@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar



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@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s Microsoft telling us that then why does the computer look like an iMac?

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

That just goes with a territory of having an iPhone. When you bought that device you signed on to a culture of consumption that is enforced by the developer of that device.

The developer can’t force Apple to let the developer give it to you for free. Apple doesn’t tolerate free very well and anything that is free on Apple is likely either a privacy nightmare or is paid for by some subscription you have with Apple.

This isn’t a problem with the app It’s a problem with the Apple.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

By displaying a new power to regulate the internet that they have sworn was impossible in the past: punishing ISPs for customers’ breaking of the law.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

That sounds like a recruitment tactic for the party of impotent rage.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

How dare they fight back. That’s such an antagonistic thing to do. Don’t they know they’re not allowed to defend themselves.

It reminds me of my own father knocking down the bathroom door and then saying, “Put your hands down. I consider that threatening.”

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! (pawb.social)

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

You can vote for The guy who says Tut Tut to the genocidal madman or the guy that says, “finish the job”.

There are also other issues at play. They are both a vote for genocide but one of them would like to bring that here there and everywhere!

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I put it on a lot of things sweet and savory alike. It goes with the rosemary, pepper, salt and coriander when I roast potatoes. It also goes into snickerdoodles or a half dozen different kinds of cake. It also makes a really good additive to soap if you make your own soap.

It’s such an underappreciated spice, at least in the US where nobody seems to know what’s going on despite enjoying the food.

The only time people don’t question what the flavor is, is when I make Indian food.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

They conveniently underlined all the bullshit.

every claim is nonsense or irrelevant.

For example:

Highest rate of economic growth (reflecting even more of the wealth being distributed among the Uber wealthy)

Lowest inflation (not counting housing, healthcare, energy or food)

Strongest wage growth (maybe in nominal terms if you ignore the actual increase in the cost of essential goods and services putting people behind where they were pre-pandemic)

Biggest wage gain among lowest paid workers (who still make less than they did before 2019 and somehow overlooking that almost all the gains in the economy since 2019 went to a few specific billionaires)

Lowest unemployment in x years ( they just keep redefining unemployment so that instead of it meaning ‘people who can’t find enough gainful employment to pay essential bills’, we limit it to people that have no job right now but did in the last six months and have made x number of applications while not collecting any income. It’s a damn joke)

They say “accounting for inflation” but then you have to remember their definition of inflation does not count housing, healthcare, energy or food so it’s nonsense anyway.

The wealth gap is wider now than 2018. I don’t even know where this claim that people are better off or the wealth gap is shrinking comes from… oh they got a 6% raise and inflation in sensible terms (not even counting housing and healthcare but including energy and food) is close to 9%.

And the black unemployment rate much like the unemployment rate itself is a cooked number that ignores most of the people that are black and unemployed/underemployed. It just doesn’t give a shit if you can eat, have a place to live or can afford to go to the doctor, it just cares if you have a job right now or if you recently did and are still looking.

I am on my phone so I haven’t had a chance to look up the disability unemployment claim, but as someone that lives with and supports people with disabilities, this might actually be real. Remote work is a real social revolution and it is making lives better.

My point is, as long as articles like this used continue to use cooked books to justify rose tinted viewings they will continue to think Americans are just ungrateful and ignorant of how great things are.

Dishonest stuff like this undermines the credibility of revenue driven media and leads to blurring the lines between a community getting high on hopium and Trump’s firehose of bullshit.

No evidence from Israel to back UNRWA accusations, says EU humanitarian chief (www.reuters.com)

The European Union’s top humanitarian aid official said on Thursday he had seen no evidence from Israel to back its accusations against staff from the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA), which should continue playing a “critical” role in Gaza.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Too late, the damage is done.

We’re funding Israels pogrom and pretending that everything they said about UNRWA is true.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

There is a pro-Israel candidate with a blind spot for genocide and a pro-genocide candidate with a soft spot for Hitler.

Both willfully support Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the native people, but only one of them wants to “finish the Palestinians”.

Democrats are a shitty ally but Republicans are an effective enemy.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a good book from a former Smithsonian curator called One Good turn that talks about the ancient history of the screwdriver and the screw.

If you went back in time far enough that the people around you didn’t know about the screwdriver and the screw, Even a rudimentary knowledge of It’s existence would possibly on its own break the timeline.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Someone should mass print the most common tattoo shapes in temporary tattoos and hand them out at protests or sell them for cheap.

Seems like a great way of just poisoning a lot of data sets

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I’m a straight man from the middle of nowhere, and reading this sounds to me like we have not made any progress in accepting the variety of ways that humans develop or accepting the need to make space in society for everyone to feel like there is no need to hide. It really does seem like we are, at least in some ways, going backwards.

When I was 12 years old I saw a documentary on the Discovery channel about klinefelter’s syndrome. The program was 45 minutes long but it briefly touched on various ways that the “third gender” had been expressed and incorporated into cultures around the world.

In this simple program from before the conversation about gender and sexual identity became a political cudgel to dehumanize a growing number of social groups, they didn’t discuss the politics at all. It was just the science.

It wasn’t controversial for '90’s era documentaries to simply acknowledge that the brain is just a part of the body like any other organ and can experience the same if not more variation that all of the other organs do.

Instead, the program seemed hopeful about this burgeoning new science of the mind and its ability to help us illuminate something we have known about for eons.

10 years later I read an MIT magazine article that reference brain scans of different people trying to identify gender identity versus sexual identity. They didn’t have a whole lot of conclusions but they found seven different clusters of data in the gender identity tests.

That seems to me a pretty strong indication that nature has at least a few varieties of human beyond man and woman, and although the science is encouraging…

It really shouldn’t require proof of anything to inspire people to want to be kind to each other. I don’t know that science can solve this, so maybe we have to find the faith and the hope to help it along.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

And if you do, they call the police on you!

My mom was supportive, but my dad couldn’t let it go. People get weird about pushing kids around when they feel entitled to decide what is real and what isn’t.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Just because angels, gods, gremlins and Eskimos are imaginary doesn’t mean that people can’t be afraid of them.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe we all need to stop subsidizing the airline industry so that these rich assholes who want to fly around all the time for their convenience can pay the entire price themselves. Airlines and airports are publicly funded and utterly unsustainable without massive infusions of government cash and protection at every step along the way.

The fact that we pretend these airline companies and airports are in any way actual businesses Is just a way for the wealthy who get to fly all the time (private jets or not) to offload the cost of their convenient transportation onto the American people.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I think the security issue is a non-issue, and there’s no way to “solve” it without creating greater problems and degrading other people’s rights.

The truth is, she doesn’t give a flying fuck about the consequences of her wealth getting. In some ways she is opposed to the right wing noise machine, but she is still acting as though she’s entitled to special treatment from the government including extra rights just because she’s rich.

She only decreased the number of private jet flights she was taking, and decrease the number of private jets she owned because of the public pressure. Her security is not more important than the environment.

She volunteered to take the heat off of Elon. I don’t know why she would do that, but she definitely volunteered for a lot of negative attention when she decided to target a private citizen doing something they are legally entitled to do and use her money to intimidate them out of exercising their rights.

That’s who she is deep down inside, entitled.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Airports and the entire airline infrastructure is dependent upon government subsidy and protection. You’re paying for other people to fly whether or not you ever fly, and private jets benefit more from this per seat and per flight than anyone else while paying the least to support it.

there’s a high public cost to private jets

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I think her getting mobbed is not my problem.

She’s rich enough that she can afford private security. She’s a private citizen who can decide where she goes and where she does not go.

Nothing about anything you’ve described justifies stripping other people of their rights.

If she’s being assaulted in public, that’s an actual crime, and she should invoke the legal system then.

The legal system does not entitle her to silence people sharing publicly available information. The person who shared the movement of her private jet is not to blame for her lack of security when she gets where she’s going. No one’s mobbing her on the tarmac, no one’s crowding into the airport past security without a ticket.

She is not special. She’s just an American, she’s entitled to absolutely nothing extra. Her attempt to use the law as a weapon of intimidation simply because she has money to push it around is exactly why she deserves negative attention right now.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I’m not really sure what your point is in all of this. It’s entirely reasonable to resent publicly funding this private luxury.

Maybe we publicly should not be subsidizing the private jet industry, private jet infrastructure, and teeny tiny little airports for ultra wealthy people.

If she wants to fly private then she has to accept what goes along with that. It is a very inefficient, environmentally harmful, selfish way to travel. Private jet flights are another great example of wealthy people leaching off the public.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

It currently is. It’s currently publicly funded. That’s how private jet flights work.

That’s the entire context of all of my comments. It’s why the majority of the words in my comments here have been on the specific subject of the public expense attached to private jet ownership and infrastructure.

Her private jet costs taxpayers, most of whom can’t pay their own bills without government assistance, tremendous amounts of money.

It is reasonable for people to resent her, a billionaire, for allowing the public to pick up the tab for her outlandishly luxuriant lifestyle.

Just like when people did this to Elon Musk, tracking private jet flights is a piece of accountability. There’s nothing wrong with tracking their flights, and there is definitely something wrong with them trying to use the their money to force the legal system to silence people who are tracking their flights.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I think I made it pretty clear that if she’s willing to pay the actual cost of her transportation then we would all have fewer reasons to resent her behavior.

Flying private jets is exclusively the purview of people wealthy enough to value their time more than yours. There’s no moral or ethical way to use that infrastructure as long as it’s being publicly funded by people who can’t afford to go to the fucking doctor.

The right thing for her to do is opt out.
Because she is so wealthy, because she is so famous, because she is so influential, she has a greater obligation to actually find some fucking convictions and stick by them.

If her traveling around makes people unsafe then maybe she should stay put. That’s what any other regular person would have to do. It wouldn’t be fair, but it would be what they had to do because the system is not going to bend over backwards to accommodate them.

Taylor Swift is not special.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I completely agree that she should be using chartered resources. That alone dramatically reduces the amount of selfish waste involved in her jet setting.

If her presence in a public airport would cause a riot, then it seems like the law and security are ill-prepared to deal with her presence. That seems to indicate that she has inadequate security AND that law enforcement is not handling the crowd with the same sincerity they would any other kind of riot.

I think the disconnect between you and me comes from what we think the most important issues here are. I think in your estimation she is a security risk to the public in the form of ‘potentially inspiring a riot’ and that justifies (or even obligates) her use of private plane travel. Where in my estimation there is no ethical or moral use case for a publicly subsidized luxury not available to the public.

I think she’s morally obligated to opt out of a system that is immoral to begin with. I think she’s ethically required to speak out as an activist against this kind of luxury being publicly funded. I think she should be going out of her way to make sure that all of the public expense associated with her lifestyle is offset by her directly.

I don’t really think we disagree I think we just have different things that we think are important sources of criticism.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

You mean do it manually, like a caveman? No I want to involve servos, circuits and microprocessors in this!

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Man I wish I fucking knew the context of this. Why did the guy come over in the first place? Where did the girl go? How did dude know instantly when he looked up at the guy while he was on his knee that he had to starch this fellow?

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

When we moved to the middle of nowhere and couldn’t even get channels over the air, my sister and I wore through every tape in the house.

The worst was being 9 years old desperately trying to find the second half of Lonesome Dove because you only got most of the episodes on some random VHS.

We must have worn the sound off of The Princess Bride, splash, Aladdin and the little mermaid. For a 9 year old boy living in the hinterlands after growing up in a city, Ariel singing “I want to be where the people are” hit me right in the feels.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Water, apple, handful of nuts, Walk around for at least 15 minutes. If a headache isn’t on the way out then maybe try to shift the problem to your liver with some ibuprofen or Tylenol but it shouldn’t be the first thing people try.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

It’s poorly optimized code, and the comments from the top brass has been “lol your PC sux” when they can’t even get it running right on their own hardware.

It’s not the variations of PC that’s the issue, it’s a design and quality control issue. Direct X and Vulkan are the bread and butter of PC gaming. Microsoft developed direct X to establish a common graphics framework for Windows and Microsoft game studio still fucked up working with it.

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