China’s cheating threatens to wreck Paris Olympics, US anti-drugs chief says

American regulator Travis Tygart accuses the World Anti-Doping Agency of “allowing” Chinese authority to cover up illegal drug-taking by top swimmers.

Chinese drug cheats and officials willing to turn a blind eye threaten to make the Paris 2024 Olympics a “train wreck,” the top U.S. anti-doping regulator said.

Travis Tygart’s trenchant remarks cast another shadow over Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s ongoing visit to France where he is meeting President Emmanuel Macron, less than three months before the Olympics begin.

Last month, The New York Times and German broadcaster ARD published a bombshell investigation revealing 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for prohibited drugs before the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, but were still permitted to take part in the Games, with several winning medals.


As if our athletes aren’t doing the same sort of things…in principle that’s a great stance to take, but there’s still plenty of American athletes caught using PEDs every year in professional sports. It’d be silly to assume there’s no one doping in Olympic sports.


US athletes are not testing positive and still allowed to compete. The cheating by individuals is expected, the cover up by countries is not.


Oh it’s absolutely done at a government level by the US as well, they’re just a bit more subtle about it than Russia and China


Sha Carri Richardson was suspended from the Olympics for weed 3 years ago they won’t sweep gold medal candidates failed tests under the rug. Here is the current list of all the athletes USADA had caught.


Ok firstly, suspending someone for weed is insane because that’s not a performance enhancing drug, if anything it’s performance degrading.

Secondly ask yourself why are they catching someone for weed but don’t catch all the obvious steroid use that literally every professional athlete does? It’s because they’ve intentionally made it possible to cheat their system and get away with steroid use, and the trainers and officials are the ones helping the athletes.

Watch the doco Icarus, the first half before it goes off the rails is all about how doping is an open secret and all athletes in all countries do it and their trainers help them


It’s because they’ve intentionally made it possible to cheat their system and get away with steroid use, and the trainers and officials are the ones helping the athletes.

The list of 100s of athletes failing tests paints a different picture. USADA performs random testing at random times. Cheaters are going to cheat but the US is not complicit in that cheating. It’s a constant arms race cheaters find ways around testing and testers find ways to detect the new methods.


steroids-only olympics?


Aren’t Peter Thiel and his psychopath buddies creating this?

Linkerbaan, avatar

So the Olympics

FlyingSquid, avatar

I might actually pay attention to sports if every player is a massive wall of muscle who can punch through a concrete barrier. Turning sports into a complete freak show would definitely get me watching.

itslilith, avatar

It already is a genetic freak show, let’s turn it into a chemical one as well


So you mean, the Olympics?


Too bad

Badeendje, avatar

100% checks should not be too big of an issue right?


When do you test though, the drugs are out of their system by the event date. They can use it for years leading up to the competition to build up their performance, and then taper off long before and still have an advantage.

Badeendje, avatar

I have no clue man. I’ll gladly leave that to the IOC. But I imagine they also check off-event and people that where not vetted during their career cannot compete.


I don’t want steroids ruining the games but everyone watch the smallest women’s weight class power lifting competition. It’s the best part of the Olympics because tiny (under 49kg) women throw weight men at your gym can’t handle. It’s like watching ants pick stuff up and it is awesome.


You weren’t kidding! These badasses are lifting around two and a half times their body weight!

I especially like the Asian woman in blue who keeps showing off by holding it at least twice as long as necessary 😄

FlyingSquid, avatar

All to a ridiculously tiny amount of applause and cheering. If anything, that deserves one of the biggest audiences. Look at them!




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