State of the Union Megapost!

Tonight, Thursday, March 7th, is the State of the Union Address so lets keep everything related to it (including the Republican response) confined to this thread.

This is probably one of the most important speeches Biden can give this year. He has to come across as “Present”, not just “President”.

This will set the tone for the campaign the rest of the year and will be second only to the Democratic Convention speech in August for visibility.

Watch it live here:

Or through your favorite news source.

The Republican response will be delivered by Senator Katie Britt of Alabama:…/katie-britt-alabama-republican-biden-st…

Very good speech!

Full transcript is here:…/read-president-joe-bidens-2024-state-o…

Republican response from Katie Britt here:


I encourage you to watch the video and not just read the transcript. Reading it doesn’t carry just how breathless and borderline weepy her delivery is.

return2ozma, avatar

If y’all didn’t see Biden’s reaction to Marjorie when he walked in, you NEED to see it! I laughed so hard! Even she tried not to laugh.

jordanlund, avatar

The look that says “Wow! Y’all come in the SAME clown car or just you?” 🤡

Akasazh, avatar

Any chance of a non-x link?

return2ozma, avatar
Akasazh, avatar



Katie Britt has the acting skills of a 6th grader. That shit was weak and phony as fuck.


It was all great. Until that Israel section. Absolutely no hint of why Gaza needs a fucking dock. And still blindly taking Israel’s negotiating position which isn’t going to obliterate our credibility as a negotiator at all. It certainly isn’t realistic. This isn’t a bank robbery. Those hostages are going to be released after Israel demonstrates good behavior, not for a temporary cease fire.

jordanlund, avatar

Bibi is going to hate this part:

“As we look to the future, the only real solution is a two-state solution.

I say this as a lifelong supporter of Israel and the only American president to visit Israel in wartime.

There is no other path that guarantees Israel’s security and democracy.

There is no other path that guarantees Palestinians can live with peace and dignity.

There is no other path that guarantees peace between Israel and all of its Arab neighbors, including Saudi Arabia.”

For those who might have missed Bibi’s position:…/index.html…/netanyahu-says-he-told-u-s-that-he-oppo…


Oh yeah. I just wish there was even a hint of a recognition that Israel is not willing to have a two state solution.

jordanlund, avatar

I don’t think it’s ENTIRELY Israel. Definitely Bibi and Likud.…/israel-right-wing-netanyahu…


Eh, it’s as much Israel as Biden sending weapons is the US.


Bibi loves that because he can basically permanently avoid a 2-state solution, and if it ever does happen, it’s just official apartheid. Separate, as the United States learned the hard way, is never really equal. The only realistic solution is a single secular state.


The only realistic solution (um akshually) is a secular federation of two otherwise independent states. Technically it’s a 3-state solution, more if they want it

jordanlund, avatar

Say what you want about Katie Britt, but she did deliver the biggest laugh of the night……/1765952347451130127?t=LZYJ3mF-a_d-3…

return2ozma, avatar


return2ozma, avatar

This Republican Response Senator Katie Britt is unhinged. This is like watching a bad Lifetime TV D-list actor.

jordanlund, avatar

I keep thinking she’s just going to burst into tears…

return2ozma, avatar

Her voice was cracking many times. It felt like a bad cut scene in Far Cry 5 with the unhinged cult.

Did you notice she gave the response in the KITCHEN?!? JFC Republicans. I guess it’s on brand for them. SMH

jordanlund, avatar

Was she barefoot under the table too? ;)

jordanlund, (edited ) avatar

I put this in the thread elsewhere, but I think you, personally, will think it’s hilarious:…/1765952347451130127?t=LZYJ3mF-a_d-3…


I took a peek at r conservative last night, and they were all dunking on her too lmao

jordanlund, avatar

Aaaaand here’s the Republican response…

2 sentences in and she sounds like she’s going to cry.


Her: “I’m a mom”

Her constituents: “Rub it in, why dontcha?”


Hi Sconie! Where’d you transplant to? I went to college out there but live in Colorado now (a place where “transplant” seems to play a disproportionate part in the local lexicon)


I moved out to Mass then New Hampshire. I still visit back there from time to time.


Her backdrop set is literally a kitchen…

jordanlund, avatar

Well, she claims it’s her kitchen…


Holy crap this rebuttal is just… Bad. Especially given what it’s following.

jordanlund, avatar

And fundamentally false… She’s attacking Biden on the border, when she herself helped write the border bill and VOTED IT DOWN because Trump told her to.


Also the optics are especially bad after he literally just called them out on that. “Pretty sure you guys can read right?” Or whatever he said was classic.

jordanlund, avatar

Classic and brutal:

“I’m told my predecessor called Republicans in Congress and demanded they block the bill. He feels it would be a political win for me and a political loser for him.

It’s not about him or me.

It’d be a winner for America!

My Republican friends you owe it to the American people to get this bill done.

We need to act.

And if my predecessor is watching instead of playing politics and pressuring members of Congress to block this bill, join me in telling Congress to pass it!

We can do it together. But here’s what I will not do.

I will not demonize immigrants saying they “poison the blood of our country” as he said in his own words.

I will not separate families.

I will not ban people from America because of their faith.

Unlike my predecessor, on my first day in office I introduced a comprehensive plan to fix our immigration system, secure the border, and provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and so much more.

Because unlike my predecessor, I know who we are as Americans.

We are the only nation in the world with a heart and soul that draws from old and new.

Home to Native Americans whose ancestors have been here for thousands of years. Home to people from every place on Earth.

Some came freely.

Some chained by force.

Some when famine struck, like my ancestral family in Ireland.

Some to flee persecution.

Some to chase dreams that are impossible anywhere but here in America.

That’s America, where we all come from somewhere, but we are all Americans.

We can fight about the border, or we can fix it. I’m ready to fix it.

Send me the border bill now!”

kescusay, avatar

I can’t believe he still has energy to mingle after that.


Not just mingle, but recognize and engage so many people. Listening in, he is dropping policy and info on people based on what he knows they care about.


He always does this, and it pisses the Secret Service off to no end lol


I would imagine they don’t need quite the same alertness that you’d have in public - should be a secure area with known people (granted, I wouldn’t want him alone with Gaetz or MTG)


I don’t know. Back in the day, a senator beat another senator almost to death with a cane. That chamber has had its moments.


All he’d need is a pocket of oats and a skin mag to control those two.


MTG: Go fuck yourself! You’re gonna feel the wrath of… (sniff, sniff)

Biden: (offering a handful of oats) You hungry?

MTG: (vigorous munching) Neiiiiiigh

Biden: There there, looks like somebody just had a grumbly tummy (brushes her mane)

MTG: Whinnie!

Gaetz: (crushing an adderall and a viagra into a can of Red Bull, all while resembling Butthead) [incoherent mumbling]

I don’t know why I wrote this and I could press delete, but sharing is caring.


This has to be a flash animation.


We have ai, we have deep fakes, why stop at flash?


Why wouldn’t he?

jordanlund, avatar

Talking at that pace and intensity for that long is tiring for anyone NOT 81 years old.


Some people recharge by socializing.

And hopefully you’re not saying that as a thinly veiled comment associated to the “not fit for president” foreign narrative operations.

jordanlund, avatar

No, I’m saying this as someone who used to teach for a living. :) Extended talking and working a room is exhausting!


Friend, thank you for your service. Teaching is hard work!

(And sorry about my accusations; there’s so much disinformation going on these days…)


I used to deliver a keynote to 3-400 people, twice a month as part of corporate onboarding.

Absolutely this.

Obviously my experience was not as high stakes as a SOTU, but it was fucking exhausting. I knew the content well enough that I could deliver it in my sleep and actively did so when I was sick, hungover, generally tired and (usually) just okay.

Regardless of my initial state, I was at my tether after 90 minutes of being “switched on” and engaged. I am not an octogenarian.

That was with the benefit of delivering repeated content. Biden doesn’t deliver this same speech twice a month. I’m sure he practiced but it’s still a big ask regardless of age.

jordanlund, (edited ) avatar

In my mind, the best bit was at the very end… it’s not about the age of the candidate, it’s about the age of the ideas, and fear and hate are some of the oldest ideas of mankind.

"My fellow Americans, the issue facing our nation isn’t how old we are, it’s how old our ideas are.

Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas.

But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back.

To lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future of what America can and should be. "


Listening to him work the floor now, he knows everyone and has something to tell them about the thing they care about. Its impressive.

kescusay, avatar

It’s almost like he’s been doing this for a while and has experience. Such a breath of fresh air after four years of that other guy.


God damn. What an ending. Thats some legacy shit right there.


Biden had been saying awesome stuff since the 80s. Look up his 80s stuff. Inspiring.

I still prefer Sanders, though.


Biden’s ideas are pretty ancient themselves. But he’s not wrong. Fuck anyone who vilifies the poor and minorities. Biden likely won’t accomplish much to reduce poverty or help the average person. But he likely won’t make any of that demonstrably worse ether. And honestly he’s been way better than many imagined he would. Shitty Israel policy not withstanding. Thank goodness he’s finally taking small steps to balance out his fuck ups.

I have some big hopes for 2028 if we’re still holding elections. Hopefully some fresh young blood will be ready to run. Like Ocasio-Cortez after almost a decade in the house. But to get there I can’t deny Biden is the path forward for now.

return2ozma, avatar

Oh is he going to finish with the Dean “RAAAAAHHHHH!”

kescusay, avatar

I’m sorry this was such a good speech that it clearly hurt your feefees.

return2ozma, (edited ) avatar

¯_(ツ)_/¯ It was entertaining but I don’t care if it was “good” or not. These are always empty promises. He’ll get a boost in the polls for a few days, the media will say he was “presidential”, and the American people will still be struggling to keep a roof over their head and afford groceries.

But hey, the Blue team owned the Red team for a night! Zing!

cosmic_slate, avatar


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  • return2ozma, avatar

    I’m in the Los Angeles area. Studios are going for $2,400+


    Biden knocked this fucker out of the park.

    Bona-fide 500 foot grand slam blast over the center field wall.


    If nothing else, he’s proven he still has some endurance left. This is a long speech.



    jordanlund, avatar

    Which is weird because it did not FEEL long.

    kescusay, avatar

    Really good speeches never do.

    kescusay, avatar

    I almost feel bad for Katie Britt having to follow this.


    I overheard some of her rebuttal - crocodile tears from a no-name politician, nothing to see here.

    jordanlund, avatar

    That is just sheer comedic prowess right there.

    bigfoot, avatar

    It’s not just a good speech for Biden, this is the best SOTU I’ve ever heard.

    kescusay, avatar

    Honestly, yeah. This is better than any of Obama’s, and Obama’s were all great.

    kescusay, avatar

    This is just genuinely a great speech.


    What was that fool yelling lol.

    Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get kicked out of the State of the Union lmao


    It sounded something similar to free marine, I am waiting for better response too


    Free Palestine?

    jordanlund, avatar

    It was way more extensive than two words… but not intelligible.

    jordanlund, avatar

    I’m seeing contradictory reporting, but the consensus is he’s a Gold Star Dad who lost his kid in the Afghani evacuation, and was arrested for the interruption.…/72891395007/

    “Remember Abbey Gate! US Marines!”

    Abbey Gate is a reference to a 2021 suicide bombing during the evacuation of Afghanistan.

    The protestor was handcuffed and arrested after being escorted out by security from the House gallery as seen in a photo shared with USA TODAY.…/heckler-who-shouted-at-biden-during-…

    “Abbey Gate!” Steve Nikoui yelled down at the president. “Second Battalion, First Marines!”

    Capitol Police escorted Nikoui, 51, out of the chamber around 10:15 p.m. and took him into custody.

    He was charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding Congress, a misdemeanor that typically results in the offender’s release after paying a $50 fine.

    Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.


    Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.

    The botched withdrawl that Trump signed us up for and forced down bidens throat, so he could be blamed for anything that happened whether he honored the agreement or renegged on it.*

    same reason trump signed that bill that would cut taxes until Bidens term, where they raise.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Trump signed us up for it, and Biden was right that it needed to be done, but the execution of it was a travesty.

    I know, I know, it’s not like Biden planned every last detail of it, but when you say something idiotic like:

    “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”


    Then this happens:

    And this:

    Followed by this:…/kabul-falls-to-taliban-us-withdrawa…

    and this:…/taliban-afghanistan-arms-deal…

    Yeahhh… not a good look.

    jordanlund, avatar

    I’m seeing contradictory reporting, but the consensus is he’s a Gold Star Dad who lost his kid in the Afghani evacuation, and was arrested for the interruption.…/72891395007/

    “Remember Abbey Gate! US Marines!”

    Abbey Gate is a reference to a 2021 suicide bombing during the evacuation of Afghanistan.

    The protestor was handcuffed and arrested after being escorted out by security from the House gallery as seen in a photo shared with USA TODAY.…/heckler-who-shouted-at-biden-during-…

    “Abbey Gate!” Steve Nikoui yelled down at the president. “Second Battalion, First Marines!”

    Capitol Police escorted Nikoui, 51, out of the chamber around 10:15 p.m. and took him into custody.

    He was charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding Congress, a misdemeanor that typically results in the offender’s release after paying a $50 fine.

    Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.

    jordanlund, avatar

    [incoherent yelling]

    jordanlund, avatar

    I’m seeing contradictory reporting, but the consensus is he’s a Gold Star Dad who lost his kid in the Afghani evacuation, and was arrested for the interruption.…/72891395007/

    “Remember Abbey Gate! US Marines!”

    Abbey Gate is a reference to a 2021 suicide bombing during the evacuation of Afghanistan.

    The protestor was handcuffed and arrested after being escorted out by security from the House gallery as seen in a photo shared with USA TODAY.…/heckler-who-shouted-at-biden-during-…

    “Abbey Gate!” Steve Nikoui yelled down at the president. “Second Battalion, First Marines!”

    Capitol Police escorted Nikoui, 51, out of the chamber around 10:15 p.m. and took him into custody.

    He was charged with crowding, obstructing, or incommoding Congress, a misdemeanor that typically results in the offender’s release after paying a $50 fine.

    Nikoui’s son, Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, was killed by a suicide bomber outside Kabul’s international airport while trying to process evacuees from the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021.


    So a grieving father being used by the republicans to Politicize his kids death…

    Totally on brand.

    I’m pretty sure the guy is more than happy to, even though Trump literally invited the people that blew up his son to Camp David and handed them Afghanistan.

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