
How soft on crime of them

CharlesDarwin, avatar

This should surprise no one. We all know that “rule of law” was just something they meant to be applied to uppity womenz, POC, immigrants, liberals, etc…


Damn those goal posts are so far away by this point that they fell off the edge of their flat earth


The head of Nixon in a jar must be super pissed right about now


Still pisses me off that Ford didn’t pardon Nixon for a crime, he pardoned him for a crime he might have done. A then reasonable SCOTUS would probably overturned it. BTW, charges were being drawn up by a young promising attorney on the Watergate Committee, Hillary Clinton.

EleventhHour, avatar

Oh, look, Republican hypocrisy.


Just another Tuesday.


Everything the Republicans do is projection. One of the purest forms of “Rules For Thee but Not for Me”.


“more swamp for the swamp creatures!”


In groups to protect, outgroups to bind.


The Party of Law and Order!


And the Olympic Games in shifting the goal post has officially opened!


The goalpost is only red because the goalpost is moving so fast away


I actually got this reference 😂

SpaceCowboy, avatar

The GOP is truly the party of Law & Order!


You’re trying to paint the GOP as hypocrites, but it doesn’t work because your own hypocrisy is too obvious. Liberals don’t care about law & order. Trump isn’t being prosecuted because the left has suddenly become champions of justice. Everyone can see how the law is being perverted to persecute Trump for the political threat he represents.

The only people you’re fooling is yourselves. Nobody else is buying this.


Fuck off.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

The guy is a shady New York real estate guy that’s been defrauding people his whole life. He finally gets convicted of one of the many crimes he’s committed and it’s political?

He’s a criminal, always has been, always will be. But most of the GOP is too chicken shit to admit it, so Republican Party is going to nominate a convicted felon to be their candidate for President.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Of course they are. How is this news? They’re scum. Scum is scum.


To the surprise of absolutely no one.


They’re also ok with Russia being a heavy influence in their party of choice. Not surprising they’re ok with a felon.


Of course they are.

See we were worried about Russian sleeper agents that get activated by a codeword, we never expected them to rally behind and vote for Putin the Lesser.


Most repugs are criminals themselves so no surprise

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