

I’m Hunter Perrin. I’m a software engineer.

I wrote an email service: port87.com

I write free software: github.com/sciactive

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


How about, and I’m just spit ballin’ here, neither Donald Trump nor Hunter Biden should be president?


I have never whole heartedly supported the Democratic candidate (because I’m far more left than any of them have ever been), but I’ve always voted for them, because they’re far better than the other option. This time they’re just so far better than the other option, not because they are any better, but because the other option is so astoundingly worse. So, I guess, welcome to the club.

But I will say, Biden has been more progressive than any other candidate in my lifetime. Again, that’s not saying much, but hey, it’s better than nothing. He’s just killing himself by supporting Israel.

(Repost of my comment from the same article in another community.)

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street (www.politico.com)

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...


They misspelled, “I don’t care about society, I just want lower taxes.”


All those chants of “lock her up” for almost a decade, without even one shred of tact or civility, were all building up to this glorious headline.


She could have changed her profile pic after that comment.

hperrin, (edited )

So no change at all for our uncracked sisters.


I’d press it as long as I get to keep my parts down there. I’m way more attached to my anatomy than my gender.


Email, probably. Kind of depends on your needs, and how willing other people are to accommodate them. The most secure messaging platform is email with a third party IMAP client using OpenPGP. That way the client and the server are run by different people, and the encryption is based on a verifiable and well known standard. But will other people use that to communicate with you? Probably not. So probably something like Signal would strike a good balance between privacy and ease of use.

hperrin, (edited )

They asked what the most secure one is, not the most practical. When I said other people wouldn’t communicate with you, I meant because it is very difficult to set up, so I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone. But unless your client and server come from different parties, you’re putting all your trust into one other party (like with Signal), so that’s inherently less secure.


Former President, and convicted felon, Donald Trump.


This is definitely against their ToS, so I would advise against it. That said, do you have any friends or relatives who might be interested? That’s less likely to lead to any negative consequences.

Btw, your original username will always be tied to the account. There’s no way to change that.


“Biden says accurate thing and then we make a headline about it.”


For the low price of nine ninety squiggle?


Yeah, but it’s still funny.


Idk man, the AI just told me to put more glue in it.


You mean Donald Trump, convicted felon? That Donald Trump?


He has been convicted of a felony (34 times) by a jury of his peers. He is a convicted felon.


VLC is the best media player, but the Linux kernel is the “supreme of all open source projects”.


Glad to see XFCE is in the lead. I’ve loved that DE for years.

My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...


Install Windows. He gave it a shot, and that’s better than most. Hopefully Linux will fit his needs soon, and he can try again.


As opposed to the conservative justices, who probably jerk off thinking about all the people they’ve hurt with every decision.

Any suggestions for cheap but decent laptops for coding?

I’m currently learning how to code (currently Python, then maybe JavaScript), but I’m not always around my desktop, and learning on my phone is not always an option (also, it can be quite cumbersome at times). Therefore, I’m looking into purchasing a laptop just for learning how to code and stuff....


This one is wider than you said your max is, but I own one and it’s awesome. Chuwi Gemibook XPro



The opposite of Pro is Air. I learned that from Apple.


I’d much rather have had her shitty politics for four years and still have the right to an abortion.

T-Mobile's Forced Arbitration

In an effort to increase my privacy, I decided to buy a Pixel phone second hand to use with GrapheneOS. Due to some miscommunications, the phone ended up being carrier locked with T-Mobile. GrapheneOS’s own website advises against buying carrier locked phones in order to avoid the hassle of carrier unlocking it....


Moral of the story: carrier locking should be illegal. Eat the rich.


I’ve heard they were commissioned by land owners to show off how big their animals were. So basically like having a really expensive sports car.


I love it. It’s the perfect illustration of a metaphor for enshittification.


I think he’s about as crazy as I think, because I think he’s really fucking crazy.


Because, as it has been for the last 40 years, it’s disproportionately going to the wealthy.


I mean the guy’s almost eighty years old, fat, and eats like a toddler. He’s gone on record saying he doesn’t exercise. He’s probably not going to last much longer. What I’m worried about is the damage he definitely will do if he’s reelected.


Undecided voter is a euphemism for “someone who literally does not give one shit about the world beyond their tiny little bubble in it”.


Yeah, that’s basically what I said.


Quickly run those down a wool sweater.


Most of the Ubuntu guides online should work for you if you’re using Mint. (Unless you’re using Mint Debian Edition, but even then a lot will work.)


The course sand pocket would be pretty great. Unlimited free sand. I could run an empire.


Red bean boba tea is a thing.

Qbubble 3 in 1 Bubble Tea Powder, Red Bean, 2.2 Pound a.co/d/c2RDBGD

Is Privacy Worth It? (blog.thenewoil.org)

When I announced I would be closing my communities earlier this year, a curious thing happened: a surprising number of regulars replied with some variation of “I think this is my exit.” While some were specifically talking about Matrix, claiming that mine was the only room they were really active in and therefore they saw no...

hperrin, (edited )

^ This.

I’m a software engineer, and I’ve worked for the big tech giants. I’m familiar with how they track you. VPNs are worthless. Unless you’re trying to hide your activity from your own ISP (like if you’re pirating stuff), the VPN does next to nothing to cover your tracks. And it’s not like they’re gonna advertise their VPN by saying, “you can pirate stuff without your ISP catching you!”

If you want actual privacy, you’ve gotta use something like Tor browser or Tails. Of course, I’ve gotta wonder what you’re up to if you need that kind of privacy. Usually a privacy window is good enough.


Everything angled the same as the fan.


Sure, but I’ve actually had people ask me to set up a Discord, and no one has ever asked me to set up anything else.

hperrin, (edited )

Typically, what I’ll do is if multiple people ask the same question or need the same guidance, I’ll put it in the readme or the “Quick Guide” section of the demo site. If anyone knows a solution to make the discord server publicly viewable/searchable though, I’d happily implement it.

Right now, if you have a Discord account, you can join and view the server, and post in the support channel and forum. Maybe there’s a Discord bot I could set up to mirror the content.


Thank you. :) I haven’t. Is there a guide on that?


Support != documentation. I have plenty of public documentation.


Right next to the Discord link is my Mastodon link, and no one has ever reached out to me there asking for other platforms.

hperrin, (edited )

I have my email available too. It’s certainly easy to get ahold of me outside of Discord and GitHub.

I feel like what you need to understand is that most people use closed source, commercial services and don’t care about avoiding non-privacy centric services. It’s not like a this kind of developer/that kind of developer thing. You and I are a rare kind of people, even in the developer community.

If I focused on only providing support through privacy focused venues, I would be excluding the people not willing to sign up for those things, which is a vastly larger group than you might think. Much larger than the group of people who wouldn’t sign up for Discord. Additionally, it’s harder to moderate spam on open, federated platforms. So I’d be adding more work for myself that will take up time I could be using to develop SMUI.

I understand why people want to advocate for privacy focused and federated services. I want to too. But my goal as an open source maintainer isn’t to cater to those people or advocate for something like Matrix, it’s to help my users.

And yes, I search around the web once in a while to see what people are saying about SMUI outside of the official channels.


You know, my code is open source. You’re welcome to fork my project and run your own version with a privacy centric support forum. Maybe you’ll be successful.

You’re partly right though. I care more about serving my community than proselytizing to them. Not that I won’t proselytize to them, but it’s far more important to me to make sure they can use my software library for their projects than to make sure they use only privacy centric services.

I’ve dealt with a lot of people like you, who want to shame me for the decisions I’ve made. I’m pretty thick skinned, so it’s not going to push me away from the open source or privacy centric communities. But it does push some people away, so you should change to a different tactic. It’s kind of like the difference between telling someone how bad they are for eating meat vs telling them how easy and tasty certain meat alternatives are. One of those methods is basically guaranteed to backfire.

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