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Devs should be focusing on their next project and celebrating the triumph that is DE. It’s heartbreaking to see everything unfolded in the years after its release.


I think you underestimate the damage Congress can cause if they want to. I want them to stand up as well but getting mad at academic institutions for not fighting the federal government is forgetting who the perpetrator is and putting the onus on the wrong party.


Again, I want them to stand up and push back, but we need to remember who is ultimately the source of the problem here and keep our anger/blame squarely directed at them.


From another comment: Again, I want them to stand up and push back, but we need to remember who is ultimately the source of the problem here and keep our anger/blame squarely directed at them.


The GOP is the source of the problem solely because they choose to be one. You are completely missing the issue. Blaming perceived enablers is ridiculous.


Appreciate your hearing me out. I think people really want to make this too binary. I do want Stanford and other schools to do the right thing, but we can’t act like this is their fault. It’s squarely the GOP’s and we need to support these universities and encourage them to push back without saying “this is your fault.”

Biden, Zelenskyy sign new 10-year security agreement (

President Joe Biden touted on Thursday several new major U.S. commitments for Ukraine that were announced this week, including a, sanctions to disrupt Russia’s war machine, and a sign-off from the G7 on a...


The fact that the Republicans are so deeply divided over this issue should show you how correct a decision it is to support Ukraine every way we can.


“This will teach people to stop holding me accountable for what I support!”


And one is far more relevant than the other.

bolexforsoup, (edited )

I’m ok with it being expensive for non-diabetes cases because we do NOT want people using this for weight loss. There are already issues with intestinal linings weakening and other complications.

Folks: there’s no shortcut to losing weight.

Edit: overly simplified. It’s not just for diabetes but my larger point is legitimate medical cases. This of course includes some cases of obesity, and I’m glad it’s helped folks who need it.


If a doctor prescribes it for real reasons I respect that but right now it’s a celebrity weight loss “hack”

My friend has had 3 patients walk because she won’t prescribe ozempic to them. They are not obese or have some major medical consideration. They want to use it as a substitute for a diet that they don’t even really need.


There is a lot abuse. Wealthy people shop around for doctors to prescribe because they want to lose weight with a shot.


I don’t think it’s perfect but I can’t agree with people being able to walk around buying any medication at anytime without any oversight.

bolexforsoup, (edited )

That’s not what I said. I’m saying we don’t want this being widely available and prescribed like tic tacs because people think it’ll make them look like a magazine cover. The side effects can be considerable. A doctor needs to be involved if you think you need ozempic, although sadly many are all too happy to rubber stamp it. Still, it’s being used as a shortcut by many and it’s not good for them.


It’s a shot that changes your appetite (among other effects). Not sure why what I said contradicts that or implies otherwise.

bolexforsoup, (edited )

Please tell me you aren’t one of those anti-fluoride people.


I am specifically talking about the massive surge in people using it to shed vanity weight. I completely agree it has legitimate weight management uses and I’m glad it’s helped you.

  1. no clue how this is religious, which also I am not
  2. so you’re down for people to grab oxy off the shelf I take it?

Well for starters, ozempic does have common adverse side effects. So that’s one major difference.


Nope I am not engaging with this nonsense. Fluoride is perfectly safe in the water supply. Nobody batted an eye until the right latched onto it as another stupid culture war masking as concerns over personal health. Stop watching xXJoeFreedomXx videos and listen to health professionals. That’s all I’m saying on the matter and it’s for the benefit of onlookers more than you.

Have a good rest of your week.


You are being duped.

The brown spots are purely cosmetic and a minor trade off for the benefits.

Now I’m actually done. The fact that mom‘s for liberty is the biggest force behind this ridiculous “movement“ should indicate to you how bullshit it is.


Stop muddying the waters for an internet gotcha moment. God what an asshole. Blocking


A lot of instances have downvotes disabled and another lesson we all gleaned from Reddit is that votes are not effective content moderation.


Just want to say it is refreshing to see this take from someone else.

Keep 4chan on 4chan.


I always read TFW as “the fuck when”


I just don’t understand why this is even being made. Borderlands is definitely nowhere on my list of games I want adapted. I understand I am not the arbiter of what gets made into movies, but it definitely feels like a shared sentiment among the general gaming population lol just feels like a bizarre choice


Yeah no one has been excited for it in years. It peaked a long time ago. Pre-sequel was a disaster, 3 landed with a mediocre thud, tales has a following but it’s modest. This is not going to go well.


That sally example is such a good pull lol


I get that normally but my point is…can borderlands still be considered a successful franchise in 2024?

BL2 was 13 years old and it’s never hit those heights since. Each mainline release has performed poorly or mediocre and TFTB has been pretty well received but they weren’t huge releases like the main games. They’ve been sort of irrelevant for almost a decade, limping along to middling applause lol

BL3 did well financially for the most part but that was what? 5 years ago? And critically it did poorly/had no staying power. It died pretty quickly.


TWAU2 when telltale :(

Remarks by President Biden on Securing Our Border (

Four months ago, after weeks of intense negotiation between my staff and Democrats and Republicans, we came to a clear — clear bipartisan deal that was the strongest border security agreement in decades. But then Republicans in Congress — not all, but — walked away from it. Why? Because Donald Trump told them to. He told...


He wants to convince independents and light blue/light red voters that he is doing something because it’s his weakest issue and he is currently being accused of complacency/making the border worse. He’s not trying to go further right than Trump.


I’m not saying one way or another if it’s a good idea, I’m just saying what the calculation is


I’m going to be honest, there is zero chance progressive are going to form a legitimate competitive party anytime soon, definitely not because of this. I’m willing to put down money on it.

To be clear I do not endorse how the Democrats are handling this. But if we’re talking about political calculus, they are not going to see a large migration to a third-party over this. And certainly not to Republicans. In a few years most people won’t even remember Biden did this and those that do aren’t going to punish a different candidate for Biden’s executive order anymore than they’d punish a GOP president for Trump’s.


I’m not really sure we’re in a position to make a hot take about the political landscape 20 years from now, but I certainly don’t think this executive order is going to be remembered by then. If you argument is “the Democrats are going in a direction that might create a third-party 20 years from now,” well, there’s no way to really prove or refute that right now and that’s a pretty broad bar so sure it’s possible. This is definitely a far cry from your previous comment.


I just think it’s unproductive, has no basis (feel free to show me some data points on this truly), and requires no risk on your part to make this prediction. I could easily say “based on the long lasting impact of Bernie Sanders just entering the election for a few cycles I predict the democrats will be a far more progressive party in 20 years.” It’s equally valid and safe because like you, I don’t really need to show anything to back it up. I’m just kind of gesticulating at what happened from 2008-2016 with bernie.

I mean this really and truly: feel free to make all the predictions you want, and I hope you push the Democratic party to be more progressive or are currently working to get progressive candidates on ballots. These are good things to do. But these kinds of discussions we are having are really not productive. They’re not even academic or interesting. They’re just so vague and long-term and unsupported that we’re just kind of throwing darts at a bar. Which I mean sure it’s fun I guess but at some point you need to start keeping score and having a basis for how you’re throwing them unless you’re truly just there to kill time, which does not seem like the case for you. You seem passionate about this and like you want to have productive discussion.

bolexforsoup, (edited )

It’s actually pretty cool to see an original Xbox controller next to a Dreamcast controller. They are incredibly similar. Both even had double card slots in the front


PS1 =/= PSOne and most people know the difference, but yes most enthusiasts say PSX to avoid confusion


Or a Mac ime. I tried to run mint OS on a 2016 intel MBPro and it was a disaster. I got it up and running but the Touch Bar didn’t work, the Wi-Fi didn’t work, all kinds of issues.


I know that now but I had a bunch of people encourage me to do it as if it was a reasonable thing for a novice to crack lol


I mean I got mint OS running so it depends on what you mean by “support.”


They’ll never stop. They need to be added to the FBI’s list of gangs/extremist organizations.


Different treatment if you’re classified as one

bolexforsoup, (edited )

I’ve been out there and was called a “race traitor” for filming a black woman at a protest. Trust me I don’t need to be educated on how dangerous they are lol


This is an argument against making anything new or reinterpreting things IMO.

Let folks tinker. Let them try to improve it. Could be cool 🤷‍♂️


People modding now this is just the official support (which will likely be a lot better but still you can tinker if you want to currently!)

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