
Haha not all change is good and especially change coming from that orange piece of shit. He would most definitely bring about worse change like he did the first 4 years he failed as president.

jordanlund, avatar

“We want change!”

(votes for the asshat that fucked everything up previously).

Biden’s campaign needs to be clear that Trump is not a change candidate.

insomniac_lemon, avatar

“We want change!”
(votes for the asshat that fucked everything up previously).

Relevant comic.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


The Nazis brought change.


The Nazis had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.


The Nazis brought change.


And sadly the average American voter, probably “independents”, are looking for that exact change again.

FunderPants, (edited )

Voters are delusional if that’s the case.

retrospectology, avatar

It’s not that people see it in Trump, they don’t see it in the corporate Dem-GOP establishment alliance.


So instead vote for the rich guy who owns corporations and was already president?

In what fucking world does “corporate Dem-GOP alliance” apply to something other than the “billionaire” corporate head running the GOP?


“F that electoral college” is an interesting thing as Hillary would have kept Trump out of office if it wasn’t a thing and we just used the popular vote.


We also would have had Gore instead of Bush II.


I think about that the most. What could’ve been.


If you can track down a copy, it’s pretty good.…/n12044


People always want to blame voters, but why does no one blame Biden for not doing enough?

If we convince Biden to be more progressive to get votes, we might beat trump and make progress.

If we convince voters, that’s millions of more individuals that need convincing.

Plus, and this should go without saying, one of those options actually come with progress.

Hell, just not funding a genocide would probably cinch him the election, and that would likely mean one less genocide happening on the planet.


Biden has been the best president since Jimmy Carter.


Without a doubt, Biden's been the best president since Obama

mozz, avatar


Biden fired the guy who used to be in charge of the NLRB and installed a bunch of actual labor people, who have been materially supporting these historic union gains the last couple of years

And also invested hundreds of billions of dollars in domestic manufacturing, such that wages are actually going up at the bottom end of the scale for the first time in quite a while, outpacing even historic inflation

And also tried to forgive half a trillion dollars worth of student loan debt, the Supreme Court told him no, and so he used his own authority to forgive around $150 billion of it

And took big action on climate change for the first time in US history ever

And also raised corporate taxes significantly to fund all that stuff

I don't think the issue is that Biden isn't progressive enough, although further more progressive than Biden would obviously be better. It is that the news media in this country doesn't give a fuck about anybody below the $120k/year level and so doesn't report any of that (or generally not as a good thing, in the rare cases that they do). But it still all happened.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Your civics teacher drinks because of you


because not doing enough has millions of definitions wereas the voters have to live with bush over gore or reagan over carter or trump over hilary. real progress is not going to happen if the right canidate can win regularly over the left canidate. that tells them to be more right. if it was impossible to win when more right in an election then the lesson is be more left.

jordanlund, avatar

It’s not that Biden hasn’t done enough, he’s done quite a bit to reverse the slide Trump put us in.

The problem is that the things he’s done aren’t where your average voter can see them. The big Infrastructure deal is largely invisible to your day to day voter.

I still see $6 gallons of milk at WalMart. My gas is still $5 a gallon (my fault for needing Supreme), Biden has done NOTHING to address these basic pocketbook issues and when he does hear the complaint, he discounts it, saying instead “the economy is great!”…/index.html


he discounts it, saying instead “the economy is great!”

When neoliberals and republicans talk about “the economy” the average American just doesn’t matter. We don’t have enough wealth to be a rounding error in this discussion, even all of us combined isn’t significant at that scale.

It’s about the giant corporations that squeeze money from the citizens. People can’t buy shit anymore, but corporations keep posting record profit, so the economy says everything is great and to double down.

They think they’re right, but they’re using the metrics.


Because there has been plenty done and you are painfully, obviously unaware.

You had 4 years of mismanagement and grifting culminating in insurrection, and that was after 8 years of eroding civil rights and lying the country into shit like invading Iraq… and now you’re basically whining that Biden didn’t bring about a utopia in a single term post pandemic.


You know what republicans do when someone criticizes trump?

Call them a dirty liberal.

Please stop acting like Republicans. We’re all fucked if both parties act like that

Beetschnapps, (edited )

In no fucking way did I do that. I mentioned reasons why your expectations are out of whack and how there’s plenty of evidence that you’re not aware of.

And you say I’m acting like a republican calling names? Get the fuck out of here with that level of stupidity.

Now I’m calling you names. You just acted like a stupid fucking conservative. Get a clue and a shade of nuance and stop making enemies with liberals. Maybe brush up on the past 4-5 decades of American political history before saying half that shit. You know what republicans do? Knee jerk themselves into irrelevance.

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