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So what you’re saying is the evil goddamn liberal left wing psyop campaign of communism is trying to keep him off our freedom ballots? /s


Fallout 4 sucked, too.

Its a fun shooter game, but its not a fallout. Throwing supermutants into a game doesnt make it a Fallout. Especially with how they fucked SPECIAL.

Fallout TV is probably the last decent product from Bethesda, and I’d wager thats only cause Bethesda isnt in charge of writing.


I got starfield for free with my video card, and I still feel ripped off and wish I could refund lol.

But yeah, I’m not dropping a single goddamn penny on Starfield. It feels like a game that was made for the xbox 360 or something, with all the loading screens and shit.


Horse armor that didnt even give the horses armor. It just gave them a cosmetic appearance change and increased their health by like 3 times.


yep. Never underestimate how stupid the average gamer is.

Then realize half of them are even dumber than that.

Which is why gaming is in the state it is right now, cause a bunch of drooling mouth breathers keep throwing their wallets at problems because god forbid they do without or make a single sacrifice.


talk about damning with faint praise…


I would love for Obsidian to get another crack at Fallout, but I don’t think they are the only ones capable of making a good fallout game (though they would undoubtly be the best).

It just takes passion for the property, and a vested interest in the world. Something Bethesda is clearly lacking. Bethesda seems to be in the phase of “throw darts at a bunch of sticky notes on the wall” of trying to figure out how to make a game, and it just leads to a disjointed experience.


And the only aspect thats any good is the shooter part. Cause it is a fun shooter. Especially at higher levels with more exotic weapons.

But the story is shit

The RPG Elements… the SPECIAL/Stats were shit on and ruined to enable some vague idea of nearly infinite growth within an uncapped level system.

and the settlement building is somehow worse than how a New Vegas mod managed to do it.


Play 1 and 2 if you dont mind isometric, cause they are a definitive roleplay experience.

and New Vegas if you gotta have that 3d.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

No ones disagreeing with that.

Fallout 3 was all around an inferior game. Not just an inferior fallout, but an inferior game, compared to 4.

Mostly cause Fallout 3 was a disjointed mess.

But just because Fallout 4 is better by comparison, Doesnt mean fallout 4 is good.

I hate beets. But give me the choice between a bowl of shit and a bowl of beets, and put a gun to my head? I’ll eat the beets gladly and happily. Doesnt mean I love them.


Outer Worlds is a great, fun game.

The only bad thing about it is idiot gamers heard the basic premise, and that Obsidian was making it, and immediately stroked their hype boners up over “OMG NEW VEGAS IN SPACE!” when it was nothing of the sort.


because Fallout 3 is at least fallout-ish despite its horrible writing, story, and world building.

4 is just a shooter game with Vault Tec and Super mutants thrown into it.


I hate having discussions. Opinions aren’t allowed to be held because theres always some entitled ass that has to come in and misrepresent what everyones saying so they can fulfill their personal fantasy of being offended and attacked.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

Except it’s even worse than that. Because these companies hired psychologists to tell them exactly how to tweak the levers in people’s brains to get them to pay.

Which is where the whole concept of using real money, to buy fake money (and never in the exact amounts that they charge for items), so you obfuscate the actual cost, especially once people start carrying a balance of fake money due to never being able to get the exact amount of fake money for the item came from.


You have to understand.

The overwhelming bulk of gamers just don’t care

Nothing will stand in the way of getting their current precious. Not even their own complaints and bitching.

They’ll sit there and complain about how a company is evil, its practices exploitative, and how everyone should avoid buying from them so they can die in the fires of Bankruptcy.

Then the second the next game/expansion/DLC/Whatever is announced, they are immediately in line to preorder the ultra deluxe mega fuck you 500 dollar package. because it comes with a unique mount and a special armor skin, and they just cant miss those things! they’re rare! and they’ll never be able to get them otherwise! /s

And then they’ll go into the obfuscated-cash-shop and spend another 700 dollars on digital bullshit.

Then, when they are all done, the overwhelming majority of them will come back to the internet, and cry and whinge and moan about how a company is evil, its practices exploitative, and how everyone should avoid buying from them so they can finally die in the fires of bankruptcy.

Cause the majority of gamers are brain damaged fucktards who, at the end of the day, just love throwing their wallet at things.


I’m glad I’m not the only one to remember that Dragon Age: Origins quest.

Its the specific and singular reason why I never bought any of the DLC, or any of the sequels.


Hes, but how many of those shells were usable? Cause I seem to recall a big hullabaloo over how many of them were poorly made paperweights that were more dangerous to the russians handling them than anyone else?


The Republicans only want the Audio to make political commercials out of anyway.


Sorry bro, that doesnt fly.

“Do your research” is republican bullshit.

You have proof, post it, directly. Its not a game of hide and seek. If you are so confident it exists, provide a direct link and stop playing games about it like a right winger.


Buy nintendo stuff.

Just buy it used, and hack it, lol.

Its what I did with my New3DSXL (god I hate the naming conventions on these things…)


Remember when McConnell filibustered his own bill?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Another tried and true republican tactic.

Accuse the other side of imaginary crimes, so when their real crimes come out they can go “Oh this is just evil democrat retribution! Obviously its not real/bad/etc!”


Yep. Republicans will abandon democracy before they abandon conservatism


Blame the conservatives for abusing the system.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

There is. The Military. Its why they swear to the constitutio to protect against all threats foreign and domestic. not a person.

Now, The real question is, how to deal with it if the Military is at best indifferent, or at worst, complicit, and either way refusing to act.

Which should also help shine a worrying light on why the right never wanted the military to investigate and purge white supremacists/fascists/etc



5 was okay and different, but was definitely the start of the downward spiral.

4 is the best of what civlization has to offer.

4 was also great in that it got two expansions

instead of 150 million tiny DLC for insane prices.

UN adds Israel to blacklist for harming children in conflict zones (www.middleeastmonitor.com)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has notified Israel’s Defence Attache in the United States, Major General Hidai Zilberman, of his decision to add Israel to the blacklist of countries and organisations harming children in conflict zones....


His army is very moral, as long as you view it morally positive to exterminate the “right” people.


i have no idea who this is…are they fixing their own games, or like…pushing fixes to proton/wine, or something else?


neato burrito. I dont have a mac, so I’m not particularly invested, but I’m all for alternative OSes and fucking Apple.


Or hunters nudes!

His big, rippling nudes, that we are just obsessed with, and keep posting, and making big posters of to hold in congress, and mounted above our beds for those long, cold, lonely nights…



Its just people miserable with their lot in life and that hate themselves, and wanting to blame someone else for it.


Thats a little to common sense for the average American.

I’d wager bees are boys, for bathroom purposes, cause boys have a “stinger”

  1. Theres been more damage from coal ash and oil power plants to the environment than from nuclear.
  2. Coal power plants are responsible for more radiation than nuclear
  3. Again, Coal has done more damage to people and the environment, than nuclear ever has.
  4. No ones making a bomb from nuclear power plant waste. Pointless fearmongering from coal lobbyists.
  5. Coal Ash has, again, done far more damage to agricultural/commerial land, reduced property valuies, and disrupted local communities far more than Nuclear power ever has.

You don’t even realize how amazingly stupid your response/argument is, do you?

Do you have any concept of how many times in human history, that an argument has basically boiled down to “its safe, stupid. Stop being a baby and use it!”, Only to find out years or even decades down the road that Oopsy Daisy, it wasnt as safe as was claimed?

Tetraethyllead being an excellent example, which I bet you would have voraciously argued in favor of at the time.


Except theres always going to be slack times, and I personally would rather have nuclear power filling in those dips, than fucking coal or oil.

Especially with new generations of reactors being able to run off of older generations waste.


Considering how many jews Germany has arrested for antisemitism (I.E. Protesting Israel’s Genocide), I’m honestly kinda shocked and surprised that they’d say this.


evangelicals are against it cause they dont want women to have options.

They want women to pump out tiny soldiers of christ who will grow up indoctrinated to take seats of government, starting at the local, and working their way up to state and federal, until the christofascist extremists control all aspects of government, with the power and authority to brutally put down any “non-believer” I.E. anyone that is critical of their behavior or actions.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

The stories already fucky enough as it is in Kingdom Hearts, without doing a FF7 remake to it and releasing each game in chunks for a total cost of 200+ bucks for each game.


Joe cant admit theres a genocide, lest he stand in court besides Bibi as Bibi’s weapons supplier and genocide enabler.


“Their voices should be heard. I’m not going to listen to them, or do anything about what they’re saying, but they should be heard”


fuck that, its not hard to check your luggage before traveling.

Stop throwing the weight of the US government behind trying to protect assholes.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

Okay, So good on you for admitting you are not capable of keeping track of your shit.

US government still shouldnt be stepping in to protect you from your flagrant disregard for competency.


I mean, all they had to do was take the least amount of effort possible to ensure their luggage was clean.

If they couldnt muster the give a fuck to do that, and intentionally went to a country that they know has these laws…Then why should I muster enough of a fuck to wring my hands desperately over the situation their own lack of care and concern created?

i think this solves the problem of idiots and assholes thinking they can flout rules and get away with it, regardless of its malicious or willful incompetence.


How many years have you taken yoga to be able to stretch and twist like that?


“I’m an incompetent, careless and entitled asshole, so obviously I’m going to argue real hard for these other incompetent, careless, entitled assholes so I dont have to be held accountable for my own actions!”


its crazy how these dumbasses keep tattling on themselves like it somehow justifies this shit, isnt it?


Hes really pulling a Hilary with this shit.

Intentionally throwing away an election he thinks is sure fire win for him, because Trumps the only other option.

The risk isnt people turning to vote for Trump, the risk is people that would have voted for him not voting at all. . Because he’d rather doom a people to extermination than fix his own country.

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