
broke latte-dock

edit: and my window blurring/transparency no longer works


Is latte dock still maintained?

Hopefully it gets fixed since I know a lot of people like it, but it might be permabroke


No, it’s been unmaintained for a while and probably won’t be ported to Plasma 6 unless a new maintainer steps up.


you need Plasma 6.0.1 and the latest git version of Klassy for blur.


I know my opinion will not be popular there but that’s what I love about Manjaro: they won’t rush the upgrade. I can wait for a couple of months, no worries.


Arch Linux waited for 6.0.1. Besides, you don’t have to upgrade if you don’t want.

(I did like Manjaro’s community though. They cool)


Can you freeze kde version while keeping the rest up-to-date? (Genuine question, I assumed that wasn’t possible)


Technically yes, but you’ll probably break your system because it’s a lot of work to keep track of which packages depend on what manually.

The best way to do this would use some sort of immutable distro with a frozen KDE version instead


Same here! Been using manjaro for more than 5 years by now on all my dev machines and I really like not being overrun by updates.

Once you form the habit of checking latest “stable update” forum thread (the eqivalent of checking the arch frontpage before an upgrade) and check for potential “manual interventions” (if any), then it gives you suprisingly good stability. But it’s still rolling release and “pretty current”.

And stability simply becomes more of a factor once your metaphorical “plate” becomes choke full and the last thing you want from your underlying OS is to act up on its own due to an update.


Kvantum blur is broken :(

BenPranklin, (edited )

I had to switch back to an x11 session because a lot of stuff is broken in Wayland for me. I was having a lot of flickering in slack and odd mouse issues in games.

ornery_chemist, (edited )

Didn’t realize this was happening and yay -Syu went brrr and it broke my shit. Probably doesn’t help that I’m running nvidia with linux (endeavouros). Wayland doesn’t work at all (black screen on login with only mouse ptr, wrong resolution), while Xorg is now much less smooth e.g. on the switching desktop animations. Moving windows around and in-window graphics are fine. Some graphical config stuff changed too; I’m still taking inventory.

I’m also currently playing with nvidia vs nvidia-dkms with different kernels to see if that solves anything.

EDIT: Looks like that my configuration was failing to set nvidia_drm modeset=1 correctly due to my unfamiliarity with dracut. Manually adding nvidia_drm.modeset=1 to my kernel cmdline makes Wayland work (and quite well at that), though Xorg is still laggy.


Sorry to hear that. Also on EOS and it is working great.

@baggins@beehaw.org avatar

Same here on Lenovo Ideapad(I think) and EOS. No problems at all.


On rolling release distros you should always read (or at least skim) over what’s being updated and if it may impact you.


Oh absolutely, I don’t blame KDE or arch repos lol. I did see that it was a KDE update but somehow didn’t clock the version number. I had it in my head that KDE6 was much farther off.




Mmm first releases! Working from home, its nearly close of play. I know … I’ll update my work laptop.

OK I now have LXDE for a fall back WM so I can read stuff rather more easily than using links in a TTY and switched out SDDM for LightDM - I needed sddm-git to get LXDE to start up. SDDM now simply crashes and dumps core - no idea why. Oh and I have switched to Wayland because X11 no longer works for me. I might put off updating the wife’s laptop for a while, at least until I’ve done my work desktop 8)

I must say its all rather pretty and smooth. Scrolling now has drag and acceleration, which is nice. I’m sure I’ll get KRDC to talk to the sodding wallet so my 100s of RDP connections will work again. For now I’ll call xfreerdp from the konsole. Perhaps I’ll get around to configuring KeePassXC and get around to using that instead. I share several rather large .kdbx with the rest of the firm.


KDE 6 on Arch has been canceled


Go away Google

@kawa@reddeet.com avatar

It’s really cool, but my sddm theme is now broken :'(


Finally my qt6 apps have a consistent theme!


install kde 6 :D grub shell prompt on reboot D:


It’s working fine for me. I like the improved icons and slightly adjusted layout, and the auto-hide panel feature is great.

Issues with my setup: window title applet isn’t yet updated to support KDE 6. I know there’s a version on the AUR that should work, but I’m waiting to see if it hits the Arch extras repo soon. My Papirus icons don’t seem to be applying, so all my folders are Green but Dolphin’s icon itself is blue. I also did get a weird temporary black box when moving a window out of the way from an auto hide panel, and the auto hide causes a stutter when it comes back into view.

1050 Ti laptop running X11 (optimus-manager) through HDMI with lid closed


Still waiting on tumbleweed :(

businessfish, (edited )
@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i upgraded last night! and when i booted up this morning, i was unable to log into any accounts in the login screen lol. if anyone else has a similar issue where the only option login screen gives you is wayland and that doesnt work for you or you want to use x11, what fixed it for me was installing plasma-meta as for whatever reason that wasn’t on my system at the time. this allowed me to select x11 again from the login screen and my system is working as normal.

i know we’re still in early days of plasma 6, but does anyone know any good calendar/weather/time widgets that i can replace this one with? store.kde.org/p/998901/ haven’t found another good calendar widget yet.


there’s this updated version with a Plasma 6 branch github.com/ALikesToCode/…/plasma-6

might work

@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

just gave it a go, unfortunately it errored out and i dont have time to troubleshoot atm

appreciate the suggestion though!



@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar






(dunno why I am in a day-old thread)

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