@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar



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@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Hmm… seems Vladimir Putin doesn’t like ChatGPT enough to have his sock puppet write some negative comments about it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

And even bigger aspect of international law that people don’t seem to understand is who writes international law.

What we call “international law” is actually just a variety of treaties most countries have agreed to follow. So international law is actually just a vague consensus among the leaders of the countries of the world.

So international law doesn’t actually prohibit world leaders from doing the things they want to do. Because they wouldn’t agree to treaties that wouldn’t allow them to do what they want.

War is something countries do, so war is not against international law. But there are defined rules to conducting a war in international law. Sometimes there are civilian casualties in a war, so civilians casualties in a war doesn’t automatically mean the country broke international law. Blockades? That’s something countries want to do so that’s legal, in fact the rules around a blockade is defined in the oldest of international law.

Countries have militaries that wear uniforms so there’s additional protections for soldiers in uniform than there are for combatants that aren’t in uniform (like Hamas). Uniformed soldiers held captive are prisoners of war and must be released when the war is over. Non-uniformed combatants are basically stateless criminals and can be held indefinitely even after a war is concluded. Countries don’t need to take civilians hostage, so that’s against international law.

So Hamas taking hostages, civilian, off duty soldiers, even uniformed soldiers on duty, it’s all illegal. They aren’t following the rules of war and are criminals under international law.

As long as Israel follows the rules of conducting blockades and rules around how to conduct a war, these are legal under international law no matter how much people want to scream genocide.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think the whole premise is wrong. It’s based on the narrative that news organizations have an agenda to push some kind of bias. Sure some are (like FoxNews) but many aren’t like that.

There are people working for news organizations that will have a bias (they’re human) but different people working for the same company can have different biases.

It also pushes the idea that the news isn’t real, that it’s a made up thing and you just have to choose the one that conforms to how you want things to be. But there is reality and there is the truth. If a respectable news organization quotes Joe Biden, you can trust that Joe Biden said those words. It’s something that happened. If they quote Donald Trump then that is something he said. That doesn’t mean what Biden or Trump said was true, but it’s true that they said those words.

Most of the news is just reporting on facts. With a little bit of news literacy you can know the facts and when a small amount of bias slips into a story you can recognize it and disregard it.

Something like Ground News is a statement that bias is more significant than fact. Even if were the case that bias is more significant than fact, then why should we trust Ground News to not be biased themself? When they say something is left biased or right biased, how can we be sure it’s not their bias isn’t influencing how they’re categorizing things?

Sure the news industry is producing more and more opinion pieces now because opinions are cheaper than gathering facts. A lot of people apparently like being told how to think about things. But usually opinion pieces are marked as such. Ground News doesn’t help with the emphasis on opinion in the media, it’s just putting a meta layer of their opinion on opinion pieces and labeling all news as opinion.

“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days (truthout.org)

From June 1 to June 11, Israeli forces killed over 800 Palestinians and wounded over 2,400 as they carried out bombardments and raids across Gaza, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported. This is an average of over 72 Palestinians killed each day at the hands of Israeli forces....

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Is Hamas continuing to hold hostages really worth all of this death?

Hamas is refusing to agree to a ceasefire and release the hostages. So the death an destruction continues. How many more people will die while people far away from the conflict romanticize Hamas as noble “freedom fighters”?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yup. The Hamas leaders in Qatar are literally billionaires from all of this. TikTok influencers are also making some serious money from their monetized videos about this. This truthout site linked about pops up asking for donations in front of an image of crying Palestinians.

The suffering of Palestinians is very profitable for a lot of people.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Hamas is in the right to make sorties and take hostages when besieged.

No they don’t. Taking civilians hostage is an actual war crime according to international law. Deliberately killing people based on their ethnicity is genocide. Which is what Hamas did on October 7.

Because it all happens in the framework of a siege by Israel.

Israel has a right to build a fence on their border. Obviously not a good plan, since the fence wasn’t effective, but they have a right to do that.

Blockades are also legal and defined in the oldest of international law, Maritime Law.

If it’s subjectively beneficial for the state of Israel to wipe out Gaza, and they have plenty of agents in Hamas

If you believe that, then why are you supporting Hamas?

And if it’s a ceasefire, then after it Israel can continue killing as they want, and Hamas won’t have any hostages anymore

Yes they would no longer be committing a war crime. Will Hamas send the people responsible for this war crime to face justice at the ICJ? Or does the ICJ only exist to punish supposed crimes by Israel but Hamas can commit any crime it wants without fear of punishment?

While claiming that Israel is dehumanizing Palestinians you’re dehumanizing Israelis. A lot of people were brutally slaughtered on October 7, and you’re incapable of understanding the repercussions because you don’t think of Israelis as people deserving of life. Seems you’re doing a lot of projection of your tendency to dehumanize others onto other people.

Try to be a better person.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Where did you hear this from? A website that shows you photos of crying Palestinians with a “donate” popup over it? Or from a monetized TikTok channel?

How many people have to die before people stop sending money to Hamas billionaires in Qatar that profit from the suffering of Palestinians (along with TikTok and many other sites)?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

A lot of Hamas viewing a ceasefire deal “postively” but not actually agreeing to anything realistic.

Right now Israel has agreed to the US proposed ceasefire deal. Hamas once again are saying they are looking at it “positively” without agreeing to it. The UN Security Council has a binding resolution which Hamas is ignoring now.

Ever consider that the people that brutally murdered over a thousand people in a day might be capable of lying? They talk a lot about wanting a ceasefire but it’s all just talk. There’s a ceasefire agreement in front of them right now… and there’s just more talk from them.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Now you’re just making things up and going full ad hominem.

You’re wrong and you know it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

International law generally doesn’t work in favour of criminals, buddy.

This is not a crime. Nothing done against Israeli citizens is, actually.

Nobody is going to take claims of Palestinians being dehumanized if you’re dehumanizing Israelis while doing it. You’re a monster saying that other people are monsters.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Sure… let me know when Hamas actually agrees to the deal instead of just saying bullshit like “we look upon this positively.”

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I keep up on the news. I’ve read most of those things before… when they happened.

You may feel like if you can show people the information you’re getting from a youtuber or tiktoker will convince someone. But you didn’t consider that someone that doesn’t get their news from youtube and tiktok may have seen these things already along with some other information that your favourite youtube/tiktok personality didn’t tell you about.

Social media just isn’t a good news source. You’re getting a filtered version of events. Read the newspaper every day, you’ll be informed about things beyond a narrative from someone trying to appease an algorithm.

Biden, Zelenskyy sign new 10-year security agreement (abcnews.go.com)

President Joe Biden touted on Thursday several new major U.S. commitments for Ukraine that were announced this week, including a https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-zelenskyy-sign-us-ukraine-security-agreement-g7/story?id=111061390, sanctions to disrupt Russia’s war machine, and a sign-off from the G7 on a...

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

You may have been convinced that Iran and their proxies are the good guys but Ukrainians not agreeing with you is not a sign of them being a puppet when they’re hearing Shahed drones buzzing overhead.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah that’s what bothered me about it too.

Indiana Jones survived being shot multiple times, almost got his heart ripped out, encountered weird magic from various artifacts, survives a nuclear blast but then suffocates from being trapped inside a fridge. The End. Bum da buh bum bum da da da!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Ok, how about we compromise and have teachers armed with joints to protect the kids from the drug dealers?

The best defense against a bad guy with a joint is a good guy with a joint.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Do other people at the protest say “hey buddy, that’s not what we’re about”?

Or do they look the other way?

There have been movements in the past where a minority of the movement was antisemitic while the majority of the movement just looked the other way on the antisemitism from the others. It didn’t go well for anyone.

The paradox of tolerance. If you tolerate the intolerant in your movement, you’re part of an intolerant movement.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Some of the people in that movement thought so. From things they read on the internet, they were led to believe that covid was part of a plan to kill millions of people.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, kids. It may lead you to get so emotional over genocide claims that you end up being associated with some actual genocidal groups.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

If I went to a march and saw someone waving a flag of a group that committed genocide, I’d like to think I’d be brave enough to confront those people and tell them they’re just making us all look bad and they aren’t helping.

But realistically I’d probably just go home.

Either way I wouldn’t associate myself with that kind of thing. The march would be a waste of time anyway, it’s not going to influence anyone to join a cause that’s for the genocide of the people they hate while claiming their people are victims of genocide. And if pretty much everyone went home when someone breaks out these kinds of flags, they’d soon get the point that they are hurting the movement even if no one confronted them about it.

At any rate everyone that went to this march accomplished exactly nothing because these people brought these flags. Probably worse than nothing… they likely lost support because of this.

If you care about Palestinians you should be willing to confront these people that are hurting your movement. If not, it’s just a get-together to hang out with people that support the genocide of Jews.

Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal (truthout.org)

Following the UN Security Council vote to approve a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza, U.S. officials and other international allies of Israel are cynically placing blame on Hamas for a stall in current ceasefire negotiations — even as Israel has insisted on indefinitely continuing its massacre in Gaza and Hamas has said its main...

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

This is propaganda designed to justify an attack on the pier. If the pier is attacked, Palestinians will starve. Hamas wants Palestinians to starve to gain more sympathy (and donation $$$) from abroad.

I mean come on, do you think the IDF lacks special forces capabilities to the degree they’d need to bring in US special forces to help them? And even if they did, why would the US launch a special forces operation from a pier instead of simply flying a helicopter from an aircraft carrier? Or just tagging along with the IDF from an Israeli base? Why would they ever use the pier for this purpose?

Hamas is spreading obvious propaganda which falls apart with even two seconds of critical thinking. This is the kind of shit that could result in Palestinians starving, if you care at all about the people there, don’t spread obvious lies.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Hamas isn’t accepting the ceasefire. No matter how hard Hamas sympathizers try to spin it, Hamas is dragging this out and Palestinians are dying because of it.

Apparently when the UN security council makes a binding resolution, only Israel has to follow it and Hamas doesn’t. And everyone will make continue to make excuses for why it’s fine for Hamas to ignore the UN.

How much longer will Hamas continue to hold on to the hostages (which is a war crime) and continue the conflict that’s killing Palestinians before people realize that the group that massacred over a thousand people in a day might not be the good guy freedom fighters that TikTok says they are?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

You’re trying to distract from the facts at hand. US installs a pier to bring in aid. Hamas spreads obvious propaganda about the pier being for special forces operations. Which is completely insane (special forces don’t need a pier!) but people are buying it.

Why would Hamas spread this propaganda? Probably just generic “US bad” kind of thing. But we can’t dismiss the possibility they want images of people starving for propaganda purposes.

I mean if you’re buying the propaganda that the pier isn’t for humanitarian purposes then they can attack the pier and get images of people starving and you will blame the US and Israel for those images and won’t consider that Hamas might be to blame for it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Unlike Hamas, Israel actually cares about it’s people. The IDF exists to protect the Israeli people. At the moment there are Israeli people being held against their will in Gaza. So the IDF is in Gaza.

Hamas indeed made this happen by taking hostages. Hamas can end this conflict by releasing the hostages. Hamas isn’t releasing the hostages because they want the conflict to continue.

It’s not alt that complicated.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Can’t handle the truth, huh?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Do you think it’s pretend trucks carrying pretend food from that pier?

Israel Bombs Gaza After UN Security Council Passes Binding Ceasefire Resolution (truthout.org)

As the UN Security Council passed a binding U.S.-sponsored resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Monday, Israel continued to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza — despite U.S. officials’ insistence that the ceasefire is backed by Israeli officials....

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Hamas continues to hold Israeli citizens hostage after UN Security Council Passes Binding Ceasefire Resolution.

As the UN Security Council passed a binding U.S.-sponsored resolution calling for Hamas to release hostages on Monday, Hamas continues to keep civilians hostage, which is a war crime.

Israel has accepted the US ceasefire proposal while Hamas only agrees to hold more “indirect talks” with mediators.

The Hamas war crime of taking civilians hostage continues, and people continue to die while Hamas stalls on these endless talks.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s the correct move. It’s democracy, you gotta accept the will of the people… even when they’re being idiots.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The “study” appears to be a paper from a student group at a liberal arts university in Wesleyan, Connecticut.

While I’m sure Wesleyan University is a fine school, calling it a “coalition of prestigious academic institutions” is a bit of a stretch.

So… uni students upset over things they saw on TikTok put 105 pages of whatever crap they could dreg up from the internet into a PDF and post it onto their squarespace page. “Middle East Monitor” links to the “study” says it’s from a “coalition of prestigious academic institutions”. And then a link to this “news” site gets posted to Lemmy.

And here we are.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Ah… some other student groups joined in.

They don’t mention their associations with these other universities on their squarespace page. But there’s some coalition that the “University Network for Human Rights” is a part of, so maybe these other groups are a part of that?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I shocked that Lauren Boebert actually voted on something.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Politicians accommodating what voters want? What do they think this is, a democracy?

They wouldn’t have to shift so far right if the far left wasn’t too busy being angry that the politicians are doing what the voters want to go out and vote themselves.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah pretty much. You can’t copyright gameplay mechanics, so there’s nothing illegal about it. It’s just a dick move.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The GOP is truly the party of Law & Order!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The guy is a shady New York real estate guy that’s been defrauding people his whole life. He finally gets convicted of one of the many crimes he’s committed and it’s political?

He’s a criminal, always has been, always will be. But most of the GOP is too chicken shit to admit it, so Republican Party is going to nominate a convicted felon to be their candidate for President.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Wait, was Ensign Ro LGBTQ+?

I thought that sort of thing wasn’t really allowed in 90s Trek, unless the writers could sneak it past Rick Berman. Obligatory: Fuck you Rick Berman!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Speed Walking Workshop at 10:30pm? This is blasphemy!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s about time someone makes Clooney pay for his role in Batman and Robin.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

In modern wars, the invasion isn’t actually the hard part. It’s the occupation that’s the hard part. And Russia is having a really difficult time trying to accomplish the easy part (the invasion).

The only way Russia can go after Georgia (or anywhere else) would be if they withdrew from Ukraine immediately. Taking territory from Ukraine means more land they have to deal with a resistance campaign. Occupying any country takes a large amount of manpower, and Ukraine is a very large country and will likely be dedicated to resist a Russian occupation for at least a decade.

By most estimates, Russia simply doesn’t have the manpower to successfully occupy Ukraine. Even if Russia can take all of the territory (which I doubt) they’d bogged down for at least a decade, with the most likely outcome being a withdrawal and collapse of of the Russian Federation similar to how the Soviet campaign ended in Afghanistan.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Do you think all Palestinians are Hamas?

Seems racist to me.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’ll never be gone because too many people feel like they need to hold onto their hatred.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Sure maybe someday… but there needs to be a little less emphasis on inevitability and a little more on how to make a potential Palestinian stat be a functional country.

The current ruling class of Palestine are corrupt and incompetent. The feeling that by only hating Israel a lot will result in a Palestinian state has had the effect of Palestine having bad leadership. No one holds Palestinian leadership to account because the excuse that “it’s all Israel’s fault” can be used for any problem.

A Palestinian state right now would be an instant failed state. A state which could fall back under the rule of either Hamas (or a group just like it), and we’ll see the exact same thing we’re seeing now happening a few decades from now.

Governing a Palestinian state will be extremely difficult for even a competent government, and the current leadership of Palestine is far from competent.

There’s a dream of a Palestinian state but it will always be only a dream until people can accept the realities of the challenges involved with creating a stating and Palestinians can find leaders capable of facing those challenges. Dreams happen when sleeping, you can’t create a state unless you have both eyes open.

Removing Hamas from the equation is a step in this direction… they didn’t really govern at all, they just built rockets and tunnels and had the UN handle most of the responsibilities of governing. But Fatah as it is right now isn’t really up to it either.

Real leaders need to step up in Palestine. That means working solve problems regardless of who’s fault they may be.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Some of those weapons are used by the Iron Dome system provide protection for Israeli civilians when Hamas fires rockets at them. Do you want Israeli civilians to die from Hamas rockets?

Now the best defense for both Israelis and Palestinians would be to get everyone to agree to a ceasefire. Which is exactly what Biden is doing. But until that happens we know what Hamas will do if Israel doesn’t have adequate defenses. We saw this on October 7.

The goal of the “stop supplying Israel with weapons” narrative is to allow Hamas to do what they want, which is genocide on the Israeli people. Is that what you want?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Atheism is bad for science because atheists tend tend to present science as a belief system that’s in completion with religion.

Science is about discovering how things work, while religion is about thinking about why. These are different questions.

There is of course some intersection between science and religion, but atheist seek to artificially widen that intersection to create conflict. To prove religion wrong “because science.”

This has an effect of pushing religious people away from science. But atheists don’t care that they’re hurting science, because the goal is to win petty internet arguments (many of which are imaginary) rather than promote scientific understanding.

My reaction to a post like the above would be to explain that science is not about disproving God, it’s simply about gaining a better understanding of the universe. Since it’s a religious person, we could also explain that understanding the universe is a way of appreciating God’s creation. That person could walk away thinking more positively about science and willing to learn more about it.

But an atheist will just mock the person to gain imaginary internet points and that person would go on being distrustful of science.

Atheism is bad for science.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d vote for Hunter Biden if he was running against Trump. Sure he’d be a terrible President, but still better than Trump.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d vote for a pile of shit if it was running against Trump

The pile of shit does have a better foreign policy than Trump’s.

Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts (www.theguardian.com)

Efforts by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine and influence the international criminal court (ICC) could amount to “offences against the administration of justice” and should be investigated by its chief prosecutor, legal experts have said....

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Burying the lead…

That investigation, launched in 2021, culminated last week when Bensouda’s successor, Karim Khan, announced that he was seeking an arrest warrant for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, over the country’s conduct in its war in Gaza.

The investigation the lead up to Karim Khan seeking an arrest warrant started in 2021? Do they have psychics working there? Probably more likely they’ve wanted to do this for a long time, they were just looking for a reason.

The ICC is burning a lot of credibility here. So how much can we believe these “alleged” unsourced statements, especially considering it’s from The Guardian which has had an anti-Israel bias for decades?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s not all that different from the Convoy Protests in 2022. People being upset about a problem and having a get together to have a shared emotional meltdown in a location that will obviously accomplish nothing. The Canadian government couldn’t dictate border crossing policies to the US and mask mandates were done at the provincial level. Antivax protests happened throughout the Pandemic and were largely ignored. The Convoy Protests on the other hand interfered with some Canadian’s rights to freedom from “discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.” Imagine being an Asian person living in a neighbourhood taken over by a “China Virus” kind of group. They also interfered with people’s rights to mobility within the country by blocking roads, and did things like jam emergency response numbers which if it were allowed to continue could have taken away people’s fundamental right to be alive.

So it’s kind of a pickle for a government when there’s a group when a group of people exercising their rights is taking away other people’s rights. Through action the government may be infringing on one group’s rights, but through inaction may be infringing on another group’s rights.

Ultimately the Emergency Act was invoked and the Convoy group was removed from Ottawa.

So this protect needs to be given the same consideration. Does the university administration have any influence over foreign policy? I think the answer is clearly no. Two subway stops from U of T there is an Israeli Consulate. So why are they protesting at the University instead of at the Consulate?

Obviously the focus of this “protest” isn’t to effect any kind of change. It’s a social get together that allows some kids to have a shared emotional tantrum. While I’m sure this may be fun and could be cathartic for those in attendance, much like the Convoy “protests” makes it a little less about exercising freedom of expression and closer to having a social gathering on someone else’s property. Have the set up bouncy castles like the Convoy idiots has at their Protest?

And like how we considered the treatment of Asians in the community the Convoy occupied, we also need to consider the rights of people in the U of T community. Is there an ethnic or religious group facing discrimination from these protesters? Is people’s freedom of movement being affected by this protest?

This is Canada we don’t just give the loudest people all of the rights to the detriment of everyone else’s rights. Everyone’s rights must be considered. And given that this “protest” (much like the Convoy “protest”) more resembles a social gathering than an actual protest (it’s happening two subway stops from the Israeli consulate!) the property rights of the University and the rights of Jews facing discrimination from this group might carry more weight.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

China can’t blockade Taiwan while being outside the range of missiles and drones. China probably has about 400 ships but what is the quality of the air defense and drone boat defense do they have?

They don’t have the space to do what Russia is trying (unsuccessfully) in the Black Sea with keeping their ships outside the range of missiles and drones.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

He built a pier to get food into Gaza.

Other than words, what have you done?

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