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I know that it’s probably just some combination of A. His sugar daddies want cheap labor and B. Democrats are leaning onto border controls so now he has to be contrarian, but you know what, if this gets republicans to embrace positive immigration reform, I’m here for it.

Still not voting for him though.


An 8-1 ruling is like, 5 broken clocks going at slightly different paces being right at the same time though! That’s pretty impressive, right?


Because they fight literally everything Biden does in court.


Accidentally change the result by being the only voter lmao


Bro I am the worst at remembering people. When I visit my hometown I sometimes get people coming up to me to say hi and I literally have no idea who they are. I can count on one hand the number of people I would actually recognize from this place I lived for 20 years of my life. Yes, I probably have some sort of cognitive dysfunction myself (on top of my serious introversion), but when it comes to “trump alzheimer’s” I am far more swayed by him rambling about sharks out of nowhere


Jesus I had to read your first sentence twice lmao. Initially thought it meant “it won’t matter who wins” as opposed to “your question is void in the event that Trump wins”, which made me think you were somehow arguing that Trump could do all that even if he lost


Of course there aren’t any reviews (not that I’d automatically believe them, anyway). While it sounds super exciting, I’m not super willing to spend almost 300USD for unverified tech. Somebody should send link this to Gamer’s Nexus to review lol


But where will I get the money to run it!?


“that is, if diabeetus doesn’t get him first”


Ethics standard: yes, absolutely

Term limits: the idea behind the supreme court’s lifetime placement was meant to separate them from the immediate political atmosphere of any given election season (imagine the entire bench being Alito’s and Thomases while Trump was in office). While it’s obvious now that it backfired by instead ingraining one over-powered president’s bullshit for way longer than anyone wants, I’m not sure if I agree that term limits is a “good” solution if we want to keep that intended level of separation. Maybe moving the judiciary to a self-contained governing system similar to the military that doesn’t require allocation from either congress or the president, where a lawyer can become a judge can be appointed to the circuit court, etc, but congress could still oversee the ascension process with their own ethics comitee?

Tie Dye Robes: this is highest priority

Biden Administration Tightens Mileage Standards to Buoy E.V.s | The new rule requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon across all models by 2031. (www.nytimes.com)

The new standards require American automakers to increase fuel economy so that, across their product lines, their passenger vehicles would average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today. The average mileage for light trucks, including pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, would have to reach 45 miles per...


I want the laws regarding importing small vehicles to change, too. I hate hate hate big vehicles, but I could definitely use a vehicle with a bed. I want a japanese mini-truck dammit.

Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid | CNN Politics (www.cnn.com)

“The issue, now before Cannon in the Southern District of Florida federal court, is likely to remain in the political debate at least until Cannon holds a hearing on the legal power of the special counsel to prosecute a defendant, on June 21.”


Man, the New York charges get me every time 34 state felonies while a literal insurrection attempt gets 4 federal. I already knew NY as a whole didn’t like Trump but it’s glorious to see how much they must hate him

(I know Florida has more, but I’m not holding my breath because it’s florida.)


It’s crazy how little experts like these think of humanity, or just underestimate our tollerance and adaptability to weird shit. People used to talk about how “if we ever learned UFOs were a real phenomena, there would be global mayhem!” because people’s world views would collapse and they’d riot, or whatever. After getting a few articles the past few years since that first NY Times article, I’ve basically not heard anyone really caring (who didn’t already seem to be into them before, anyway). Hell, we had a legitimate attempt to overthrow our own government, and the large majority of our population just kept on with their lives.

The same AI experts 10 years ago would have thought the AI we have right now would have caused societal collapse.


Damn those goal posts are so far away by this point that they fell off the edge of their flat earth


Literally the only times I’ve heard anybody say anything about it was basically when they first learn about it and giggle for a few minutes, then get on with their lives.

I think the only way the name could be any sort of issue was if they were explicitly trying to be “family friendly,” which would imply that it’s intended for either christian mothers or advertisers (we all know how the children feel about sex jokes), which, since this is Lemmy and we’re talking about FOSS software, I’m sure I don’t have to explain why that’s a stupid idea.


Absolutely agree that, at this point, he’s probably right, especially if he were to go all-in on the free market aspect and cut 100% of fossil fuel subsidies. However, it does bug me that he’s clearly ignoring how that “free market economy” produces those oil/gas/coal company vultures to begin with. The primary issue I have against vanilla libertarianism is their insistance that deregulation is a solution to everything when we’re living in a time that’s obviously worse off because of companies and individuals who weren’t being properly regulated.

Biden campaign launches Pride Month push as allies work to shore up LGBTQ support (www.nbcnews.com)

The campaign plans to have a presence this month at more than 200 Pride events in 23 states, including all of the battleground states, and to launch a paid media blitz aimed at mobilizing LGBTQ voters, two campaign officials said in details first shared with NBC News....


I’m specifically voting against Trump into the only direction that has a real chance of beating Trump, which just so happens to be Biden


Istg why do important people lately completely ignore what the person of interest is actually saying and substituting what they wish would happen? It’s just like the fucking bankers who have been saying “the fed is definitely gonna lower rates” for the last year when then fed has been saying “we’re definitely going to fucking not” and then get surprised when they dont


Oh sweet it’s on 7/11 free slushie day, now I can watch collapse of democracy attempt #2 while sippin on a free slush


I can see a few legit users following him just out of curiosity to see what kinda shit he pulls, though I imaging a number of those unfollowing once they inevitably get sick of his shit. Or maybe they would follow him to enable another stunt like when all those kids bought out a Trump rally 2x over and just didn’t show up, leaving the venue almost completely empty on live TV after they had set up all those extra seats


It would be nice if you could block everybody who follows someone you blocked, specifically because of “celebreties” like this.

I don’t actually have tiktok, but like, in general


To be fair, a guilty verdict wouldn’t change my mind because I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway


Considering the percentage of californians that have emigrated to TX the past few years, I’m actually really curious to see whether that radical red strategy actually holds or not. Would be pretty hilarious if the californians flip them blu anyway, ngl

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden (www.theguardian.com)

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....

Hazzia, (edited )

While I’m not going to blame Biden for the economic situation right now since his policies look more like they’ve cushioned us against a much worse economic situation by pumping money into state-side manufacturing, I absolutely fucking HATE how out of touch economists are these days. They look at productivity (the value of which barely gets to workers), the stock market, or at spending that’s driven by debt and rich people, and say “everything looks fine. Oh, most of you can’t afford to eat, or get a job? Sounds like a personal problem.”

If the conclusions that economists come to are so consistently out of touch with the experience of the average person, maybe they should fix their fucking outlook criteria!!

I think it was another post on here that had a bunch of [good] economists write a paper stating that if the inflation formula had accounted for borrowing costs like they USED TO, the inflation numbers would match much more closely with public sentiment, after having topped out at 18 fucking percent at the height in 21/22.

And of course there’s how, at the height of the pandemic, they blantantly changed the criteria for what counts as a recession at all to say “no worries guys, everythings fine” when we were absolutely in a recession based on the old criteria.

Fuck economists


Not to mention that even if it was reducing, the pandemic wealth transfer was so absurdly massive that we’d still be insanely worse off than in 2019.


I mentioned it in a different comment, but there was a paper written by some economists that compared the current inflation formula with the one they used to use (in use in the 80’s, iirc) which takes borrowing costs such as mortgage into account, and that 9.1 peak pandemic inflation number doubled to 18 something %, with our current 3.4% becoming something north of 9%. So yeah, not great.


Or just tax their fucking wealth…

Don’t you threaten me with a good time

A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrinating kids. Then she read the curriculum. (www.texastribune.org)

Weeks after winning a school board seat in her deeply red Texas county, Courtney Gore immersed herself in the district’s curriculum, spending her nights and weekends poring over hundreds of pages of lesson plans that she had fanned out on the coffee table in her living room and even across her bed. She was searching for...


Instead, Gore found the materials taught children “how to be a good friend, a good human.”

Honestly, I can respect this. It’d be much easier to pull a Trump and claim that you fixed something that was never an issue by doing absolutely nothing, but she actually went through with it and admitted that she couldn’t find the issues she was looking for.

It kinda goes to show that there are actually sincere people (albeit ones that still tend to have disagreeable stances) on the right that just keep getting tricked by the grifters and conmen that won’t just bury their heads in the sand when something doesn’t fit their narrative.

The optimist wants to believe that makes up a lot of them, but the realist in me isn’t so sure.


I’ll now incorporate into my world view that anybody who shares these physical characteristics is a war criminal. I took a statistics class once and I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.


Okay while I get what you’re saying, and you are right that it is unfairly different for govt. officials than for citizens looking for a job, I really have to correct that it’s not "any amount of debt" that will keep you from getting a clearance, or else they’d never get fresh college graduates. They specifically care about whether you seem to be in a financially precarious situation or are financially irresponsible. Student loans, mortgage, or credit card balances that haven’t gotten out of control will likely get a pass whereas loan shark loans, balances sent to collections, or gambling debt will very much flag red. Again I do agree that it’s ridiculous that politicians aren’t held to the same standard.


Idk you guys why doesn’t israel simply activate the jewish space lasers to wipe out hamas


After that FART group, I’m starting to think these people just put Elon Musk in charge of their naming schemes.


Oh I’m sure he did notice, the question is probably more of “why did you keep sending them aid” to which the answer is probably something like trying to keep a stable power balance in the middle east since Israel is like, our only consistant ally out there, but considering both the abuses of power Israel has committed and the general poor record of US middle eastern interventions, I don’t think very many people will be happy with that explanation.


A legitimate concern, too. All the stories about hospitals refusing pregnancy emergency care makes it dangerous whether you want the baby or not


I was going to say something about “cost of living in an area” because 10M in WV is gonna go a lot further than 10M in NYC, but then I started wondering what kind of knock-on effects setting that hard cap would have? Would cost of living in NYC decrease because now the rich people can’t be rich enough to comfortably afford it, or will it cause them to keep contributing to society for a paycheck because they don’t want to move? Feel like this might be a good speculative essay subject for a financial policy class.


I do not advocate for violence and would never celebrate somebody’s tragedy. Having said that, if Kristi Noem literally jumped in front of a train I may decide to get an ice cream cake that day.


And here I thought all the cheap mexican labor fled last year or whenever. Did something change to bring them all back or something?


Okay valid but at that point it’s not even like, specifically targeting latinos if the workforce being affected is no longer predominantly immigrant labor…


If you are ever in a position where you need to figure out if a man you’re talking to is a pedophile, ask them their opinion on the book Lolita

“Romantic” ❌

“Disturbing” ✔️


We’re way past double, this is quintupling down we’re witnessing


Ah shit. Any easy way to determine if your camera’s doing that? Would that normally be in manufacterer specs?


Isn’t this almost exactly how a number of these dudes got catfished by girls who immediately reported them to the FBI? Lmao

“Oh yeah I find facist insurrection like, so hot” “Well well well what a coincidence, I participated in Jan 6 and here’s photograpgic evidence”

I’d be so happy if the downfall of these militias came from them being horny idiots.


From what I’ve seen of her (not a swifty) I don’t think she would ever outright tell people who to vote for. However, if, on top of telling people to vote in general, she just passively mentioned who she was planning to vote for, I feel like that person would get a +20 point lead on the other guy.


And cellar boxing and pay-for-order-flow and dark pool trading and basket swaps and-


Idk man knowing Ronnie he’s probably going to say something like “well us REAL AMERICANS grew up with lead pipes and we all turned out FINE!” turning it into a partisan issue like the stupid gas stoves and just reject all funding

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