
No surprise. They ended up agreeing that he was guilty of impeachable offenses too, but were okay with it and didn't want him to be kicked out or made non-electable because of them. "One of us", literally.


So they will stop background checks for jobs?


The opposite of what they said in 2016. That’s Republicanism for you. No values or integrity.


“Back the Blue! Except when they’re felons!”


Or when the blue is going after one of their “own”, then the blue is the one corrupt and the system is unfair. (see: Jan 6th)


In groups to protect, outgroups to bind.


How soft on crime of them


So … Don’t drain the swamp?


Well they started drinking the swamp water and realized that they liked the taste of sewage

@GreatAlbatross@feddit.uk avatar

Drain the swamp so we have more space to put the alligators.


“more swamp for the swamp creatures!”

@circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Then they can’t claim to be the party of law and order anymore.

Unfortunately they won’t need to. They’ve been playing a different game than the rest of us.


Well, that explains a lot about the quality of republican candidates and elected officials.


Everything the Republicans do is projection. One of the purest forms of “Rules For Thee but Not for Me”.


M’fers brains are just broken. How do we survive this.


By reaching out to them instead of ridiculing all of them. Sure, a lot of them are completely hopeless and unreedemable, but a great number of them are not.

@sucricdrawkcab@lemmy.world avatar

I get what you’re saying, but anyone still supporting this guy is well beyond just reaching out. Nothing, I really mean nothing, you say will make an impact because of how isolated the source of information they get is. Anyone on the fence has already jumped off.


John Stewart had a great segment recently where he really went off on “the media” but I kinda disagreed with his “there is no 2 realities” thing.

I understand he means there is only one truth, the chicken either crossed the road or it didn’t, we don’t have Schrodinger’s chicken, but what we DO have are media outlets with a specific agenda that WANT to create an alternate reality where they are always the victim and they are always correct. Whether we like it or not we do have multiple stories of our shared reality and when you choose to follow one of them you decide what reality you want to believe you live within…

Again, my daily mantra: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS!

@sucricdrawkcab@lemmy.world avatar

I agree on the 2 reality thing. Anyone who disagrees can go look at this most recent trial coverage, or any of the hearings and see that is the case. Anytime anyone says anything it’s only for the clip to be on the news that night and that’s it. An endless loop of the same thing. I literally went to read the jury instructions on the NY court website then immediately saw a flat out lie about what they were.


Please share with us your reasoning and evidence that there are a great number who are not irredeemable. Because I don’t see it.


Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?! You don’t really believe this, do you?

To them, we’re all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers, the most evil sort of evil, and you don’t compromise with evil. Gawd is on their side, and we’re the devil incarnate to be opposed by word all the time, and by action (with guns) when they feel they can get away with it. Don’t believe me? See this article and know that these people are fucking nuts and fucking real.

The only ones that can pull them out of the BS factory are they themselves. And unless and until they choose to do so, I am sure fucking going to keep ridiculing them.

Our better play is to stop thinking that we can tolerate 4 more years of Trump just because we didn’t get EVERYTHING we wanted out of Biden. The Trumpers are firmly devoted to their God-Emperor, and those who are voting GQP who don’t like Trump are despicable and unreachable in their own rights.

@mycodesucks@lemmy.world avatar

we’re all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers,

God, I hope it’s not the same baby…

@drbluefall@toast.ooo avatar

In their minds, it’s most likely the same baby.


To them, we’re all a bunch of baby-eating, baby-fucking Satan worshippers

Yeah, like every other blanket statement on a large group of people, that’s not true dude. Touch grass et al.


Fucking true enough. Fuck off with your touch grass bullshit.


Damn those goal posts are so far away by this point that they fell off the edge of their flat earth


We’re all shocked, shocked I tell ya

@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

This should surprise no one. We all know that “rule of law” was just something they meant to be applied to uppity womenz, POC, immigrants, liberals, etc…


Seems like the people capable of saying “I don’t know” are the only ones with consistency.


I’ve consistently been of the opinion that a felon shouldn’t be able to become president.


That could open the gates to one party weaponizing the justice system and jailing the opposition. That’s the only reason I don’t support such a requirement.

I would answer IDK in the poll


Hmmmm that’s true, I hadn’t thought of that.


Also if time has been served then there should be no problem. (Not relevant to Trump I know)

@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

I really wonder which party that would be.


+1 for angry commies message. I believe that’s why we would actually want to be able to elect a felon.

It’s up to the people to use their brains (…lmfao) and try to understand if it’s really just a political hit or if they’re a legitimate criminal. Of course in a world of Faux News, Newsmax, and Facebook Karens, figuring out what to believe is becoming increasingly more impossible as is the intent.

It’s getting old but it’s insane how many comments this fits so I need to say it again: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS!

The problem of billionaires and propagandists are one in the same.


It’s up to the people to use their brains (…lmfao)

My radicalizing adult realization was that as a species we’re incredibly dumb.

And I don’t mean that in terms of the usual way in which people say “people are dumb!” and throw their hands in the air to explain the latest absurd thing.

I mean on a deeper, more fundamental and hopeless level. We are not reasonable, rational creatures. Just because we figured out what rationality means and can employ it as a tool, generally across most of our species we are survival machines, and our brains are tuned to do one thing only, which is explain why you feel things so you can predict danger.

This makes us ridiculously easy to manipulate and sway, because we have vastly deep brains that will create an entire universe of stories to explain an emotion, and it will do this in your own voice so you think it’s your own good ideas and it will fool you into believing your own stories, even if they don’t make a shred of sense. This is why you can have educated, smart people like doctors and nurses become anti-vax or climate scientists denying climate change. We are entirely emotional creatures and we trick ourselves into believing our fears all day long, every day, and we can’t ever get out. We’re stuck down a hole with no way out. Lost in our own world of biases and attaching to backwards storylines to explain them.


And I’ve consistently been of the opinion they should barring certain crimes. I hate this felon’s guts, not a fan of most felons to be honest, but a vandalism felony as a 19 year old? Drug dealers? And that’s not getting into felonies I’m questionable as to if they should be crimes.

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