Pretzilla, (edited )

Why does this feel so deja vousey?

Crying it would make him homeless

Didn’t this all happen a few months ago too?

jordanlund, avatar

IIRC that was for his apartment in New York.…/rudy-giuliani-selling-nyc-apartment…

Which he has since back-tracked on:…/rudy-giuliani-takes-nyc-home-off-the…


Hah, yea, crying ‘I’ll be homeless!’ only works when it’s the last of your residences


He’s not far off from reaching his final form as Danny DeVito’s Penguin.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

He would have to become less grotesque to fill the part.

Also Roger Stone is kinda like the Adam West era penguin. Trump’s gang is like Batman’s rogues gallery except they’re all various incarnations of the Penguin.


Eh, Kellyanne is a pretty good Scarecrow.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

Now that you mention it, Tucker’s insane laugh should get him into the gallery.

But maybe he should be the Riddler, because he’s always “just asking questions.”

iAvicenna, avatar

he can always eat the rich

jordanlund, avatar

Adorable, but advocating violence. Removed.


If you stick around Donald Trump long enough, you get free housing from the state anyway.


Oh, dear sweet Rutabaga! How will you pay your bills? You’ll have to record your podcast from your car using your phone! This isn’t what I wanted for you, Rutabaga! You flew too high! Too close to the sun! That must be why you’re melting. Gasp! Just like Frosty the Snowman! Oh, poor Rutabaga, soon you’ll be nothing more than a puddle of hair dye and glasses! Oh, how the world will miss you, Rutabaga!


Huh. Maybe we should have some kind of safety net to prevent that. Makes you think.

Ah well, too bad. Good luck finding a park bench without a useless arm rest in the middle to sleep on, Rudy.


It’s ok he doesn’t need a house. He can stay at the prison.


Welcome to the rental market, shithead.

jordanlund, avatar

I don’t think he can pass the income requirement. :)

dual_sport_dork, avatar

Or the background check.


Shoulda thought of that before engaging in treason to protect an authoritarian psychopath.


Yes, that's how things work: if you can't pay your bills, you can be forced to sell stuff. I'm sure there are any number of homeless people who also felt it was unfair to lose their homes. And a lot of them lost their homes through medical debt or simple bad luck, not from deliberately trying to overthrow our system of government.


I genuinely truly hope this is the really message that gets picked up and repeated. It is their exact fucking logic for why they show no empathy for the less fortunate -’ they must have done something to put themselves there.’ Cuz it really doesn’t fucking matter that it is Rudy, literally ANY other politician and entitled wealthy jackals would say. The problem is their toxic hypocrisy that costs people their lives.

Phew sorry. Bit of a rant there on your comment.


There’s a disconnect here: you assume that merit is based upon actions… and it is, for the egalitarian outlook.

An authoritarian outlook assumes merit based on status. As in, ‘if you have status it is due to your intrinsic worth’. Rich people deserve it… because they are rich. It makes my eyes cross and is gut-wrenchingly frustrating, but about 25% of humans lean this way it seems.


He thinks he’s better than us. He won’t get a shitty 1-bedroom apartment to be a sad-sack in; he has to be a sad-sack in an uptown condo.


womp womp


You know what I haven’t made in a while? A big plate of cheesy fries with jalapenos. Granted my doctor is probably happy about that fact but I am feeling the urge to make them.



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