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I disagree - its double counted. Once in Canada, once when actually used.


Yes, but if you are considering Canada carbon you can’t include both everything they sell and everything they import. The earth is a closed system.

If you want to assess Canadas impact you can’t include impacts other countries have- thats their impact and your making Canada response for them. You could, and should, include net exports of fuel.


Trump doing illegal shit is also a “widely expected move”. Expected, not good.


Most people in the armed forces never even shoot in the direction of a person, let alone kill.

I would hope to see something like 6 months basic - armed forces plus health, basic education, fitness, key life skills like how to swim. 6 months trade learning basic engineering, electronics, first aid, computer skills, followed by 12 months in standby for manpower - disaster relief, infrastructure, yes also deployments.


Because it’s underwater?

Its where we dump our shit?

Corse, irritating and gets everywhere?


Hang on, Troopers mod???


Great, guess I know what I’m doing after my uni exam… and possibly before (let’s be honest).



I don’t have the right rant to express my displeasure at this, someone wanna help me out??



You could easily exploit borderlands- but live action? Its like a live action Kerby.


Thats funny - business major here and gone over none of that. Well, I lie. You can profit max when you are a monopoly or in a monopolistic market - when potential customers have significant alternatives, competition and low disposable income… be damn sure you have a great differentiation strategy.

Managing risk, understanding your market and operating across multiple countries however - lots of lessons not applied.


Then they should have done a better competitor analysis… I’d have done it for 10% of what they actually lost on it.


I hope i get this across without getting pedantic responses.

So why is Hamas allowed to be excused for using human shields because of the population density where there is no choice, but civilians being killed by Israeli attack are completely unacceptable? Surely if its so density they don’t have a choice then Israel doesn’t either.

Other poster is correct, civilians on both sides are the only innocent ones here. No need to excuse one side as “no choice”.


That’s like saying I had no choice but to beat my wife at home because if I did it in public I’d get arrested.

No where in the UN charter, Geneva convention or any legal precident does it say war crimes are acceptable if you don’t have a choice, or its ok if you will be attacked by not breaching the convention. There is a damn good reason we keep those places protected and we are looking at the suffering losing them causes.


So what your saying is war crimes are acceptable when you are losing?

You also missed the part where I took one of my neighbors kids after throwing shit over the fence, that there is years of history between us where we both attacked eachother, and that im apparently hiding behind wife shooting at you saying “hurt her its your fault”.


Good question, should clarify.

Standing directly behind someone, using them as a physical shield is not the human shield im talking about. The only direct evidence I’ve seen of this was the original attack when hostages were being taken back… and we know how that went.

Im referring to using protected places (hospitals, mosques, infrastructure) as bases for logistics, planning and operations - doing so removes the protection placed on those places and makes it legal to attack… regardless of what that means for the civilian population. There has been significant evidence of this.

Proportionality does need to be brought into discussion as I do believe much of the response on protected places was excessive - We’ve all seen the damage and suffering that removing the protection on these places has caused.

Going back to my original point, Hamas uses these with the justification of “we don’t have a choice” because there is a significant strength inbalance and everything not breaking the conventions has been destroyed - no where is this considered acceptable. The laws and convention doesn’t just apply when you are winning and its a “fair” fight. Nor does Israeli actions justify it - just like Hamas actions don’t justify Israeli breaches.


Using your discussion they had no choice but to fight. Fair point.

They absolutely had choices on where to organise, whether or not to kill and capture civilians, or if they should set up in hospitals and key infrastructure that keeps their civilians alive. Do you have a justification for this?


Yes - we also have no evidence Hamas is avoiding civilian casualties either. This is the point - why are we excusing one but not the other?

I struggle with any excuses from Israel- you have the manpower, tech and logistic to do soo much better and (regardless of your actual intent) causing excess suffering isn’t going to help your long term position. We learned this in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Not OP.

So your saying Hamas actions that are war crimes are justified because they are defending their home, therefore they are not the same?


Point 0 - that you for engaging with facts and opinion rather than instant accusations.

Point 1 - correct, asymmetrical warfare is very common among weaker forces and is a great way to negate tech advantages. Nothing wrong with it, the issue is where and how they are conducting it.

Point 2 - interesting part of the point you mentioned regarding dressing up to murder civilians in hospitals. Hamas was doing such things - terrorists dressing up as civilians to access medical care, who took arms into a hospital that removed its protections, who were then killed by an opposing force in a way that minimizes civilian casualties.

I haven’t seen anything on the legality since, but discussions I had when this video came out was that it is probably justified as they did drop the disguise before opening fire. Lack of uniform does make it questionable.

This goes back to my original point - armed combatants aren’t allowed to use civilian infrastructure as it removes its protections. Hamas blatantly used it and yet its Israeli fault for killing them there?

For your last point, im sorry I’ve got a splitting headache and struggling to connect the dots, but you do raise an interesting point. I cant blame Palestine for wanting to fight, but I can blame Hamas for their conduct and choices within the conflict - just like Israel.


i would argue neither is worse - but the intent would be much harder to defend against in court when you are also bragging about being able to put a round through a specific window.

It also runs the very real risk of a little war crime being accepted if… for example you’re just “protecting your home” or “the other side is worse” or “you don’t have a choice”.


I’ve also never met any afgani women who openly accused the Taliban regime since they took back over - lack of evidence isn’t proof of something. Nor do I belive you can just casually say “oh, your point doesn’t matter” and dismiss it out if hand.


I had a discussion on this point when we went over this at uni.

They aren’t signatories to the Geneva convention, UN Charter or any of the other rule based systems we have, however they can still done under crimes against humanity.

No criminal ever signed a declaration before they crime that they agree to follow our laws, but are prosecuted all the same.


In the case of war crime, no they don’t.

Shooting in self defense isn’t a war crime when applied to a country (article 51 of UN charter), and your second one is because its a direct attack on civilians… and if you’re claiming there is one fighter inside its non proportional attack.

Interesting point, article 51 is what was used to justify the US attack the second gulf War, and will likely be use to justify the Israeli response in this one.

No Gaza ceasefire until Israel war aims achieved, Netanyahu says (www.bbc.com)

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted there will be no permanent ceasefire in Gaza until Hamas’s military and governing capabilities are destroyed and all hostages are released. His statement comes after US President Joe Biden announced Israel had proposed a three-stage plan to Hamas aimed at reaching a...


Where did you get destruction of Palestine from that one?

The core part of the article is that he won’t order it to stop until opinion polls say its best for him.

Still fucking wrong, no need to add your own beliefs into it.

SUVs made up 20% of global emissions growth and 55% of car sales globally in 2023 (slrpnk.net)

This is just insane. Not only are cars themself mostly unnecessary, if the right infrastructure is provided, but SUVs also use more resources to run and be produced then small cars, without any advantage over them. So an obvious waste, which could easily be cut to reduce emissions....


Na, bring back the golden age of sail. Ideally with automation… and automation sea shanties


Oh, I fully agree there are multiple logistics and engineering challenges that would need to be overcome. But im also aware we are orders of magnitude more advanced than when Great Eastern was designed and built - we used to think we would never get to the moon because a spacecraft couldn’t carry enough coal.

If you could eliminate 80% of fuel costs you could make smaller vessels much more cost effective which, let’s be honest, is the biggest hurdle. Make it sail 95% of the time, small maneuvering engine and electric tugs can eliminate alot of the variable costs… and they only cruise at 10-12kt anyway.


Yes, theoretical hull speed is proportional to hull speed, but mondern cargo ships aren’t optimized for speed - old school clippers were.

They are also more cost effective for crew - which is why you need to automate as much as possible. Electronic winches, hydraulic booms or sheets, instance access to weather, Electronic monitoring, tides and conditions forecasting and access for a harbour pilot to take over could eliminate alot, if not all of transit crew.

Will it be as fast and reliable- no. But if you can make the cost savings outweigh the drawbacks you can make a presentable business case.


I cant get past eu4 mid game. I get early wins, can’t keep up in much, get swarmed by 30k artillery groups and 100+ fleets.


Na, gaming is where I can realise great strategy I cant do in real life. I’ve never been at work going “just want to do this” before I go home and sleep


Tried Sweden, England, France, Spain, ottomans and one Indian one - still that mid game issue


Do you have anything recommended?

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say (www.cnn.com)

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...


See, you’re being downvoted but I see no media openly recalling their articles and saying they jumped to conclusions.

Is Israeli innocent of everything - very doubtful. But people are screaming how bad Israel is because of what is seen in the media, that they argue and scream more about how bad they are when facts come out the media was wrong.


Yes, and where do you see these?

Are you reading peer reviewed journal articles, or media articles about them? ICJ and ICC reports, or media commentary on it? Are you talking with victims and politicians, or what the media says is happening?

This is the point the other poster and I are getting at - your entire information on this conflict is the media that has been shown multiple times to jump to conclusions.

Does it excuse actions from both sides - no. But have a fucking think about what the media is telling you.


No, but I see how my wording can seem that way. Its that when your view of something is based on the media, you can’t dismiss someone bringing new facts to light with that viewpoint formed by the media.


Well, looks like Russia will nuke themselves once the drones find them.


They do… just very inefficiently

Helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes, search under way (www.reuters.com)

DUBAI, May 19 (Reuters) - A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog, an Iranian official told Reuters, and rescuers were struggling to reach the site of the incident....


Throw in an admiral cloudburg article and its perfect.

I’m going to call it CFIT simply because its most likely and I doubt Iran will investigate well enough to find anything else.

Unless its a murder and the pilots dumped the body and flew somewhere else.


I always heard “10,000 parts and an oil leak trying to get away from eachother”.


what’s in Texas

Maryland, probably.

(Rest of the world)


Correct- essentials tend to be inelastic.

They may have the incorrect belief that elasticity is the ability to absorb a price change, rather than how much Q changes when hit with a change in P


Are they?

Pretty sure AI is a dangerous tech that changes end game. Do we still have 50 years or you not playing 2500 victory?


Alexa, set reminder on this guys eating times

Well, you’re fucked now


Reading the article it seems like Hamas has accepted a proposal but that does not meet Israeli core demands, along with unclear understanding if its the same one that was brokered with neutral parties.

Taking this at face value, its closer to Israel rejecting a list of demands submitted from the weaker party.


And its unclear if this is even the proposal negotiated.

At face value, its a list of demands from a cornered party


“It was not immediately known if the proposal Hamas agreed to was substantially different from one that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pressed the militant group to accept last week”

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