
People be like

Look! Inflation adjusted grocery prices haven’t gone up that much

Totally forgetting that it’s (in large part) grocery prices that determine the inflation rate. Like…

Look the grocery price adjusted price of groceries hasn’t gone up much!


Hell, both the administration and several oft-cited think tanks/propaganda machines have even gone so far as to just eliminate food, housing and gas from their inflation numbers to make them look better!


Ding ding ding


Price gouging in not inflation.


Whats the difference?


I know you’re probably joking, but for anyone interested: Inflation is an increase of pricing for goods and services, and usually increases 1-3% per year.

Price gouging is the grocery store going “inflation has been terrible, so 30% increases store wide is necessary” when the real inflation over the past 3 years is actually 6-7% total. Now this isn’t necessarily just on the grocery store, the suppliers could have pulled the inflation card or the supplier’s suppliers, etc.

You can check which company is price gouging by seeing if they are having record breaking profits for the year. Sometimes companies actually do what it takes to make profit, but something like a grocery store should just be consistent and only increase with population or cost saving measures.


Are any grocers not price gouging? If the entire market is doing it, then whether its gouging or not is itrrelvant. To the consumer and to the Fed, it is inflation.


Inflation is the general price level of everything.

The gouges are those who supply inelastic goods i.e ones when demand drops only a little when prices go up, I.e essentials and addictive items. Elastic goods don’t get gouging as much because people can choose to not buy them, and these sit closer to the level of inflation.


The symptom of inflation is the general increase in price of everything.

Inflation is growth in the monetary supply.

(Also velocity of money but that I’d never discussed, let alone measured.)


Inflation is not growth in the money supply, money supply is one way that inflation can occur, but the basis of inflation is the increase in nominal costs of everyday prices.


Inflation is not growth in the money supply,

It is caused by this.

money supply is one way that inflation can occur,

And the other is a reduction in quantity of goods and services.

but the basis of inflation is the increase in nominal costs of everyday prices.

No, that is the result of inflation, not the basis (reason).


It is caused by this

And supply shock, and wage growth, and tons of other things. You literally said “inflation is an increase in the money supply”


Again, you are giving examples of price changes in specific goods, not inflation.

Supply shock - is specific to the asset experiencing the shock. This is not inflation.

Wage growth - the specific asset here is human capital.

Inflation is when all prices increase, or equivalently, when the buying power of the fiat currency reduces. I.e. when more money exists than there was before.


That is a very simplistic way of looking at inflation. When you consider both okuns law and the Philip’s curve, and the relationship between them anything that changes GDP or unemployment rates will affect inflation. Tech changes, foreign demand on products, government changes, interest rates (the most common lever), pay rates - it all feeds into inflation in some way or another. And yes, government increased money supply is also a big inflation driver.

Calling it a symptoms is like calling dying a symptom of car crashes, when there is a multitude of other ways it happens.


Price increase is the symptom of inflation because it happens after the cause.

The reason you list interest rates is because it is lever to control money supply.

Everything else you list is demand, what money is spent on, and subject to normal supply and demand pricing.

Just because a price changes, doesn’t mean it’s inflation causing it.


You’re getting your models confused.

The supply demand is for a single item. It doesn’t work in the wider economy because as one good gets more expensive people switch to similar goods that didn’t increase - price increases, q demanded falls, customers swaps to a mirror good or don’t buy at all.

Changes in technology is a supply side, not demand side. On foreign demand im referring to changes in exchange rates that can affect GDP and associated inflation pressures.


The supply demand is for a single item

Exactly, and the single item in this case is the US dollar. Increase the (money) supply and it’s value goes down relative to everything else.

Inflation is a function of the fiat currency it references, not the goods that currency buys.


In a complex system all this macro-economics crap is next to useless especially at cause and effect. dynamic model, expectations , multiple equilibria, blah blah blah.


Everyone in this thread is talking about price inflation, not monetary inflation.


Price inflation is the visible outcome of monetary inflation.


And the money supply increased enormously during the pandemic. So it’s real inflation.


This I agree with.


I can only speak for what I see but I know the prices I pay for parts have gone up about 25% the past two years. Now I have checked to see what my employer is doing with that fact but I highly doubt we are just eating the cost.


That just means price gouging is a cause of inflation. It would be measured as an increase in prices either way.


The “real” inflation isn’t something separate from price increases. Inflation is price increases.


Price gouging is a form of Pull Inflation.


I didn’t know inflationary visual aids could be so…delightful.


Well then I guess I love actual inflation


Damn, inflation making me wanna bang this economy.


Naw it’ll fuck you though, the economy makes us all bottoms.

inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

I feel bad for these women who just took a picture at lunch, and now are being body shamed.

Like, yeah, it’s a meme. I know I’m a buzz kill and will get downvoted. But this still sucks.


How are they being body shamed? I don’t see anybody saying one is better than the other. Some people like bigger boobs, some people like smaller boobs so there isn’t a correct answer. I can see them being objectified sure, but I wouldn’t call it body shaming.

Fern, avatar

Ye, objectified is probs what they meant.

inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

Yup, honestly I debated on which word to use but objectified would’ve been best.

GladiusB, avatar

How is this being objectified though? If one is a brunette and the other is blonde is an observation. It’s not saying they are only an object. It’s just a description of an attribute.


Pejoratives don’t have to make sense. Don’t take it personally.


We’re not talking about hair colour though, this is obviously reducing a pic of some friends to “haha big booba small booba”. That’s kind of textbook objectification.

GladiusB, avatar

Way to take my point, not listen, and completely make it personal. It’s exactly what I meant. That it’s just a difference you can see. That’s the same as the color of their shirts. It’s obvious if you have eyes. Pointing out the contrast is the root of the joke and can work just because it is so obvious. That is the only point I am making.

SoleInvictus, avatar

Did we read the same comment?

inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

I debated which term to use and decided on body shaming because it was a touch vague. Bottom line is that these two women were just at lunch and now people are reducing it to just their breasts. Objectified would’ve probably been a clearer word choice, but I think since the meme is making a comparison between the two its inherently body shaming. Regardless of whichever one you personally think is more attractive.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In, (edited )

Surely the meme is in the eyes of the viewer. Who decided this was about breasts?


The meme did. Literally the meme is a “joke” about breast size.


The meme says “actual inflation” and “reported inflation”.

Why isn’t this a joke about hair length? What are YOU projecting?

THE_MORTAL, avatar

Don’t play dumb there as there is no need


My point is that the “offensive” part of this meme exists purely in the viewer’s head.

People are being offended by their own thoughts.

THE_MORTAL, avatar

Ok you are a narc and i can’t change your mind .


What do narcotics have to do with this?


That generation thinks they can reassign the meaning of all words without issue. They’re trying to use “narc” to mean narcissist.


Ah OK. Thanks.

Kinda ironic being called a narcissist for discussing how other people feel about something.


I think exemplified is the most accurate term here.

But it doesn’t have a negative connotation, so it doesn’t fit with what you all are trying to do here.



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  • FlapKap,

    Or they just posted a lunch picture to their social media and somebody grabbed it and made a meme out of it. Your body doesn’t determine what intention you have when you post pictures


    Don’t put a picture of yourself on social media. Also don’t make fun of how a person looks. Everyone sucks as far as I can tell.


    If you had lunch with a friend, took a picture, and posted it online, would it have been to “show off”? Ask yourself why you’re making that assumption about the subjects of this photo.


    Oh for god’s sake. We women aren’t thinking about our chests 24/7. Sometimes we just want to share a pic we took with a friend.


    Agreed, this is pretty gross.


    What? No one here is body shaming. I mean maybe you are, but no one else is

    inb4_FoundTheVegan, (edited ) avatar

    How exactly am I body shaming? You can decide whichever one you personally find more attractive, we all can, but these are just two women with breasts at lunch. Probably posted it to Facebook/IG, and now there are people using a meme to compare their bodies, neither one of them is better or worse, but the meme is inviting us to judge, so they are both being body shamed for not having the others. Objectified would’ve been a clearer word choice, but we can use whatever word you feel fits best so long as we agree this concept is gross.


    The meme is inviting us to see: BIG and LITTLE.

    If that’s a basis of judgment for you, own it as your own thing instead of trying to put that on others.

    inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

    Totally ignoring the majority of women are mocked for having big or little breasts at many points in their life. If you are going to play dumb about it then I can’t help you, but you should really talk to any woman you have in your life and let them explain it to ya. I’m not gonna walk you through an extremely common experience.


    Assigning big = better and small = worse is indeed a judgement.

    I think some people would argue that smaller growth = better since economies do better given slow change rather than rapid change, as rapid change might lead to rebounds.

    By even recognizing traits that seem similar across humans, we’re isolating those parts of them while ignoring the richness of their being. It is objectification.

    But objectification is only detrimental when we assign judgements to what we compare. I’m not a woman so I haven’t experienced the turmoil in those comparing breasts or other factors that men desire, but I am taller than average so I get the other end of the stick in how men are judged based on their height - often by women.

    Being short or tall has nothing to do with your intrinsic value as a human being, but there is extrinsic value created by those outside of us. I agree in that we should be prioritizing the former instead of the latter in society, which is why posts like this are problematic.


    Thank you. I almost typed out a similar comment, but deleted it.

    Although this meme is just supposed to be “thing, bigger thing” maybe half the time I see it it’s someone trying to say “thing, objectively better thing” and it just feels really gross. I hate most memes that are just stolen social media posts of people living their lives honestly.

    inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

    I’m delighted that I am not alone in this take. :)


    Higher inflation is definitely not objectively better so you can stop worrying about that interpretation.

    MeanEYE, avatar


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  • inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

    So false advertising

    gtfo with that.

    Her breasts are HERS. Not yours or anyone else viewing her. She is not advertising! She is wearing whatever clothes feel comfortable to her and at no point does that become something she should be criticized for.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    It’s a joke dude, chill the fuck out.

    inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

    It’s a joke

    No it’s casual misogyny. You need to remove the entire “bras are false advertising” concept from your mind. It’s not funny.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Is it now? Everything’s a misogyny. Girls putting bra, misogyny, guys noticing pushup bras which are designed to drive attention, misogyny. Not noticing, misogyny. Breathing misogyny. And it is damn funny. Not as funny as reading your comment history… “gender is a thought crime”, hilarious. Luckily most of society doesn’t bend to your will otherwise you’d be policing what everyone is allowed to think and quoting freedom of speech at the same time.

    inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

    Is it now? Everything’s a misogyny.

    Luckily most of society doesn’t bend to your will

    Pick a lane. Is everything misogyny or am I a lone tyrant?

    “gender is a thought crime”, hilarious.

    That was fallaciously mocking someone, but ya know. Go off. Be mad.

    guys noticing pushup bras which are designed to drive attention

    Nope. 100% bullshit. Clothes are for the person wearing them, nothing about this has to do with driving attention. And it’s wildly arrogant to assume otherwise. You know that tons of women wear sexy underwear without showing anyone right? That’s because its for THEM, and not for any one else.

    You seem great, good talk.


    “Clothes are for the person wearing them, nothing about this has to do with driving attention.”

    I agree here, but there are plenty of women who wear specific clothes to garner attention. That, too, is their perogative. At the end of the day the attention is still for them, not the person giving the attention, so it still ties back to your initial point I guess!


    Don’t take any guff from these swine, MeanEYE. These bullies don’t define you.

    Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone here.


    “It’s a joke” is not an acceptable defence for being a dickhead. It just makes it a shitty “joke” that only a dickhead would think is funny.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    It absolutely is. The fact you lack humor in any shape or form is a problem of your own. More to the point, what others find funny is not up to you to decide, luckily. Otherwise we’d have a nations of people with brooms stuck up their ass. And I think only a blockhead with no sense of humor is not capable of understanding a joke. So there, I am equally in the right of deciding what is shitty and what is not, as you are.


    Wrong. Comedic license: you can joke about ANYTHING, as long as the joke is funnier than the thing is fucked up to joke about. Things you don’t seem to understand: who decides if your joke is funny? The audience, aka literally anyone/everyone but the joke teller. How do I know if my joke is deemed funny? If a large portion of the audience, preferably over 50%, deem it so.


    So a joke that less than 50% of people think is funny, isn’t funny?

    You collectivists are so twisted in how you see truth.


    …a large portion of the audience, preferably over 50%…

    You whatever group I determine you ascribe to cus I guess that’s how it works now always ignore the the intricacies to embolden your own point


    Yes I agree one should not be a dickhead for no reason. So please stop.


    Comments like this are why I like Lemmy, y’all are good people.


    It’s a good people thing to make problems where none exist?

    THE_MORTAL, avatar

    I was about to tear OP a hole for the same thing glad i am not alone and atleast a few lemmings share my view


    I hear you. I just start to think about how expensive bras are at that size. They are expensive enough as it is and I am thankful I can stick to something comfy from TomboyX.

    I really wish we didn’t exploit people on the Internet quite so much. Do these girls even know or approve of their pictures being posted?


    How is this bodyshaming? Its just natural that some people have bigger breasts than other people. There are also meme formats where one of them is taller or something so is that also bodyshaming or what?

    Retrograde, avatar

    While I agree with the message of the meme, it does kinda suck to use real people’s bodies as the representation


    And this is one of the less problematic memes of this template, there are way worse ones :(


    Honestly really sad that some people seem to be more upset by you writing “body shamed” instead of “objectified” than they are about the objectification happening in the OP




    Yeah it does not feel right to push sexist beliefs onto people who just took a photo


    Our economy has lots of personality.


    “Oh my gosh we reached 9% inflation!”

    ::: looks at my $5 eggs :::


    Shitty sexist meme.

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    1 step above posting straight politics in a shit posting sub so it’s not too bad


    The average we report is flawed. Perhaps we should calculate an average cost of living for median folks and report the % delta of that.


    Due to the mathematics of how the Official GDP is calculated, if Official Inflation underreports reality it mathematically makes the Official GDP seem to be bigger than it actually is: that inflation that was not reported appears as GDP “Growth”.

    Guess what’s the number one thing ruling politicians in the Neoliberal boast about …

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