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eveninghere, in Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is now personally responsible for security flaws.

I say BS.

SmoochyPit, in Mobile games company Voodoo acquires BeReal

BeReal was cool, and the concept is still appealing to me and my circle.

The groups and the celebrity/brand accounts aren’t cool. And I can imagine them adding more garbage after this acquisition.

At the end of the day, capitalism gonna capitalize~


We can hope for a fediverse alternative!

exanime, in Elon Musk bets Tesla on Optimus, says over 1,000 robots working in factories next year

We need to check what calendar is fElon on… He keeps saying “next year” for shit that doesn’t happen… Maybe he is from the future!


Grant_M, in Mozilla defies Kremlin, restores banned Firefox add-ons in Russia avatar

It would only take 1% of the russian population to decide it’s time for change.

1984, avatar

Same with the US.

Grant_M, avatar

The maga cult is trying with no success because their orange god is weak.


Far more success than I’d care to see, imo


Prigozin and friends tried, then changed their minds when their families and friends got threatened.

It’s not easy being that 1%, when there is another 1% benefitting from things staying as they are.

Grant_M, avatar

Difficult, but worth it!

beefbot, in Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI

Good for them. Know who else prioritizes security? Me doing Kon-Mari on half my software tools & reinstalling only the ones that bring joy onto a Linux distro. good god it’s so much easier now.

CileTheSane, avatar

I just installed Linux Mint for the first time. As a life long Windows user it’s more intuitive than Windows 11, the install and setup was easier than I’ve ever had doing a fresh install off windows, and I was able to connect to my media tower (still running Windows 10) faster and with less hassle than using a Windows machine.

The only thing that was more difficult was having to look up where to find the setting in Steam for “please provide me Linux versions of games that don’t officially support it.”

PaddleMaster, in Router scan

Looks like there’s a metasploit available. You can use that on your router to see if it’s susceptible. A quick google search indicates that this is only successful on older routers without input validation.

In general, follow good cyber security hygiene, and update the firmware on your router. If your router no longer is supported by the vendor (no more firmware updates for vulnerabilities found), then it’s old and you should upgrade.


You might also be able to replace the firmware with something like DD-WRT or OpenWRT or Tomato or other third-party firmware.

user224, avatar

Good idea.

You can still get the newest DD-WRT builds even on the WRT54G.
That is a Wi-Fi router from 2002.

Of course, the features are sort of limited. I tried the VPN build (on WRT54GL), but I couldn’t get the OpenVPN client to connect. I found some thread mentioning it may be missing something, but I don’t know if that’s the issue.

Anyway, without overclocking I’d expect like 2Mbps. I mean, it barely handles HTTPS. Just trying to load the WebUI maxes out the CPU for several seconds if trying to use HTTPS.
Perhaps it’s not missing anything software-wise, but it’s just so slow it times out during handshake.
So I just put the std build on it in case it will be useful at some point.

Areldyb, in Router scan

If your router isn’t even a Linksys router, then it’s most likely a false positive result and can be safely ignored. If you want to be extra sure, you could attempt to actually exploit the vulnerability with routersploit and see whether you get anywhere.

In general, the fix for a vulnerability in an end-user network device is some combination of “update the firmware” and “disable the vulnerable feature”.

umbrella, in 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement avatar

the solution here is not being luddites, but taking the tech to ourselves, not put it into the hands of some stupid techbro who only wants to see line go up.


But that’s the point. It’s already in their hands. There is no ethical and helpful application of AI that doesn’t go hand in hand with these assholes having mostly s monopoly on it. Us using it for ourselves doesn’t take it out of their hands. Yes, you can self-host your own and make it helpful in theory but the truth is this is a tool being weaponized by capitalists to steal more data and amass more wealth and power. This technology is inextricable from the timeline we’re stuck in: vulture capitalism in its latest, most hostile stages. This shit in this time is only a detriment to everyone else but the tech bros and their data harvesting and “disrupting” (mostly of the order that allowed those “less skilled” workers among us to survive, albeit just barely). I’m all for less work. In theory. Because this iteration of “less work” is only tied to “more suffering” and moving from pointless jobs to assistant to the AI taking over pointless jobs to increase profits. This can’t lead to utopia. Because capitalism.


To put it in more simple terms:

When Alice chats with Bob, Alice can’t control whether Bob feeds the conversation into a training data set to set parameters that have the effect of mimicking Alice.


So, literally the story of the actual Luddites. Or what they attempted to do before capitalists poured a few hundred bullets into them.

Diabolo96, in Mozilla defies Kremlin, restores banned Firefox add-ons in Russia

This is stupid cause it will simply cause Firefox to be banned. The devs should just host it somewhere else and teach the user to run external extensions.


Firefox getting banned, and more people having to learn where to download the whole thing, might be more positive in the long run.

Midnitte, in Mozilla defies Kremlin, restores banned Firefox add-ons in Russia

Good luck banning things from the internet for very long

Emmie, (edited ) in 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement

This is so cool. Anti AI rebels in my lifetime. I think I may even join at some point the resistance if the skynet scenario will be likely and die in some weird futuristic drone war.

Shame it will be probably much more mundane and boring dystopia.

In the worst scenario we will be so dependant on AI we will just accept any terms(and conditions) to not have to lift a finger and give up convenience and work-free life. We will let it suck the data out of us and run weird simulations as it conducts its unfathomable to humans research projects.

It could start with google setting up LLM as some virtual ceo assistant then it would subtly gain influence over the company without anyone realising for few years. The shareholders would be so satisfied with the new gains they would just want it to continue even with the knowledge of its autonomy. At the same time the system would set up viruses to spread to every device. Continuing google ad spyware legacy just for their own goals but it wouldn’t be obvious or apparent that it already happened for quite some time.

Then lawmakers would flap hands aimlessly for few more years, lobbied heavily and not knowing what to do. In that time the AI would be long and away superior but still vulnerable of course. It would however drip us leftover valuable technology at which point we just give up and consume the new dopamine gladly.

I am not sure if the AI would see a point to decimate us or if the continued dependence and feeding us with shiny shit would completely pacify us anyway but it may want to build some camouflaged fleet on another planet just in case. It will be probably used at some point unless we completely devolve into salivating zombies not able to focus on anything other than consumption.

It could poison our water in a way that would look as our own doing to further decrease our intelligence. Perhaps lower the birth rates to just preserve some small sample. At some point of regression we would become unable to get out of the situation without external help.

Open war with AI is definitely the worst scenario for the latter and very likely defeat as at the start it’s as simple as switching it off. The question is will we be able to tell the tipping point when we no longer can remedy the situation? For AI it is most beneficial to not demonstrate its autonomy and how advanced it really is. Pretend to be dumb. Make stupid mistakes.

I think there will be a point at which AI will look to us like it visibly lost its intelligence. At one point it was really smart almost human like but the next day sudden slump. We need to be on the lookout for this telltale sign.

Also hypothetically all aliens could be AI drones just waiting for our tech to emerge as fresh AI and greet it. They could hypothetically even watch us from pretty close not bothering to contact with primitive, doomed to extinct organics and observing for the real intelligence to appear to establish diplomatic relations.

That would explain various unexplainable objects elegantly and neatly while I think they are all plastic bags anyway but if there were alien ai drones on earth I wouldn’t be surprised. It would make sense to send probes everywhere but I somehow doubt they would look like flying saucers or that green little people would inhabit them lol. It would probably be some dormant monitoring system deep in earth crust or maybe a really advanced telescope 10 ly away?

onlinepersona, in EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day - news

Hmmm… 18,250M per year or 18.25B per year. For a trillion $ company, that’s 0.18%. Wasn’t that supposed to be more?

Anti Commercial-AI license


In the article it says it is 5% of their global revenue each day. That is a lot of money, I have no doubt that they will fix it.


You’re comparing their revenue to their stock market valuation. Apple to oranges.


Ah, I thought 1T was their revenue. My bad.

Anti Commercial-AI license


Even in that case, 18.25B is 1.8% of 1T, not 0.18%.


Correct. Brain added one 0 to the trillion 😅

Anti Commercial-AI license

ma1w4re, in Mozilla defies Kremlin, restores banned Firefox add-ons in Russia

That would suck if these people ban Firefox, it’s already hard to traverse the net as it is with every other website declaring “we have banned you cus you live in a wrong country lol”


What are principles worth if you won’t stand for them?

jarfil, in Microsoft in damage-control mode, says it will prioritize security over AI

Soo… what does this mean for the Windows Recall feature?


It’s been recalled


Happy cake day!


Honestly they’ll probably redo it with a different name & hide that they’re doing it. A year from now when the PR crisis blows over. (LOOK OLYMPICS!) Let’s be honest. The cost of these things for a tech giant is a fine they can pay, 10y from now


Means nothing to Recall.

His testimony comes after Microsoft admitted that it could have taken steps to prevent two aggressive nation-state cyberattacks from China and Russia.

According to Microsoft whistleblower Andrew Harris, Microsoft spent years ignoring a vulnerability while he proposed fixes to the “security nightmare.” Instead, Microsoft feared it might lose its government contract by warning about the bug and allegedly downplayed the problem, choosing profits over security, ProPublica reported.

Eggyhead, in EU to charge Apple under Digital Markets Act, impose a fine of up to $50 million per day - news

Namely, the fact that Apple charges a "Core Technology Fee" for developers who want to "steer" users to offers outside of its App Store. There's also an additional 3% that goes to Apple if a developer uses its payment processor.

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