depending on character. It features some more in depth decision making, secret stages, hidden unlocks, more challenge stages, character variations etc etc.

It’s more modern style and fantastic movement make it a bit more approachable imo.

The third goes back to the roots. It’s a 2d sidescrolling game but much more modern and polished compared to the first one. It features characters and items from both predecessors, as well as a host of new stuff to dig into!


Oh and the music is BANGIN.

If you like nothing about roguelites, or just don’t dig the games, check out all three OSTs. Lovely stuff bt Chris Chistodoulou


Bandcamp link, because OP is right and the OST rocks: …bandcamp.com/…/risk-of-rain-returns


Thanks, I’m currently on mobile so a quick post was all I had in me :)



The soundtrack from the first game is in my top 5 OSTs of all time (FTL probably edges it out a little, and crypt of the necrodancer just below it)

Super excited to dive back into this game, one of the few games I got 100% achievements in when I played it on my vita years ago.

Edit: Spotify link for the OG OST: open.spotify.com/album/10ZDr7VkJP1YyQaSgKa0pV?si=…

And the OST for Returns: open.spotify.com/album/0rlpmIIOpykorXItVS0oAf?si=…


For me the second game probably beats the og by a hair. Might also just be the memories i had with friends i pulled into it :)


Just dropping by to be enthusiastic about the soundtrack love in these posts! Is there a game music community on beehaw/lemmy?


RoR soundtrack is incredible…

But I might have to go with Hotline Miami as the best. Or at least in the top 3 for me.


Just updated my drivers and it seems to run well under proton on Linux!

prole, (edited )

Yup, works just fine on my Steam Deck if anyone was wondering. Been years since I’ve played the game… The second one never pulled me in like the first.

Edit: Quick note if anyone is having issues, I switched ti GE-Proton before even starting it up for the first time and it worked so I never changed it.


After a bunch of troubleshooting, down grading to proton 7 got it working seamlessly for me!


I think i may have forgotten to mention that I started out trying it with GE-Proton as I’ve had better luck in the past with brand new “unsupported” (per Steam) games, and it worked with GE-Proton.


I like the idea of this game (and series) a lot. I really have NO interest in a 2D side-scroller, though. I hope the game succeeds and they can make another RoR that’s more in a style I’d enjoy.


The sidescroller was RoR 1, it paved the way for 2! There’s an interesting making of video


So… you in fact don’t like the series. You like RoR2


I am not sure what this comment is trying to accomplish. But grats on all those upvotes I guess.


I like the idea of this game (and series) a lot. I really have NO interest in a 2D side-scroller, though.

They were telling you that Risk of Rain 2 is almost identical to the first game, but it is a 3rd person shooter in full 3D, and not a 2D sidescroller. So the one issue you mentioned is no longer an issue.

At least that’s what I thought they meant.


Thanks. I am fully aware that RoR2 is a thing. I was more hoping for a NEW game in the series that’s actually new but we all know Gearbox has issues with that.


Ahhh ok, right. So it has nothing to do with being a 2D sidescroller. Why lie?


They said they like the idea.


It’s not clear to me what happened with RoR today. So they released this, which is a remaster of the original with some new content, and they announced a DLC for 2, and they also announced a gacha game or something?


This isn’t exactly a remaster, you might call it a remake, reboot or something like that. It isn’t “just” the first one with a bit of new stuff.

The DLC for 2 did get announced though, yes.

The situation around who does what is a bit confusing too since hopoo sold the IP to gearbox.

Returns is made by Hopoo.

Ror2 and future dlc, as well as finishing/releasing the port of Survivors of the Void is gearbox software.

The mobile thing is 100% gearbox / third party studio with no involvement by hopoo

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