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It’s a genocide. Call it what it is you coward.


Nah, by definition, it’s a genocide. Exterminating an entire people is genocide.

So you’re not a coward, just an ignorant supporter of genocide.


I noticed an uptick in anti Biden articles across my feeds today. I thought maybe there was an event, but just before I clicked a link, I saw it was Fox News and noped the fuck out. Now I’ve at least got confirmation it’s been a targeted attack.


This article just says Jeffries was targeted. Idk his history other than you saying he has received the most Israel money previously, but this particular article doesn’t even suggest that it was effective campaign, just that it was targeted.


Twice impeached, convicted felon and rapist, Donald Trump.


With the population growing the way it is, we should honestly be encouraging more abortions.


However, of all of the places, sunny Mexico wouldn’t be the worst option.


I thought solar would be abundant. That’s it.


Desantis should close. Fuck that guy. Waste of oxygen.


It’s too bad the worm didn’t have what it took to finish the job.


God is behind all of us. He’s just non-consensually railing us day in and day out. I for one don’t appreciate that dick.


Time is cyclical. Welcome to the 90’s.


This about the dumbest post I’ve seen today. How dare these people exercise safety so that they can install the fucking safety barriers that you want for the bike lanes. Holy shit, take a step back and get a sense of reality.


I get the point. It’s just a shitty point. We can agree that the bike lane is not sufficiently safe, and you claim that those barriers are inadequate, but comparing the safety of bikers in the bike lane vs workers literally working in the car lane, and somehow correlating them shutting down that lane as hypocrisy is a shit argument. Apples and oranges.


That is an idea, but it has nothing to do with this post. You’ve taken my criticism of OP and spun it into something completely different. The post isn’t about the safety of the bike lane. It’s about the supposed hypocrisy of closing down the car lane while doing construction work in it. It’s asinine. You can piss and moan about the barriers not being enough, but regardless of the device being installed, closing off that section of the car lane (and bike lane for that matter) is the only prudent thing to do for the safety of those workers.

Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants (

Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to...


That’s how I was taught to write it. One through nine get written out and anything 10 or higher is numeric.


Iowa did something already last year being a major pork producer. Kim Reynolds and her GOP ilk fucking suck. Already ruined and continuing to destroy a once nice and progressive state with shitty policy and hate. Remember when Iowa was at the front of gay marriage? I miss being proud of at last some of the changes coming from here, now I can’t get if here fast enough. Finally got a WFH position, now I just need to convince my wife that she can fly back to see her parents that live about 3 hours away as is.


There were agreements already in place, and not sending at least some of those weapons was not an option.


That’s the “complicated foreign policy” that OP is taking about. There are a ton of reasons to have allies all over the world, which surprisingly includes the Middle East. It could be for military, economic, informational, or other reasons.


I wouldn’t say that under Biden, be are living in a “total distopia”.


Where has Biden verbally supported Israel or their actions? What power do you think that he has that he can just stop everything? Do you think that he can just unilaterally end years of agreement and contracts for weapons? Do you think that any other President could have actually done anything different to change what’s happening? The answer is likely no. No single President can control Congress, or make laws, or directly control another country’s actions. Bernie could have won, and screamed until he was blue in the face, like he is now, and all of those weapons still would have shipped out this year.

We are not living in a distopia, so we’re definitely not living in a total distopia. Maybe if you live in Ukraine or Gaza you could make that argument, but if you’re in the US, it sure isn’t distopia yet.


Sharing of information. They have info we don’t, and visa versa.


Literally, anything. Information has value. Allies have information and share it with their allies.


Someone’s mother didn’t pack them a snack ack this morning. Take a nap and try again. You’re grumpy.


I jumped all in least December just to get away from Windows. I went Arch because I like a challenge and I thought it would fast track learning how to Linux. I work IT so I’m skilled with Windows and software in general. Once I got it setup, which took a while, I haven’t had too many issues, or at least not many more than I had with Windows. Most of them have been related to hibernation, which I just disabled, and Wayland with Nvidia. It struggles remembering positions when I disable and re-enable monitors, since I use the same station for work. Other than that, it runs so much better than better, faster, and more efficient than Windows.

If you want to be a power user, the sky is the limit to what you can do, or go with a stable, user friendlier distro like Ubuntu or Mint, where the out of box experience is fairly intuitive. If Linux shipped stock on laptops, most people would assume Windows got different and be none the wiser. Not having native MS Office apps is also going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people.


You nailed it. Too often when I search for an answer to an issue, someone comes in and links to the arch wiki. The wiki is great and full of information, but it doesn’t have answers for specific cases. Sometimes I just need someone to tell me which parameter I need, or to tell me my formatting is fucked up or something. I’m not a Linux expert and trying to understand what configs do what and all of the options needed all at the same time is a lot. Forums are a place to ask questions and discuss solutions, but my experiences at least with Arch have not been that.

I also use libre when I need it, but I think Office apps not being around, warranted or not, will be a disqualifier for some people. The web apps work well, but for a power user, it might not be the ideal experience.


I just switched from the sole IT guy at small/med business, about 50 employees, to a much larger one. I didn’t experience the issues you have with collaboration but it’s probably mostly the lack of use in my environment, meaning less chances for things to fuck up.


It’s dark, but damn is this good. I love me a classic Simpsons reference.


As a boy that grew up a boy and hung out with other boys, your entire view is disgustingly fucked up. This ain’t Porky’s, pervert. If someone calling you a chicken for not being a predator is enough to make you a predator, I’m amazed you’ve survived this long with little to no spine. Quit trying to normalize fucked up behavior.


That doesn’t make anything the person you responded to, wrong. Not participating is the same as not voting which the consequences were outlined above. Anyone that doesn’t vote for Biden because he’s not catering to them as some sort of “fuck you” to the system, is a fucking idiot. The thought that somehow the alternative is a better option is asinine. Life’s not fair, and sometimes no. Preferred decisions have to be made. In this particular case, there’s only one right decision. Every other choice aligns with Trump, Russia, and fascism, and is therefore, the wrong decision.


You’re wrong, but ok. In a FPtP system, you have two options. Learning these lessons as you put it, is like throwing people under a runaway bus to slow it down. The consequences are far worse when you side with fascism, which is exactly what you’re promoting.


If those people that already are in a bad place think that voting for the worst candidate, which will for sure make things worse for them, will some how send a message and spark change, those people are idiots. That’s not how reality works. Vote for Biden and live to fight another day, or give up and vote fascist. Two options as it has always been.


Current generations are saying it now.


It’s because they are all cowards. Every single one of them. Liz Cheney was close at the end to showing she has a spine, but she saw the writing on the wall before her exit was official, so it was basically “outgoing” it just wasn’t official.


Yea, that was generated and translated by AI. It’s oddly structured, and the vocabulary used doesn’t really line up with with the lack of knowledge on how to formulate a comprehensible sentence. It’s a small step above Google translate, 10 years ago.


Because she is a woman. It’s really that simple.

International court rules Switzerland violated human rights in landmark climate case brought by 2,000 women (

An international court in France on Tuesday ruled Switzerland’s failure to adequately tackle the climate crisis was in violation of human rights, in a landmark climate judgment that could have a ripple effect across the globe....


The fact that you mentioned her name when speaking about climate change counters your bullshit first paragraph.


Or literally gave any context to what the article may contain. Terrible title for sure.


This is the exact reason ACAB. The others didn’t directly participate in the actions but silence is complacence and when you’re in the position of a police officer, who’s job it is to uphold the law, there’s extra significance to remaining silent. If they were civilians, they’d be called, “accomplices”.


Maybe some of the dozen of you, but then you remember that at the end of the day, you only have two options, and one is definitely the better option, even if it’s not a good situation. Be critical, that’s good and healthy, but it should not matter come Nov.


You think that me exaggerating the relatively low number people that are being critical of Biden is patronizing to all Muslim Americans, but you saying that all of the entire community is so mad that you’re at, “I’m earning you, for real this time” levels, isn’t? This feels like more of an insult to the Muslim community than saying there aren’t a enough willing to sway the election.

Edit: Also I never mentioned anything about the pain they’re going through. I empathize and personally not happy with the current state of affairs, but I’m gonna go out and cast my vote for Biden in November, unless somehow, someone more progressive leap frogs him and Trump isn’t eligible. So I very much didn’t patronize the situation and grief, just the numbers.


I think that some people come out and are critical, but then say they aren’t going to vote for him, or push something just a bit further. Tone also makes a difference.

There’s two options in November, one is worse for Palestine than the other.

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