
The worm is winning


I mean, at this point, is the worm a more viable candidate for President than RFK?



tonytins, avatar

By claiming to not take a side, he took a side.


“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”


What fucking sides?


Listen folks, 9/11 was 👐 terrible, okay? It was terrible… But the woke dems, 🤷‍♂️, they spin it like it was all about the US and the Saudis, 🙄 something to do with oil, who knows? You wanna hear the real story? 🤨

There were some good folks 👐 on both sides 👐, believe me. Maybe we were just too free for them, I don’t know 🤷‍♂️

And these woke politicians, they certainly didn’t help, that’s for sure 😏

Honestly, people 👐, there was a lot of good on both sides that nobody talks about.



“My take on 9/11: It’s hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn’t. But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public,” Kennedy wrote on Friday in a post on X in reference to the deadliest terrorist attack ever aimed at the US. “As president I won’t take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates.

“But I can promise … that I will open the files and usher in a new era of transparency.”

I don’t know if it would be more or less crazy if he latched onto JFK conspiracies instead.


Way less. JFK’s assassination is actually wild enough at face value that to not think something conspiratorial happened would be ridiculous. All attempts at explanation have been pretty poor. Now anyone who claims they know what happened is a conspiracy theorist. That’s also true lol.

9/11 the facts are pretty clear cut overall.


Ehh the JFK assassination is pretty easy to take at face value, the only weird part to me is Jack Ruby going after Lee Harvey Oswald but after watching the trump cult for the last 8 years someone being devoted enough to a president to go after their killer is an easy follow.


I think it’s most likely it was a weird but reasonable scenario ultimately but I get why people don’t I guess is more my point.


I’m almost 100% certain he’s hard into the JFK conspiracies. NPR did an interview with him with in the last couple years and I’m pretty sure he said he had proof the CIA killed his uncle because he didn’t provide air support for the bay of pigs invasion.

FuglyDuck, avatar

When one side is obviously right and the other side is obviously crazy…. “Not taking sides” says the crazy side has the same merit as the obviously correct side.

He is absolutely taking a side.


“Fine people on both sides”


This guy…

I’ve watched maybe 6-8 hr+ interviews of his. Like, if he could have just abandoned the nutjob schtick after getting to 10% in the polls, he easily could be contending for the office right now when both candidates are as deeply unpopular as they are. But its like a bad penny he just can’t give up. Like he just won’t stop doubling down on some absolutely wackadoodle positions.

This was probably the “best case scenario” year for a third party run of all time with how bad the two current options are. If he could just shut the fuck up, he would probably be polling at 30+ percent.


He’s an Asspenny


He’s an anti-vax piece of shit. No amount of white washing his history or tightening up his talking points for public events would ever convince me to even consider for one second voting for that monster. If he ever polls at even 20% this country is so beyond fucked. Tinfoil hats are our #1 export at this point I swear.


Man, if only we were exporting them. I feel they are here to stay.


Oh 100%. I’m just making points from a purely Machiavellian/ real politik point of view.

I think he could have used the idiot/ anti-vax crowd to get to 10%, then abandoned them to move from 10 % to 25-30% by shifting/ reforming his positions. Instead he just doubled down on the nutjob shit. That nutjob shit will get you to 10% but it wont get you past that.


None of that sounds nearly as unnerving as the insurrectionist convicted felon that Putin and other fascist nationalist organizations want to place into power who’s polling around 45%


Trump apparatus/leeches would rush to Kennedy’s “aid” the moment he took office and he’d gladly work with them. He has no idea what he’s doing.

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