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No it’s not. Trump didn’t call them up until way later because he wanted his boot licking psycophants to take over. He appointed the cock-gobbling head of the agency like he appointed those cock-gobbling justices.


If Graham was inflatable if you poked him his thin skin would break and it’d be all fart noises. He is a shit person.


Mmm nothing like good christian values thrown out the door when a woman’s shirt is off! Forgive me father for I desire breasts


This year if you are in a hotbed area where election tampering or voter intimidation is possible, bring some sort of weapon with you to beat the ever-living fuck out of any fascist who would attempt to keep you from exercising your right to vote. And make sure that when they leave they leave with a body part that will never work quite right again so they always remember what happens when they attempt to bully others.


Eek. Found the incel. I highly recommend you take the time to be around women so you can understand they are people and not “superfluous sex dolls”. Since you purport to know so much about human self-actualization, what work do you currently do that makes you feel worthy as a person?


So you live in mom’s basement, have no job and tell others how they should live. All joking aside, if you need someone to talk to about stuff, let me know. I see this too often and it breaks my heart.

Trump's plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House (www.pbs.org)

This week on the campaign trail, Donald Trump suggested he was open to restricting birth control or allowing states to do so. He later walked it back on Truth Social, saying he will “never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control.” President Biden and Trump are proposing vastly different visions for reproductive...


No no no. He is telling the degenerate psycophants that come to the rallies the actual truth, but on Double-Speak Social he is telling the moderates and centrists who don’t like to “follow politics”, are too stupid and in denial that a candidate could be such a piece of shit authoritarian fascist what they want to hear so they can plausibly deny the fact they brought on fascism by saying “well he said he wouldn’t do it” on the internet.

Fuck Trump, his entire shit stain family, the republican party for trying to ruin the country and the democratic party for being too scared to try and stop it.

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' (apnews.com)

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....


The “tragic mistake” in his head is that he couldn’t kill more. Because he is a sociopath. Fuck Bibi.


Buy as many guns as you can.


Because shit like this is done so that extremist right-wing para-military groups that by law should not be able to buy guns can buy guns.

Buy guns. Defend yourself and your family from authoritarians and fascists that have a large group of Trump-appointed government officials protecting them.

All the book burning banning, LGBTQ+ oppression, the violent student protest crackdowns, the oppressive surveillence laws masqueraded as “protecting children” flying in the face of the Constitution aren’t just for the luls. Each are a step in a checklist that ends in law-protected mass-murder.


If you see a Nazi, punch them. Don’t hesitate, just punch. If you need to, keep punching until you beat the fucking Nazi out of them.

Republicans Flock to Trump’s Trial, Risking Control of the House Floor (www.nytimes.com)

"The House was in session at the Capitol on Thursday, but thanks to the latest procession of Republicans reporting for duty in front of a Manhattan criminal courthouse to show support for former President Donald J. Trump at his trial, the party risked ceding its control of the floor,” the New York Times reports....


Doesn’t matter, the sadly the Dems can’t get their shit together to pass something anyway


I’ll bite. Give me 9 “hardcore feminist men” then.

don’t really go out of their way to convince the people around them that they’re trustworthy, unless they want you to trust them so they can take advantage of you.

You just described Trump, every televangelist, and anyone in business.


He’s not wrong. There are too many insecure, spoiled, small, lazy, cowardly[ intellectually lacking, scared men on the right who are so intimidated by a dominating, independent, secure, smarter woman than them that they just can’t handle it.

They know they will never compare mentally so they resort to physical or religious means instead.

Someone should get Trump his tendies.


You all are skipping over the very blantant fact that the orange human scrotum is intentionally marketing his bullshit this way to blur the lines between church and state. The problem isn’t his grifter bible and cstitution that he couldn’t quote if his life depended on it - it’s that his lazy unintelligent base will believe this trash over the real things because they are easily manipulated sheep.

All of you that aren’t immediately calling out that bullshit and making excuses for it are helping to keep it going. Fuck all of you that say “well that’s not what is being advertised” or that it’s “propaganda” to call this bullshit out. You are the problem.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms (www.theguardian.com)

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....


Maybe the US should just stop arming Israel and give the arms to Gaza instead and see how that plays out.

I can’t believe this bullshit has gone on for so long


No power wars directly. It’s been proxy wars for forever.


This is an amazing response.


my brother in christ, this is exactly the point. isis-ra-el is only emboldened by foreign weapons. cut that shit in half and give the other half to the palestinians and shit changes. without foreign support vis-a-vis british zionists in the 30s and 40s and current american tax money isis-ra-el would have been de-platformed already


I put my mom on Ubuntu with KDE 10 years ago. I had far less problems with her on Linux than I ever did with Vista and 7. It got to the point she was calling me multiple times a week.

I didn’t have to but I did one Ubuntu reinstall in that entire time only because I made /boot the default partition size at installation and years later it filled up constantly. I got sick of going over there to clean it up and it coincided with her getting a new computer.

My mom installed printer drivers, and Cisco VPN software from run packages instead of apt and set up multi- monitors on her own after I taught her how to use the terminal, so it’s possible for the elderly.


I thought he said in a resignation letter he left because some bullshit about the direction of the GOP. Even lying on the way out.


They don’t invest it or spend it on things like luxuries though, and that’s how the health of an economy is measured.


And each time he’d be called to do, he’d find himself too busy to make it. The only reason the orange scrotum would ever offer is so he’d have control to put it off until after it’s too late.


Which is great because now the US can finally have the state run 24-hour propaganda arm the fascists and dictators love.

We all know that the orange scrotum would pressure the simping GOP to pass a law making Truth Social the only place for all gov’t communication for all parties.

We already know he made the Secret Service stay at Mar-a-Lardo and upcharged the federal gov’t for the rooms. Anything to funnel US taxpayer money into his pockets


He was probably taking a shit and had to put it somewhere while he pulled pants up/tucked in shirt/buttoned pants/etc.

Still no excuse though.


He told IGN that one of its upcoming titles, Space Marine 2, will retail for $70, but only because he’s concerned audiences would see a cheaper price as emblematic of poor quality.

Yipes. Saber should throw this minnow back in the water and cast that line out again for a bigger fish that knows anything about the videogame market.

When I see a $70 game my very first thought is an over-promised under-delivered mess barely beta quality that contains Denuvo or some other shitware that had higher priority to work at launch than the game itself. Not to mention a day one patch the size of the entire install, login servers that can’t handle the load, graphical glitches, and constant framerate drops.

That $30 game is $70 because it’s a hot genre and other no name shops a fraction of the size sold a million copies at $30 so this exec’s massive studio with its executive team’s millions of combined man-hours could sell it for $150 and gamers would buy it because the reputation alone is worth $100 per copy according to them.


I laughed hareer than I should have picturing her eyes getting closer and closer with each passing day until one day she completes her tranformation into the cyclops we all know she is complete with hairy knuckles dragging on the ground. Haha.


The shit this turd is talking about is exactly what fascists and later Nazis on the right have been doing since the 1800’s. Lol. More projection is all.


Except there were so many Japanese games not brought to the west because they were deemed too difficult for western gamers.


Both were true!


The Fundamentalist Christian hijacking of the Republican party started over 50 years ago, but it wasn’t until Alzheimer’s-ridden Ronald Reagan got into office that it was given the green light by a President.


I laugh every time a right-wing nutjob gets all high and mighty about Biden for “his Alzheimers”. Mention to them that their darling Reagan actually had Alzeimers his entire second term and watch them foam at the mouth. They lose their smooth minds.


Those corporate liches and ghouls are going to trickle down wealth any day now. Any day.


Is that orange human scrotum still breathing? Then he’s up to something.


I mean it’s all projection anyway.


They’re broke funding his whatever it is he does anyway.


And then those chucklefucks claim the rest of us are beholden to a meritocracy when they just called on mommy and daddy to give them welfare.

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