
identify as tomboy lesbian woman who was born biologically a male so you get to keep your lifestyle, your wife, and your cock.


can i get two cocks


The face of a man with no regerts



ikidd, avatar

I had a nephew that found out he could get a $500 bursary for trade school as a male, or $5000 as a female. A trip down to the DMV netted him (her) $4500.

Can’t say I wasn’t amused.


Feminism means gender equality people.


Feminism means gender goes into the shredder. No gender. FUCK gender, punk ass bitch ass social construct. Burn it at the stake!

Note: many feminists may or may not disagree


Lmao what?


So, obviously, people don’t generally change their legal gender for an advantage somewhere. But if they do, that’s a pretty good sign, not that it’s too easy to change your gender, but that there’s a gender bias in the law.

So arguably, the easier it is to change your legal gender, the less of a problem gender-based affirmative action is. Conservatives must love this! End liberal overreach in one easy step!


I agree. The Daily Mail no doubt uses this as a way to say “legally changing your gender should be harder”, but that’s fixing the wrong problem. Gender fluidity isn’t the problem, gender inequality is.

Gender should be as unimportant as eye color in most things in life. If your system breaks from someone changing their gender, you need to fix your system.


Thing is, There are less women in STEM, there are less women in management position etc. Therefor, either women are less interested/worse at these things (which is the conservative view) or society itself treats women differently than men. The rational behind affirmative action and programs geared towards women isn’t that women are less skilled and therefore need more help, rather that society makes it harder for a woman achieve the same as a similarly skilled man. By treating women differently we can help level the playing field.

Also, making gender “as unimportant as eye color in most things in life” is a completely unrealistic goal in the near future even in the most liberal countries in the world. We can (and do) strive to reach it, but that’s not a viable solution for issues we have right now.

And you know what? Legally changing your gender SHOULD be harder than filling a form. Someone who’s transgender should have no problem showing that’s what they are. The thing is to make sure the legal process is done respectfully, without making the person feel like they’re being interrogated.


[…], there are less women in management position etc. Therefor, either women are less interested/worse at these things (which is the conservative view) or society itself treats women differently than men.

For management its actually a quite complex problem. First of all, women themselves seem to underestimate themself more than men and so don’t apply for higher jobs(e.g. Manager) since they underestimate their skills and potential thinking, they aren’t able to suit such a role, even tho they could. At the same time the manager(etc.) Are mostly males, so the stereotypical view of a manager iis a guy, which may also lead to women not believing in themselves. When women do apply for a higher role they often get overlooked. They get judged much more critical in terms of skills, while their potential often gets overlooked. This causes female applicants to often not get accepted for said positions. This is also one of the reasons, why women are less likely(around 14%) to get a promotion. Last but not least the typical Charakter traits that a manager needs, are often associated with masculinity(e.g. Strength, endurance, rationality,…).


I can only suggest that article. Its very good.


Yeah, there’s a similar issue from the other side (at least in my country) - Men will usually apply for a job if they don’t meet all the requirements, while women won’t tend to do so.

Going on a tangent off “The traits that people typically associate with success in leadership, such as assertiveness and strength" (from the article), that almost sounds like something form the 50s - “Look here Johnson, I need those forms, and I need them yesterday, now get moving!”. Traits I associate with leadership (at least in high-skill modern work place) are good communication and motivation skills, ability to plan ahead and multi-tasking/ability to prioritize. Sure, once in a while a manager has to bang their fist against the table, but the real skill isn’t in banging on the table as hard as you can, it’s the ability get what you want without needing to do so in the first place. Point being that, if anything, women are better managers.


that almost sounds like something form the 50s

It does but it still is something people associate with managers.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

So arguably, the easier it is to change your legal gender, the less of a problem gender-based affirmative action is.

Gender-based public sector affirmative action exists to counterbalance discrimination in the private sector. I would argue that becoming trans to undermine gender-AA is penny wise and pound foolish, unless you were already tending towards that inclination.

But what I’m seeing here is “I’m changing my gender but only for the purposes of gaming the system, then I expect you to recognize me as my original gender again”. And that’s on par with carrying a pair of crutches in your trunk so you can park in handicapped spaces.

You don’t really want to take on the burden of being recognized as a woman. You just want to pocket a benefit in the public sector and then go back to your privileged position in the private sector.


Equality, aint it great?


Dumb idea: it feels bad being second class in things like retirement, empathy, and mental health, etc., right guys?

Well, that’s how our sisters on the other side feel about literally everything else. If we want to fight so hard for the few things us men lack, let’s use that same energy to fight for women too.


Well why not I guess


because laws like this were made to offset the patriarchal dominance of a society shaped by men for centuries. it’s unfair to women to let men just take those offsets away from them and it’s the elephant in the room that nobody wants to address as they cheer for trans-women’s rights.


Coul be easier to just have an equal society


could it? i mean, women have been fighting for equality since at least the turn of the 20th century and we’re still not there.


I mean with the different rules based on sex/gender can cause this sort of issues, having just one retirement age for everyone for example could be easier


so then you don’t support affirmative actions laws?


What are those?


Giving certain groups preferential treatment does sound a bit sketch


i’m guessing you’re too young or foreign to remember what the economic landscape looked like in the 70’s/80’s early post civil rights era. there was rampant poverty in black communities, especially in the south where i’m from. affirmative action helped bring those people up from that (but didn’t finish the job - there is still rampant generational poverty). those were good government programs aimed at a more egalitarian society. sorry if that sounds ‘sketch’.


No need to be sorry


God damn legend status


Ah, good source, thanks! That weighs up everything!


Look in this thread:


Thanks, but that was not the point of my comment. I’m just happy about that post, because finally I learned women get more privileges than men and I can ignore everything I heard about wage gaps, glass ceilings, and sexism at work. What a relief!


Do you live in Argentina??? Hahaha


People gonna make this a trans thing and not a gender equality one… in most things women get the shitty treatment but with retirement and mental health its men


And office clothing in summer


You could always follow in the footsteps of these bus drivers:…/french-bus-drivers-skirts-dress…


i’m going to make it both. we really do need to advance women’s equality before we let men take their identities in order to dilute the few offsets women have had legislated for them.

just like how many affirmative action band-aids are being ripped off before poc have actually gotten equal footing in society, we are pushing women’s advances backwards by pretending that we live in an equal society and allowing men to take advantage of the mechanisms meant to promote equality.



MacNCheezus, avatar

Modern problems require modern solutions


Because I’ve been conditioned to never question laws, and never learned to mentally deal with contradictions in society I’m mad at the pronouns now! Those darn pronouns!


I don’t use pronouns and I don’t think you or they should either.




Is this an actual question or are you being indignant? If you have actual questions can you please try to articulate them? If I try and answer you without knowing what questions you are asking, we are more likely to get frustrated.

Hopefully you aren’t just being indignant.


Your original comment is incoherent


I see. Well, i hope we never meet in person cuz this is just the way I tell jokes, and I’m always half joking. Watching you get irritated would probably only encourage me to keep doing it too

dmalteseknight, avatar

Take a gender at this*

woelkchen, avatar

Helps if you put the first definition as well. I would think that the use of the word as a glance is more common than male goose.

woelkchen, avatar

Helps if you put the first definition as well. I would think that the use of the word as a glance is more common than male goose.

As a non-native speaker, I wasn’t aware of that second definition either but then I simply looked it up.


Thanks for noticing, all the meme effort was worth it just for this. Thanks


Shut up, nerd lol

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