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Only 70 years too late to help cpl klinger


Considering machine guns have been illegal since the 30s, youre probably right


Fake. Neelix would never date an adult.


We still have mandatory registration for selective service, it’s only for men, and feminist groups like the national organization of women believe it should be expended to I clude women or eliminated because it’s sexist


Everyone needs to pay tax so we have nice shit.

Like bombs, drones, missiles, and genocides?


This country operated without an income tax for 135 years and you’re citing a 5 year period in a single state? Talk about cherry picking.

Taxes are necessary, fine. Cheerleading them is stupid. You’re not a hero for paying taxes, you’re doing the bare minimum to stay out of jail. And considering how they’re spent, you’re kind of a villain.

If you dont like how your taxes are being spent. Vote in better people.

Oh, it’s my fault the feds reguarly use my money to kill people, ok. Guess I should have voted harder.

Hey, if this is one single person’s responsibility, why haven’t you fixed it?

Nobody cares about local elections

My local taxes are rarely spent on bombs, drones, missiles, or genocides.


Poor guy just wanted to spread vicious lies about people whose children were murdered. Who amongst us hasn’t done that?


That must be why they voted to renew the patriot act every 3 years since 2002, because they value freedom.

Please. All the worst legislation is bipartisan. Republicans are just stupid enough to say the quiet part out loud.


If the president of the US wanted someone inside of the US assassinated he would be assassinated already


They’ve got their own municipal power plant though so they’re not getting raked over the coals by eversource like the rest of the state


Yep, that explains it, I’m talking about Wallingford in Connecticut. It’s about a half hour from Oxford, near Durham, Cheshire and Cromwell. Just southwest of Berlin.


That niche network 4chan, with merely 22 million visitors a month


Trump can’t pronounce preposterous. Way too many syllables.


The role of kira on ds9 was originally supposed to be Ro. You could have had a whole series with her as a main character.


Updates are paused until 2038/January/19

And the botnets rejoiced for their bounty was plentiful


It’s not that it’s too woke, woke is a star trek cornerstone. It’s because it’s “corporation flying rainbow flag” woke. Stamets in particular does nothing but provide empty representation. Representation is great but there needs to be something to it. You can’t just sit down and be like “ok, he’s gay and neurotic and possibly autistic” and never develop any further than that. Minorities aren’t cardboard cutouts who exist to check off a box. They’re people.


SNW is the only good thing to come out of DIS


Can’t say I blame him for keeping a low profile. I remember the shit that internet nutcases were saying about him and his mother when this happened. They probably got a ton of death threats.


Nobody spends memorial day reflecting on people who died in wars. They spend it swimming, grilling hot dogs, and watching Shriners drive around in their tiny cars. What would make this one any different?


Ironically the first season of tng was exactly like tos and the show didn’t hit is stride until it threw that out and started doing it’s own thing


Almost? All of the living ones are for sure.


That’s been true every year since I stated paying attention. In 1997.


it is unlikely that Linux Desktop adoption will ever proliferate to the kinds of mainstream adoption that its accolades desire.

And if it does, the acolytes will hate it and start pushing for BSD adoption, because there’s a huge streak of hipsterism in the Linux community


The national libertarian party enshrined gay rights in their founding charter in 1974 when the Dems and repubs were still holding hands and singing “god hates fags” together in unison


I didn’t accuse you of saying any of that. What you did say was that they lost their way prior to the 1950s, which would be a neat trick for an entity that didn’t exist until 1974.


Private companies can still have multiple owners


Fox News headline: Lemmy user almar_quigley says “Trump is 100 times better than Biden.”


Florida’s going to be under water in a generation or two anyway


I bought FF7 rebirth without watching any videos of it, expecting an updated final fantasy game. What I got was a final fantasy themed dragons age. Refunded that shit after a half hour.


Which one had that hilarious painting of himself and Jesus hanging out?


“Sounding” means shoving stuff up your eurethra.


We boil the milk

That’s what pasteurization is


It was great for making buzzy electric guitar sounds in EXTREME games and that’s about it. SNES sound chip was superior and probably capable of replicating the Genesis sound if they’d tried


He’d be right if this was the year 1870. I checked my calendar and it’s not.


Clinton was a lawyer. He knew to ask for a specific definition and use it against them later.


He did, however, have sex with that girl


She wrote one of the most popular book series of all time, certainly she can think of something to tweet about other than whining about trans people

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