
stoutwardporterman, to beersofmastodon avatar

Out at Peabody Heights Brewery in , enjoying this pint of Attack From the 80s, a 4.7% ABV dry Irish stout. As far as dry Irish stouts go, this one is perfect. @beersofmastodon

joshourisman, avatar

@stoutwardporterman @beersofmastodon I was just drinking that last night. Good stuff!

ajsadauskas, to fuck_cars avatar

If you care about the planet, please make sure you sit down before you start reading this post about ExxonMobil.


The CEO of ExxonMobil just said this in an interview: "We’ve waited too long to open the aperture on the solution sets in terms of what we need, as a society, to start reducing emissions."

Who's the most influential voice on climate change? Who's to blame for inaction on climate change?

According to the CEO of ExxonMobil, it's environmental activists.

No, really:

"Frankly, society, and the activist—the dominant voice in this discussion—has tried to exclude the industry that has the most capacity and the highest potential for helping with some of the technologies."

Oh, and the CEO of ExxonMobil also apparently thinks consumers are to blame for climate inaction:

"Today we have opportunities to make fuels with lower carbon, but people aren’t willing to spend the money to do that."

Gets better.

He thinks unnamed 'people who generate emissions' should pay for it. (Rather than, say, major transnational oil companies.)

"People who are generating the emissions need to be aware of [it] and pay the price. That’s ultimately how you solve the problem."

Worth including a quick reminder here that Exxon-Mobil made a US$36 billion profit in 2023:,higher%20oil%20and%20gas%20production.

Not gross revenue.


So, remind me again. Who knew about climate change before most of the public?

"Exxon was aware of climate change, as early as 1977, 11 years before it became a public issue... This knowledge did not prevent the company (now ExxonMobil and the world’s largest oil and gas company) from spending decades refusing to publicly acknowledge climate change and even promoting climate misinformation."

And just who, exactly, stood in the way reducing emissions all these years?

"ExxonMobil executives privately sought to undermine climate science even after the oil and gas giant publicly acknowledged the link between fossil fuel emissions and climate change, according to previously unreported documents...

"The new revelations are based on previously unreported documents subpoenaed by New York’s attorney general as part of an investigation into the company announced in 2015. They add to a slew of documents that record a decades-long misinformation campaign waged by Exxon, which are cited in a growing number of state and municipal lawsuits against big oil."


alvaro, to mechanicalkeyboards avatar

Is there an equivalent of o-rings for kailh choc v1 low profile?

If so, what is its name?

cc @mechanicalkeyboards


I think this might be a method.

alvaro, to mechanicalkeyboards avatar

Is there a type of switch that is closer to a chiclet in terms of travel distance?

What about in terms of sound? I tried some kailh and they still felt a bit too long. Any suggestion?

cc @mechanicalkeyboards

Iamnotyourbroom, (edited )

It would be remiss of me not to mention that choc minis exist (pg1350) they have slightly less travel than choc v1 but are less common, but they use the same keycaps. I think there is a corne version somewhere (that I made) that uses them. I like choc minis a lot, but they have a bad reputation for price/consistency.


I cannot comment on the noise of the Kailh browns at the moment as the board has been giving me some grief and I am waiting on new Elite-C controllers from Omega Keys. The keycaps came from ChocFox, the PCBs were ordered directly from JLCPCB using Foostans design, everything else was mainly through amazon. As for the acrylic, I have my own CO2 laser and just cut them out of 1.5mm clear, also from Foostans GitHub repository.

There are several good tutorials out there with parts lists and the build process, Marek Piechut has a good one called Corne MX 3.0 Keyboard Build Guide.

I wanted something super thin so soldered the controller to the board, I do not suggest this as I had some errors on my part and destroyed the controller, thus I’m waiting for two new ones before I can use the board, until then I’m stuck with my hand wired dactyl manuforms.

Just make sure you know what board and keycaps you want, sounds like the Corne chocolate to me, and pay close attention to the LEDs if you go that route, I have 600 that are of no use to me and am waiting on the proper ones.

Other than that have fun and there are plenty of people willing to offer help and advice between here and Discord.

Jasper_Ted_Vidal_Tale, to PCGaming avatar

StellarRoads [MS DOS] Full OST on Tandy 3 Voice

ajsadauskas, to fuck_cars avatar

Looks like the Boring Company's Las Vegas tunnels are going about as well as you'd expect from an Elon project...

"The muck pooling in the tunnel at the north end of the Las Vegas Strip had the consistency of a milkshake and, in some places, sat at least two feet deep. ... At first, it merely felt damp. But in addition to the water, sand and silt—the natural byproducts of any dig—the workers understood that it was full of chemicals known as accelerants.

"The accelerants cure the grout that seals the tunnel’s concrete supports, helping the grout set properly and protecting the work against cracks and other deterioration. They also seriously burn exposed human skin. At the Encore dig site, such burns became almost routine, workers there told Nevada’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration. An investigation by the state OSHA, which Bloomberg Businessweek has obtained via a freedom of information request, describes workers being scarred permanently on their arms and legs. According to the investigation, at least one employee took a direct hit to the face. In an interview with Businessweek, one of the tunnel workers recalls the feeling of exposure to the chemicals: “You’d be like, ‘Why am I on fire?’”"

Paywall bypass:



This is their perspective:


What a shitty way to interact with a Lemmy post

swope, to tenforward avatar

Recently I saw a meme showing some poor crewman with his window facing the red glow of a warp nacelle, but I've lost it now.

Does anyone know where I can find it?

ummthatguy, avatar
ininewcrow, avatar

Thank goodness he had Rutherford as a roommate

NorthWestWind, to splatoon avatar

5★ Sorella Brella!

This is the 3rd Brella I have 5-starred this season. Now I have a total of 4.


Splatoon 3 badge selection screen with 4 5-star Brella badges

Shkshkshk, to 196 avatar

This is what its like working in childcare. Kids do stuff like this all the time.


Shkshkshk, avatar

@pteryx @196 no that's just poor classroom management

pteryx, avatar

@Shkshkshk @196 Suffice it to say that I suffered through over a decade of "bad classroom management", a lot of which went above and beyond mere attempts at containing screaming and crying... and meanwhile, the "teasers" (the teachers insisted that the verbal bullying be called "teasing") got away scot-free.

I ultimately dropped out of school because of the way the teachers treated me, even two years after they actually finally decided putting the bullies on notice was a worthwhile step.

seanbala, to beersofmastodon avatar

Barrels outside of Dovetail Brewing in Irving Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Photo taken on 23 February 2025.


raymccarthy, avatar

@seanbala @beersofmastodon
Clever time-lapse photography!

/me checks date again in case I fell asleep for a year after teatime.

NorthWestWind, to splatoon avatar
NorthWestWind, avatar
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jimmydoreisalefty, avatar




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