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WanderingPoltergeist, avatar

I've been enjoying Nexomon- Extinction so far, it's a sassy game that's quite fun to play! The game mechanics work as intended and there were only a few things which I questioned before an NPC provided an answer. Leveling up my Nexomon seems like a potential slog though, I've gotten used to experience sharing in Pokémon games; I must unlearn this behavior. There are cores which can act like an Exp Share, which is nice because there are two party members that don't need to hog a large chunk of experience! I've been juggling those cores around to passively level up Nexomon which were behind in levels while using stronger creatures to tank damage.

I appreciate the game's aesthetics because it reminds me of older Pokémon games, while remaining unique. The setting matches up with the desperate situation this world is currently in as there are settlements and camps throughout the land outside of their one big city. Humanity seems to be close to potential extinction. Nexomon Tamers are responsible for desperately keeping the wild Nexomon at bay so others can labor on in safer surroundings. I'm going to keep playing today and get further in! As the need to know what happens next is strong, I felt that similarly with Coromon too.

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, avatar

Thanks for recommending it!

WanderingPoltergeist, avatar

@EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted You're welcome!

WanderingPoltergeist, avatar

I've gotten back into Cyberpunk 2077; This game went from a disaster to becoming the version which should have been released! So many systems reworked, being able to ride the Metro in cinematic style, and the new story of Phantom Liberty makes this game great. It's still disappointing that the pool of romanceable characters is so small, with only one gay man in the entire line up. At least the other parts of Cyberpunk 2077 are so much stronger, like the lore about the Cyberpunk universe; talking about the game makes me want to continue my Phantom Liberty play session!

WanderingPoltergeist, avatar

If they would have released this current version instead of the shitty release that we got at first...That would've been better in my opinion and I could've easily lived with a stable, fun game. We never were going to get a 1 to 1 trailer version of Cyberpunk 2077; I made peace with that after learning the misleading nature of trailers in general long ago (personally find trailers should be honest). It's close but not 100% there.

As for my enjoyment being taken away, you couldn't have if you tried! It was just a strongly worded response to my own post. You didn't do what most people would do and devolve into slurs or other demeaning statements used on those who have contrasting opinions.

WanderingPoltergeist, avatar

PC seems to have gotten a better deal in that regard it seems! I do wish they would address the console issue of occasional crashes though, but I am happy you are having an smooth game experience.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

I literally just opened Geometry Dash and was met with a terms of service pop up.
"…Why are they showing me this? Did my data get wiped or something?"
And then I see the Tower and realize that 2.2 just released.

Glad to finally see it here. Played through Dash (which is really easy for an insane imo, beat it much more quickly than usual), and it was mostly great! Only issue is that I REALLY don't like the swing copter. It's not fun to use at all.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

Can't say I'm great at it either. Honestly, platformer game type is a weird concept for Geometry dash, but I don't mind it. The way different game modes are incorporated into it is really fun though

sour, avatar


djidane535, French avatar

Commencé en Janvier, je suis arrivé au bout de mon aventure sur Persona 5 Royal :D.

Le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est que le jeu était généreux (probablement un peu trop à mon goût ^^).
J'ai tout de même passé un très bon moment, malgré les longueurs ici et là (130h pour en voir le bout quand même !).

Je retiendrais surtout le polish des interfaces, le style qui s'en dégage (notamment à travers la bande son <3), et son scénario résolument mature (poignant à de nombreuses reprises).

Même si je suis content de l'avoir terminé, ça va me faire tout drôle de le mettre de côté alors qu'il m'a pratiquement accompagné toute l'année :).

djidane535, avatar

@parigotmanchot C’était mon premier Persona (même si j’avais fait Tokyo Mirage Sessions qui s’en rapproche beaucoup, et qui a une durée « idéale » selon moi de 40-50h).

Je te rassure, j’ai fait quelques pauses pendant l’année. Je n’arrive plus à rester aussi longtemps sur le même jeu d’une traite (j’ai pas mal alterné avec Zelda TOTK, j’espère en voir la fin cette année également 😅).

parigotmanchot, avatar

@djidane535 Si tu veux voir le temps des jeux :


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Fuck off, bot.


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djidane535, French avatar

Mes amiibo Pyra & Mythra sont enfin arrivés :D. Elles sont magnifiques <3.


@djidane535 et voilà, 1er Pouet. Bah oui, ici ça s'appelle comme ça.
Sinon effectivement ces nouveaux amiibos sont magnifiques.

djidane535, avatar

@bookbook Merci, le fediverse fonctionne 😁. J’ai eu peur de pas les recevoir car ils sont arrivés 2 jours après que je sois parti en vacances (heureusement qu’on ne partait qu’une semaine, sinon le colis serait reparti 😅).

AshDene, avatar

Pet peeve of the day: Games with "puzzles" that can only be solved by trying a bunch of different plausible answers.

If you know the right answer (but not that it is the right answer), and the reasoning behind the right answer, but you still can't tell that it's the right answer without engaging the games mechanic to check if it's the right answer, it's not a puzzle. It's just a game a brute forcing answers.


Yep. Hence why I have no issues googling most puzzle solutions. Occasionally I’ll run into a decent one that isn’t just legwork, and then I might engage if it looks cool. But most puzzle content has no actual mental challenge to it. There’s only one “right way” to proceed efficiently to the answer, and that method is obvious if you’ve run into that style of puzzle before.

Duchess, avatar

Yeah a puzzle where the majority of players resort to trial and error is not a well designed one.

HarkMahlberg, avatar

30 hours into and I'm convinced that playing Sockem Boppers is the best strategy.

HarkMahlberg, avatar

My friends are making fun of me for not having found Gale yet. Doesn't matter, punch everything into bottomless pits.

Jezebelley3D, avatar

I rolled credits on the true 2023 GOTY- Jusant. It's available on Xbox Live and I encourage you to give it a go.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, avatar

So, having played some 2.2 for a while, I'm starting to warm up to the swing. I'm still not a massive fan and way prefer the ship (which gives you more control), but the swing's long sweeps can help give sections with it a large, grand vibe (e.g., the swing section in Dastardly). Maybe my distaste is just a skill issue. Idk.


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SamXavia, avatar

Recently purchased Deadpool on Xbox 360, Glad I got it just got to find time between trying out the BETA of Call of Duty, The Edit that I've been sitting on for the past 3+ months as well as Marvel's Spider-Man 2 releasing in less than 10 days.

Arotrios, avatar

Spoiler alert - Karlach's kink is Ray of Frost, leaving at least one gnome mage with slightly singed lips and stars in his eyes.


Starfield's second update fixes infinite money puddles, but not flying cities.
I've read several comments here and elsewhere that Bethesda's Starfield is "a mile-wide but deep as a puddle", or variations on that theme. Said commenters might be tickled to know that there is, in fact, a puddle in the game's Akila City that contains infinite loot: by dint of peering into it, you'll magically gain access to a nearby store's inventory. Strip the shelves, then wait a day or two, and you'll be able to do so again, forever and ever. Or at least, that was the case till this week's Starfield patch, a small update consisting of exactly ten bulletpoints, including one that tackles "an issue that allowed for a vendor's full inventory to be accessible". Boo! Time to go looking for another convenient in-game metaphor, I guess. Perhaps there's something incredibly clever you can say about all the flying cities.


Greetings, my name is EeJayKay, also known as McHarperYT on Twitch, TikTok, and YouTube. Please follow me on these platforms. Thank you for your support.

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