Linux for Kids?

I’m thinking about building a desktop with one of my kids and I would really prefer to put Linux on it. My wife is not a fan of the idea, however.

I’m wondering are there any good Linux distros/utilities for children that include parental control features and things like that? And that are easy to use for a child who has only used basic Chromebooks in the past?

For reference the child is under 12.


One thing I’d like to suggest is get most of their forward facing apps as Flatpak and let them install software that way instead of using the system package manager (even if it has a GUI). This jibes with others suggesting an immutable base system.

Obviously this may be more of a concern for older kids, but my kid started with Linux and it did fine… Right up until Discord started breaking because it was too old and they didn’t want to tangle with the terminal. Same thing when Minecraft started updating Java versions. Discord and Prismlauncher from Flatpak (along with Proton and Steam now) would have kept them happier with Linux.

As for internet, routers come with parental controls these days too, which have the added advantage of being able to cover phones (at least while not on mobile data). Setting the Internet to be unavailable for certain devices after a certain time on school nights may be a more straightforward route than DE tools.

skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • themoken,

    It does that everywhere, even on non .deb distros.

    surfrock66, (edited ) avatar

    I built my kids potato computers from the time they were 3-5, which was during covid. They need computer skills nowadays, and it put them at an advantage for covid school. We got them on java Minecraft which was huge for reading, typing, and some basic math skills (they figured out multiplication for crafting things like doors). I made a chart which had icons of things they want, with the word next to it, so they could search and type in creative.

    We used Ubuntu Mate. It’s simple, stable, and familiar. They do NOT have sudo on these boxes. As we’ve advanced, they now have firefox (behind a pihole which upstreams to opendns’ family protect), gimp (with a wacom tablet!), inkscape, calculators, tenacity, libre office, and they’re starting to get into some cad to make things to 3d print. You have to come to terms with doing a LOT of patient hand holding, but it has paid off dividends.


    Thanks for the advice. Yes I absolutely want her to have the opportunity to learn more technical stuff and be able to explore and play games. Also lan parties for games.

    I just want some guard rails because we have issues with managing screentime and things like that.

    surfrock66, avatar

    My setup is a bit extreme, but here are my guardrails:

    1. All users have the same UID’s on every system. I’m 1000, wife is 1001, son is 1002, daughter is 1003. All these exist on all systems. Our primary group is “family” (gid 10000). Our files are all owned by user:family. This matters because we let them have access to the share of things like home movies and pictures, and I have a TrueNAS with an NFS mount that their user folders rsync to nightly for backup. If you wanna get crazy, you can put in a whole LDAP/freeIPA setup, but that’s a lot (and I did all that as a learning experience).
    2. They don’t have the account passwords. I have their password, and if they want to use it, the wife or I have to type the password. When we want them off, superkey+L to lock the computer, and if they reboot it comes to a login screen.
    3. If you really go this route, and go the whole LDAP thing, you can also tie that into apps like Jellyfin. I have a huge library of movies and shows, but there’s a folder called “KidMedia” and I literally manually symlink things to that folder if I want them to have access. I set up the phones/tablet with their own jellyfin accounts, and when they log in they only see their media. I also NFS mount that share, so for the same reason, they can watch stuff on VLC from the computer with access control. We also do that with nextcloud, so we can use nextcloud talk to chat internally. The tablets/phones have built in android controls, so the idea is once they’re on their device, they’re free within the ecosystem I set up and they don’t enter credentials other than device unlock.
    d3Xt3r, (edited )

    In that case, I agree with the others and say leave this up to the router - not only is it far more easier to set up, it gives you/your kid the freedom to switch between distros/OSes, and you can even swap computers without worrying about having up the controls all over again.

    A friend of mine was in the same situation as you (he’s also a Linux nerd), and he ended up with the router thing, and after extensive research, he decided to get a Synology router as it had all the features he was after (mainly limiting access times, monitoring and reporting). See:…/device_content_control

    And for extra filtering, you could also set the upstream DNS on the router to a filtering service such as Cloudflare for Families, AdGuard DNS Family etc.


    My daughter had to take her laptop to school last week for her MAP tests (Nobara), and all the other kids with Macs, Chromebook or Windows were fascinated with her computer.

    She came home pissed that they all wanted to try her computer and wouldn’t leave her alone 🤣🤣


    I’m trying to pick a linux distro for a noob and they said they wanted a kde de like my arch + kde setup. I recommended them trying out kubuntu. I’m taking a look at nobara and idk, I just feel like there is more help for debian base distros out there.


    Nobara is basically Fedora with all gaming tweaks already made for the user.

    I know I don’t have to tell you how Arch is not noob friendly.

    Having said that, there are plenty of Debian based distros with KDE out of the box. KDE Neon is Ubuntu based, for example.


    But I hear it’s not stable enough and might not be noob friendly.


    Fedora, in my opinion, is super stable. But that’s just me. My daughter has had 0 complains so far, I running it on an old HP Spectrum X360 with and Nvidia card). I’d be hard pressed to go back to anything Debian based (until the new CosmicDE is out, then I’m taking whatever new PopOS they choose to put it on for a spin).

    skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • jjlinux,

    Being open and transparent about what you’re blocking and why is key. I fully agree. If your kids trust you, it makes it super easy for you to keep them safe.


    I would give them full on Linux, just put parental controls on the router.


    That’s the stuff.


    I just installed Ubuntu for my 11 year old and they could use it fine. Didn’t bother with any parental controls on the device itself (although I can ssh in if needed) because the network deals with filtering at a DNS level.


    I was installing Linux myself on extra computers we had at 13-14. Adding to the people saying just give them something like Mint or Ubuntu.


    Could you block things at the network level?

    Fun fact much of knowledge about active directory and security comes from misusing school resources. (More specifically bypassing restrictions)


    lol. I am the exact same. Trying to work around stuff and bypassing just about anything thought me how most things work.


    This probably holds true for most of us nerds.

    Suoko, avatar

    Kubuntu + adguard DNS and you’re done. Good looking desktop which is fun to configure for a kid. Dolphin file manager can show the terminal in a tab, which is good to learn. Nothing compares.


    Give em linux mint, and set parental controls on the router, alternatively you can have an admin account which has a list of blacklisted ips, but i don’t really recommend that since you’ll never have a list that has everything, and if your kid wants to look at porn or whatever, they’ll find a website that isn’t blocked, also doing this probably means you won’t be able to put your kid in wheel group which imo means they won’t be able to learn as much


    Oh I looked into it recently and discovered endless os, it has from scratch parental controls, an offline encyclopedia/Wikipedia lite an other educative softwares and games. You can use it totally offline as it seems to be made for educative purpose. Check it it could be interesting for your purpose. (You can also download and install more stuff for it of course)

    It’s freeware of course. Their installer took ages to download, there are torrents of their full version (12Gb)


    I second endless os. Parental controls, locked down system, comes prepackaged with many educational apps.

    maniacalmanicmania, avatar

    Can’t you install the Basic image and then add desired packages that are included in the Full image afterwards?


    I think the added packages are just preinstalled software from their curated store (only family friendly and educative software) but that is just asupposition.

    jdubba, avatar

    My six year old daughter’s laptop died recently and I replaced it with a small micro PC. I burned isos of 7 or 8 mainstream distro live images on to USB sticks, then let her spend 2 or 3 hours on each of them over a few days, and let her pick her favorite. I even let her use the pre installed Win 11 OS to compare. Fortunately she hated it. She ended up picking KDE Neon, but also liked Pop!OS and Mint Xfce. I think getting to explore around and make her own decisions in the process helped bond her with the computer and the OS in a deeper way than if I had just stuffed something on there.


    Give them a real desktop, like Fedora. If they enjoy computers, they’ll love it and they’ll be excited to learn how to use it.

    ace_garp, avatar

    DebianJr is the easiest pre-packaged distro for kids 7-12.

    Under 12, I would keep it fully offline(remove NIC or blacklist MAC address.

    Install a local wikipedia instance (or simple-wikipedia) for reference, and give them thumb drives/DVDs for media.

    For the fully libre start to life, install Trisquel GNU/Linux and use the DebJr package list to install required software.


    My kid, believe it or not, uses a NixOS laptop regularly. He doesn’t configure it yet, but honestly I’m not afraid of him having a go. When I was just about his age, I was figuring out DOS without the Internet to help, and while it was orders of a magnitude simpler, the documentation was orders of a magnitude more sparse too. Any of the big, well-documented distros (Ubuntu, Debian, NixOS (for some values of well-documented anyway), Fedora) would be fine. Honestly, I’d even let him loose with Arch at this point, or even Linux From Scratch.

    zonsopkomst, avatar

    I am hoping that shortly after mine can read & write, and I add a machine with NixOS for them to use, they will exceed my understanding of nix and start to teach me. 🤔


    Given the “unlearn what you have learned” problems I’ve encountered on my own Nix journey, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened with shocking rapidity. Nix isn’t really THAT hard. It’s just (a) different and (b) obscurely documented.

    zonsopkomst, avatar

    True, it’s shockingly simple sometimes, and other times I feel like I need to be a rocket scientist. Emphasis on “feel” because in those instances, there is nothing to go by for documentation.


    When I was a kid I remember being confused at what the installation questions were.

    If I were my own parent, I’d explain how the OS can sort itself (FHS, Windows, macOS). This gives confidence for installing and inspecting software.

    Next, I’d explain how drives work and how they’re represented in different systems. That means partitions and formatting too.

    That would then take me to explaining what’s involved in OS installs, erasing everything, dual booting, retaining personal files, etc.

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