
I’m impressed. You’re so insufferable that you’ve managed to piss off both Tankies and the people who hate Tankies.

Thank you for posting this though. This thread has managed to reaffirm my faith in Lemmy users. It’s a relief to see that people who bitch about mods and “hurt feefees” are still ridiculed.

It’s a shame, almost. After reading through this thread, I get the distinct impression there would’ve been much more spicy takes for you to die on. But, c’est la vie.


Who is dead? I’ll be back lol

I’m not a tankie

OhStopYellingAtMe, avatar

Nah. It’s not about “feefees.” If an instance promotes pro-Nazi content, defederate ‘em.”


I actually agree, this post is about the libs who want to defederate tho

OozingPositron, avatar

>Bro, bro, You don’t get it bro, we need to defederate from this instance because they like something I don’t like, common bro, trust me bro.

hark, avatar

This was most apparent when people were shrieking about tankies. Seemed like redditors trying to recreate reddit on the fediverse.


Well tankies are the fuckin worst and you should block me if you disagree

SoleInvictus, avatar

Tankies are pretty annoying, but what’s much more annoying to me now is people whinging on about tankies that aren’t even there. The amount of comments to the effect of “just wait for the tankies to read this and do (X)” vastly out numbers the number of comments I see from actual tankies. More often than not, those tankies fail to ever materialize.


Well yeah often the true tankieposting OFF ml hex or grad gets removed by mods

And often they DM you a mountain of shit from like 5 accounts, or invoke you in their local “dunktank” threads.

If people don’t have them blocked out, it can be pretty annoying.


“that aren’t even the”

Because mods are doing their job or they’re not federated with the communities you instances in…

SoleInvictus, avatar

At least on, it’s now visible when comments are removed. It’s not uncommon that I see multiple comments complaining about what the tankies are going to do and few to no removed comments. Given is also the instance whose members I see gripe about tankies the most, I currently believe it’s just people using an out group to achieve some sort of personal goal, even if it’s just as simple as wanting to comment but not really having a lot to say.


Are you aware that has defederated from lemmygrad and hexbear which means you won’t see any comments from them even if they’re all over the thread?

SoleInvictus, avatar

Indeed, this isn’t my only account, nor is it even my primary.

Fleur__, avatar

When the shit post is agenda post 😔


Yes my evil agenda to not restrict the posts I subscribe to on my home instance. To not have every leftist and non-American point of view removed from the largest lemmy instance and to not be subject to an American neoliberal consensus? I’m guilty. Sorry!

I just don’t understand why everyone wants to defederate and was having a shitposty time collecting downvotes. Why? Because this literally doesn’t matter. There are plenty of tools on lemmy to deal with annoyances including creating your own instances, the subscribed tab, block lists, and lots of stuff that this beta software has in the works on the roadmap. All in all people are taking everything way too seriously for what this is, hobby software run by amateurs and individual people not corporations for sharing links on software that isn’t anywhere near being complete.

Does moderation suck? Maybe, who cares? Tomorrow is a whole other day of more posts. If you really want to create a new comm on a new instance and do a better job than, Do it! Ruud did it, you know who isn’t? The people grandstanding and downvoting.

There is so much negativity surrounding Lemmy it is surreal and way out of bounds for what this actually is. This is why I joke around and post weed memes and sometimes poke a bear. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. And if you think this is Russian propaganda or whatever that is fine.


I get the sense that it’s really not about people having leftist or non American points of views removed, but that people are sick of the extreme shit they post and their attitudes. And it’s seemingly entire instances dedicated to being that extreme, not just some individual users.

Personally though, since users have the tools now to block instances, I don’t think there’s really as much of a need to defederate unless the instance is specifically doing something more than just posting their views. So I agree with you there. Except that having to go out of your way to block stuff like that makes for an experience that isn’t always great. And for me it’s been something that doesn’t really make me want to participate or use the platform much.


Every one of your comments in the past 2 months has been a complaint, If you don’t want to participate, don’t.


Ouch, stalked my profile for your response here. And its not even true.

But yea, calling me out for complaining when your whole post is a complaint. Good job. You are definitely part of the reason I dont participate much on lemmy.


In a 2 second browse I saw you complaining about sync and literally saying the same thing about not wanting to participate. Good for you, do you want a cookie?


Yes, I have made some complaints. Stuff like this, and people like you are one of the main things holding me back from embracing this as a platform. But you said every one of my comments. Did you stop reading after the first one?

And yes, I would like a cookie, do you have one?

Anyways, I dont feel like having a fight with an internet stranger. So, do you like video games?

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

Omg you’re that hypocritical guy that was complaining about people complaining too much about Hexbear. You seriously put your take out there, got ratioed, and now you’re making a post about how people shouldn’t argue in favor of defederation? It’s one thing to say “I don’t think we should defederate from this particular instance” but to complain about people talking about it is far outside the bounds of reason.

I think you’re a Hexbear person in masquerade because you’re using the weird faux first principles argument style that conservatives and tankies use along with the disengenuous reframing tactics of trolls. People are allowed to care about things that you don’t, and they can argue in favor of things you don’t like. I find it amazing how you accused me of being a child, and now I think you were projecting.

hamid, (edited )

Dude I really don’t care what you think or say. I caused such a shitstorm on Hexbear I got banned before federation was a thing. Look up vegan circlejerk.

I am just bored and think this is fun. This is quite literally a shitpost. You want to ratio me? Go ahead I don’t care. I can post whatever I want where ever I want and say whatever I want. The downvotes do not matter to anyone but you and I think you are a loser. You are talking about conservatives and tankies? Mother fucker I just want some posts on my feed for kicks, post some meme bullshit and get high as balls. This is what you are taking so seriously, a man who literally doses with high strength thc and makes people mad on purpose because you neoliberal Americans are the most thin skinned pathetic dorks on the planet. Touch grass.

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

Dude I really don’t care what you think or say.


I am just bored and think this is fun.

Ok, so you admit it; you’re a disingenuous troll. Blocked.


Oh noo whatever will I do with you and your lame ass blocking me. I’m literally crying right now


Most upvoted Lemmy post I’ve seen since joining and OP is getting blasted in the comments by people missing the point.

umbrella, avatar

a lot of people here seem to have an us-centric kinda mentality


A lot of people start bleeding something besides human rights and the marketplace of ideas when you scratch them


OP sounds like a jerk, but he’s not wrong. The calls for de-federation are about as ubiquitous as reports in online gaming.

De-federation should not be taken lightly. It undermines the whole point of Lemmy. It magnifies the shitty people on your server (you aren’t locked in there with them. They are locked in there with you). It promotes echo chambering and limits external viewpoints that help us form good opinions. It makes the server boring.

Don’t do it

altima_neo, avatar

What about threads?


IMO threads should be defederated on principle. Having a massive and evil corporation like Facebook here goes completely against the spirit of the protocol.

yamapikariya, avatar

At first I disagreed about your characterization of OP based on just this post, but then I saw the comments on this thread.

Anyways, I also think defedding will cause a problem. It might even cause this platform as a whole to fail or to have one site rise and be the main site which is the opposite of what this is all about.


I was all ready to rush in and defend him for getting downvoted, but he’s asking for it.


I was joking and having a laugh at people who take the internet way too seriously, lighten up this place is for shitposting remember. I thought this whole thread was funny


It really, really depends on the instance’s users. So long as they’re tolerable, there’s rarely a reason to defederate. If you host mostly trolls, spam, illegal photos, or hateful content, tolerating it is unnecessary. I’m not here to interact exclusively with folks who seek only to regress my understanding, personally.

Relatedly, the most delightful folks exist on a broadly defederated instance, beehaw. Also relatedly, solarpunk hosts my second favorite userbase. You guys are fantastic.


Yeah, most instances should remain federated even if they’re somewhat distasteful. Just the extremes and harassers like Hexbear and should be defederated.


Do you mean lemmygrad?


No, I mean

It’s absolutely chock full of authoritarian propaganda and aggressive users. I abandoned an old account because they followed me around and downvoted everything I posted.

I love the idea of the Fediverse and want to see it thrive to the point where Facebook and the other corporate social media fail. I don’t think that’ll ever happen while aggressive propaganda instances like are so prominent.

wintermute_oregon, and lemmygrad about ran by the developers. Lemmygrad is the extreme version of ml.

I love the concept of the fediverse but there are many people who just want to troll people. It needs some diversity of ideas to be successful long term


I dislike having an unwritten code of conduct upheld via admins but that really doesn’t extend outside their instance. Their users are largely fine so I’m fine with the instance. I do avoid their communities, though. Those are unpleasant due to the code of conduct.


Hexbear and to a lesser degree ML and grad evoke the fear of becoming the Nazi bar, but for tankies.

If many new users land on “all” and sees a bunch of crazy posts, and dogpiled Engel posting on every mention of the west, they are gonna just leave.

If everyone is cool being known as a home of ultra leftist, often drifting into true tankie autocrat worship, then so be it.

I’m aware who built Lemmy and so on, no need to recite the lore.

If people want to discuss defederation there’s nothing wrong with that.


Yeah except Echo Chamber paranoia is completely unfounded

It’s been proven that social media companies defy human social behavior and intentionally force you to see more content that will lead you to encounter “the opposing view”, not out of some inherent Grade A Grillin’ centrist urge to make everyone play nice, but because they know damn well that it drives up engagement from everyone being at each other’s throats in these forced encounters.

See also why you just cannot seem to escape tangentially seeing content related to users you blocked on Instagram or keep getting recommended users from in their social orbit that you “might know”.

The truth is that the ability to just ignore people who you don’t want to engage with is what keeps society peaceful most of the time, because going out of your way to force contact with people who disagree with you isn’t breaking down your personal barriers it’s laying the groundwork for a restraining order.


You’re not wrong, but if I take all my like minded friends and make a gated community of my own, I’m seriously culling the number of potential view points.




sorry for being out of the loop but what does defederating do? why is it so controversial?!


Defederating means that if your instance defederates another, that other server’s content will not be propagated into your instance. Therefore blocking all content from that other server into yours.


It means Hamid has to make another account

mihnt, avatar

I just want to defederate myself from yiff instances and that one where the owner is using bots to pull threads from /r/overwatch to their own instance. I mean, you do you, but I just don’t want to see it on my feed.

Wasn’t this an option that was supposed to be added?

BackOnMyBS, avatar



I thought this place was for shitposting, not whining. Nope, looks like I was wrong – rules say ‘Vents and Banter’ too…



Well, its 20 to 5, I’m going to pack up my shit at work and see what you are all up to when I’m getting paid again


Lol I made the lemmitors really mad and they think I care about their downvotes and opinions on a shitposting sub, its the most fun I had all day at work while I get paid.


As they say, if you felt the need to make multiple comments on it…


My app lets me know when I get bites so I just responded lol. The best part about this thread is I’m a villain on hexbear, I started a struggle session so tense it almost collapsed their site. Us vegans are dicks.


Ok buddy. Whatever you say.



db2, (edited )

Cry more.

Aww poor baby has to downvote with multiple accounts to feel secure. So sad.


No one asked you about your thoughts or opinions, believe it or not you are so worthless two people bothered to press down on you.


Cry more.


Your responses are the worst and lowest effort. Try harder


Cry more.


Is there a way to see if someone has multiple accounts?


Probably not, they’re still working on basic admin tools and that one would be more advanced.


Yeah the mod tools are still pretty basic atm, but that would be a helpful one


Email, IP, and MAC tracking to at the very least form a map of related accounts could hypothetically work, but you gotta realize that it’s never gonna be a silver bullet, just even more effort that raises the minimum effort to beat the system anyways, and trolls take pride in how much glass they’ll crawl naked over just to annoy you personally once they’ve locked on.

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