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(whispering) “I’m gonna tell you this just once, so listen good. You’re gonna tell me what I want to know because I got my nose buried so goddamn deep in your ear that all it’ll take is one little white lie before I’m performing brain surgery on you. And the fact that you’re not dead after I said that should tell you that I ain’t fucking around. Now, are you going to tell me where the fuck Geppetto is, or do I need to tell you about the biggest fish I ever caught?”


I thought FTW meant ‘Fuck The World’


So is Ukraine supposed to micromanage how each piece of equipment is being used based on how each donor country feels about attacking Russia?


You vs the guy she said not to worry about


We had my Dad’s password info and after he passed, his Steam acct pretty much passed over to my brother, since he was the one always using my Dad’s account anyways. We also have family sharing up, so we all still get to share from most of his games anyways.

I do wonder what they’ll do after an acct is 50-100+ years old and it’s still being used. Will they at some point start tying it to your SS# or find some other way to tie it to specific people?


Imagine working with the shittiest people in the world, whose decisions affect the lives of millions and can make life even harder for them, and they gleefully do so time and time again, while you’re powerless to stop them.


Yeah, “legally” in a world where Trump wins a 2nd term is basically, “whatever we say it is”. I’m sure if somebody complains about it not being legal, they’ll just get shot instead. It sounds like the same sort of argument that pot-heads would make, “If you ask a cop if they’re a cop, they legally have to tell you!”


“Bah– god! Here’s Biden with a steel chair!”


That it should require a conviction is still batshit insane. That’s still way too damning of a good portion of the American public.


Yeah, it really should’ve read “Levar Burton - The New Scotty?” To which people would’ve been like “a black Scotty, WTF?” It’s kind of interesting how much the original dynamic was broken apart with the TNG crew, and glad they tried doing something different instead of just a carbon copy reboot. Some just don’t translate or were completely new “roles” that just didn’t exist in TOS.

  • Kirk (Picard + Riker)
  • Spock (Data)
  • Bones (Crusher + Worf)
  • Scotty (LaForge)
  • Uhuru (Yar + Guinan + Troi)
  • Sulu (Data)
  • Chekov (Wesley)
  • Red shirts (Gold shirts)

That’s right, so at that point he probably would’ve been more of a Sulu or a Chekov.


Still hitting those strategically important military targets I see.

Dr. Pulaski Appreciation Post (

I don’t know whether it’s a popular opinion or not, but I think Dr. Pulaski was a great character and I found her much more interesting than Dr. Crusher. I don’t know if it was down to the writing or the performance but Pulaski is one of the best parts of season 2 and I would have been happy to see her character continue....


I appreciate that she wasn’t as sexualized as Crusher (if at all), it was pretty cringey in the first season.


It’s making me think of the old FPS games Heretic and its sequel Hexen (plus apparently Heretic II was in there too). I wonder if this will be a sort of reboot of that, just reskinned as Doom because that franchise is more recognizable.


Might also be a return to the Heretic series.


I mostly support Biden, but this isn’t really a surprise. For what seems like years now, it’s felt like all the major news outlets have been running stories about a recession being right around the corner. There will be little bright spots here and there, but otherwise it’s been a constant drumbeat perpetually expecting a recession, PLUS you’ve got layoffs and sky-high prices for rents/houses/consumer goods. The “economy” may be doing good, but it still sucks for the majority of commoners who have to actually live in this country.


One of the most epic face-plants of the 21st century and proof of how vulnerable democracy is to misinformation.


That’s cool, but choosing to do nothing is also a choice and you’ll see worse results under Trump, maybe even American forces helping out in the genocide, complete withdrawal of any Palestinian relief efforts, even more weapons provided without any conditions, and repression of groups here in the US. Saving the Palestinians would be great, but throwing out everything else for their sake when it won’t even make a difference just seems childish. If Trump gets power again, you won’t even have the freedom to worry about the Palestinians anymore, but you’ll still have to live with dead Palestinian children under rubble.

With Biden, there’s at least attempts at trying to reign in the Israelis. The US has less sway over the Israelis than what many probably think, as we can see with Israel’s/Netanyahu’s flippant attitude towards Biden’s urgings for restraint. Israel specifically started positioning itself to be less reliant on US influence since the 90s. We should still just stop sending them weapons altogether, but at least under Biden there an effort to stop it (as ineffectual as they are). Under Trump, the US will give increased enthusiastic support.


She may be cold-blooded, but it’s making my blood pump hot in some places (I’m referring to my penis).


Fuck that, we should be making it easier and stop favoring one gender over the other in both divorce and child custody. Property/assets should be split based on who actually paid for those assets. If one person pays all or a majority of the mortgage on a property, why do they then have to split that property 50% with somebody who contributed nothing? Marriage is a dying institution that should be put out of its misery.


Wait, shouldn’t it have 4 teats on it? That’s usually how many cows have. Or… is it made from people?


“For the crime of supporting an oppressed people facing genocide, we want to send you to a war zone where you would most likely get killed by an American ally committing war crimes on a daily basis.”


“Israel, are you committing war crimes again?”

“No, this is antisemitic.”

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


Israel has already been preparing for this eventuality for years. They’re not as dependent on US aid as one might think. They had started working towards reducing their dependence on US military aid specifically because of US presidents trying to set milquetoast restrictions like, “Please stop committing war crimes so openly.” And our aid makes up much less of their GDP (though still something like $3+ billion/year). Likely they’ll just take their business elsewhere to countries more willing to ignore war crimes. We should still stop providing aid to them though, they’re a belligerent country and committing war crimes & genocide.


Mexico is just the US with a yellow camera filter.


And I’m sure they’ll be punished just as harshly for that war crime as all the others.


Curing Cancer is anti-Capitalist! Unlimited Growth Always and Forever!


There’s alot of junk in that trunk.


Kevin gonna be makin’ me nut all over the place.

Hopes of Gaza ceasefire rise as Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo (

Egyptian and US mediators have reported signs of compromise in recent days and Egyptian state news channel Al-Qahera said on Saturday that a consensus had been reached in the indirect talks over many of the disputed points but gave no further details. However, many analysts remain pessimistic after five months of stop-start...


In this situation, they’re the ones holding the hostages, and they did win the elections in Gaza in 2006, after-which they basically removed anyone else that could challenge them in Gaza. The Palestinian Authority still represents the West Bank, but they’re not holding hostages nor could they guarantee their return if they were negotiating. Hamas is a useful tool for Israel because they give Israel exactly the kinds of excuses they need to barge in and take more land.


For anyone confused like me, she is apparently the fictional prime minister of Poland within the Tekken universe. The actual prime minister of Poland is still Donald Tusk (who is also not the brother of Elon Tusk).


Does Trump really need a ground game though? Republicans have national propaganda outlets to get their people out to vote and he’s got plenty of name recognition anyways. I feel like “ground game” is really more useful for local candidates or for Democrats, who have a harder time mobilizing their blocs of voters to actually go out and vote. Otherwise, how useful are these satellite campaign offices in this day and age for a presidential candidate? Hopefully we’ll see it hurt local races more than anything and some sort of “blue wave”, but somehow I doubt it. Trump voters will still come out to vote for Trump and anyone with an R next to their name.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


I think Israeli leadership has already made the decision that all of that region is their land and they’re not sharing it with anybody, or if they do, it’ll be smaller reservations, similar to American Indian reservations in the US. They just want the Palestinians to eventually fade away. Violent groups like Hamas just help them more than anything because it gets Israelis riled up and gives their military an excuse to go in and carve out even more territory, so I’m sure they don’t even care about this, they’re like, “Why would we want you to lay down your arms?”


Yeah, gaming seems like the perfect field to get into now, with its ongoing waves of layoffs that have been going on for over the past year.


He should be given the property if he was forced to pay the taxes on it.


Sometimes when Mommy and Daddy lawmakers love each other very much, they put things inside of other things that might be very bad, but they do it because they love each other very much and the kids really shouldn’t be watching what they’re doing behind closed doors.


She was pretty much out of the running during the primaries thanks to Tulsi Gabbard at one of the debates and I had hoped I would never hear from her again, then lo and behold Biden picks her up as his VP and she’s been nothing but dead weight since then. I really wish he’d drop her and pick up somebody else.

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