Russia to send combat vessels to Caribbean to project ‘global power’, US official says

Naval exercises spurred by US support for Ukraine are likely to include port calls in Cuba and Venezuela, says official

Russia plans to send combat vessels into the Caribbean region this summer as part of naval exercises that will probably include port calls in Cuba and possibly stops in Venezuela, a senior US official said on Wednesday.

“As part of Russia’s regular military exercises, we anticipate that this summer, Russia will conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States. These actions will culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall,” the official said.

The US does not see the move involving a relatively small number of vessels and planes as threatening, but the US Navy will monitor the exercises, the official told a small group of reporters.


Cold War part 2.


Bold move to bring the rest of the Russian navy into striking distance of NATO defense forces during war with the signatories of the Budapest accords. Fucking idiot fell for his own bullshit.


Hopefully there will be no “accidents”, but this is good news for Ukraine. As Ukraine has been putting more effort into disrupting logistics far behind Russian lines, Russia is helping out by wasting supplies in a futile attempt to act tough.


Their boats aren’t there yet. Russia’s track record isn’t the best regarding boats making it to their destination…


What’s the over/under on the number of times members of the same fleet fire on each other this time?

einkorn, avatar

Do you see any torpedo boats?

gravitas_deficiency, (edited )

Eh. The Montreux Convention specifically prohibits them from bringing any military vessels into the Black Sea. That’s part of the Russian Navy’s problem right now: it is actually 100% against international law (as well as a very serious treaty violation made with a NATO country (Turkey)) for them to rotate and refresh their forces in the Black Sea.

That’s why their ship losses are so strategically catastrophic, and that’s why they haven’t replaced anything. If they want any new ships in the Black Sea fleet, they’ve got to build them in the Black Sea for the duration of the Ukraine War. Not to mention, it’s pretty fucking embarrassing to lose as many capital ships as they have to a country that doesn’t currently have a navy.

Also, I wouldn’t be super shocked if Ukrainians find some creative ways to disrupt, damage, or destroy Russia Navy vessels in various foreign ports of call :)

Edit: lmao:

The Biden administration did not view the deployment with alarm since Russia had sailed ships into the western hemisphere yearly from 2013 to 2020, the official said.

“We should expect more of this activity going forward, although we note these deployments incur a cost on the Russian navy, which is struggling to maintain readiness and conduct deployments with an aged fleet,” the official said.


Why? So the USA can get a better look at their lack of naval capability? To intimidate… I don’t know… summer yachting enthusiasts?

Forester, avatar

Well you see we haven’t given Ukraine icbms yet, so as long as the ships are outside the Black Sea they are safe.

ProfessorProteus, avatar

Safe from Ukraine maybe. I’m hoping for a pod of orcas to find them!


The orcas only attack small boats, unfortunately. TBH, all the “rooting for the orcas” is really misplaced. It’s not the 1% they’re hitting.

lemmyng, avatar

… yet.


They are expecting a very active hurricane season this year, they might manage to lose a ship or two


Ukraine Special Forces:

Get your swim trunks and sun tan lotion, lads! We going to the Caribbean for a couple of weeks!

ThePowerOfGeek, avatar

This the same navy that couldn’t keep their boats afloat in Crimea? Oooh, very intimidating!


They’re just trying to get as far away as possible from the Ukrainians.

MataVatnik, avatar

Wait, this may actually not even be a joke considering how much of their fleet they have been losing.


Bringing the ships into waters completely monitored by countries friendly to Ukraine, and surrounded by a number of launching points for sabotage actions by basically anyone.

It would be a risky move if anybody cared about their navy, or felt it was a threat.

empireOfLove2, avatar
tal, avatar

Soviet Union: Strength: 43,000 soldiers

I guess if Putin’s got 43k soldiers lying around.


If not, he’ll just draft the women and children, too.


Blyats spreading themselves thin.


Didn’t Ukraine get invaded during other such drills? Wasn’t it a ‘special military operation’ near the border?

Buelldozer, avatar

Who are they going to invade? Cuba or Venezuela? There’s no point in that, they are already at least loosely allied with Russia.

They certainly won’t be invading the United States, they’d be destroyed before they could get within 10 miles of shore.

Russia is going to run a few ships around in order look tough. That’s pretty much it.


No, I don’t think you understand, sorry. They might actually if we don’t watch carefully, who is to say?


This is implying that they have regional power? They can barely hold onto Crimea now The Ukraine is off the leash and allowed to be more proactive in its defensive strategies.

What ships are they going to send? The one’s that haven’t already been sunk by cheap off the shelf drones?


It’s just Ukraine. “The Ukraine” makes it sound like a province. Ukraine makes it sound like a country. You don’t say “the France, the Germany” etc.


The United kingdom of great Britain and ireland, there are always exceptions


*Northern Ireland. Most of Ireland is still free.


At the rate the UK is going it won’t be long before there is no northern Ireland, and just Ireland


I always learned that it was the other way around, for precisely the same reason; Ukraine while it was a part of the Soviet Union. THE Ukraine after 1991.

But I’m happy to be corrected. Thanks.


I thought it was the other other way around. Then:

The Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic.

And now just:



Yeah. From doing some research after being corrected I confirmed that I was wrong. Adjusting my world view accordingly. Lol.


Sir, this is the internet.

You’re supposed to double down and start making personal attacks.


My apologies. I’ll do better next time.


The US…


The US…

50 provinces in a trenchcoat.


The United States, which is plural, you are referring to the collection of states.


The Congo is quite common. Articles in front of country names are rare in English, actually quite common in e.g. German, and in any case neither of the two have anything to do with the v vs. na distinction in Russian. Which doesn’t even have articles those are prepositions.

Seriously the “sounds like a province” thing doesn’t make a lick of sense in English. It’s not “The Massachusetts”, “The Ontario”, or “The Tasmania”. Gotta be some phonetic quirk that’s above my paygrade.


That’s because the country’s name is The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

I don’t know of any country whose name doesn’t officially include ‘The’ (such as The United States, or The United Kingdom, or the aforementioned Congo) and gets an article superficially added.

The only reason I can think of for Ukraine is that it used to be part of another country and it’s just a holdover of when it was called ‘The Ukrainian Socialist Republic’

As far as the presence of articles (or lack thereof) in Russian, I’m aware, but we aren’t talking about the Russian name of the country, so much as the English.


The Gambia

The Netherlands

The United Kingdom


“the Gambia” is literally their name, the Netherlands is plural and the United Kingdom is a collection of countries / provinces, just like the United States


the Gambia" is literally their name

Well one out of three at least.

Badeendje, avatar

Well, the navy has nothing to do outside the black sea and since they lost some crews there they need to start training.

I just wonder what else they will be doing there. Cause Putin just declared he will start arming groups that fight NATO countries. So in the carribean you can arm drug cartels, contras and other insurgency groups and the US will need to deal with that. As it is a direct danger and it causes more instability, thus refugees to the US. Just in time for the elections in November.

Also having a group of ships sail out also allows you to break some off to do other stuff and equip other groups. Rendezvous at sea and all.


Just in time for hurricane season. Supposed to be a doozy this year. Will anyone rescue their poor sailors when the inevitable happens? Will we see an entire ship defect?

Exusia, avatar

Remember when “a bad storm” sank Moskva. Good times.

BackOnMyBS, avatar

Fun fact: The Russian Revolution of 1917 went underway when the Russian Navy joined in. I believe it happened just after Bloody Sunday, but I can’t find it now. Anyone here remember what the catalyst was for the Russian Navy on some island to join the Russian Revolution?


Lol Russia sending the equivalent of a dingy to sink in an intimidating manner.

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