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Also didn’t help being so adamant dismissing claims of all sexual violence on oct 7. He didn’t understand his constituents which changed slightly in redistricting, and for some reason the Bernie and AOC rallies occurred like 10 miles outside of his district which was most at risk for primary. Probably doesn’t help referring to all people with any sympathy towards Israel as being part of a Zionist regime. Probably should have focused more on domestic issues that got him elected instead of focusing heavily on foreign policy that was divisive in his district.


His district boundaries changed and he did nothing to reach out to and attempt to represent his new constituents.


This jezebel garbage is pretty rage baity. The NYT had a much better and informative take: What Jamaal Bowman’s Loss Means for the Left…/jamaal-bowman-squad-left.html


Bowman Falls to Latimer in a Loss for Progressive Democrats…/bowman-latimer-house-new-york.html

On the ground, though, even some of Mr. Bowman’s allies conceded that his campaign was in trouble long before the group got involved, hamstrung by unforced errors, staff churn and strategic missteps.

The biggest took place last fall when Mr. Bowman, in a hurry to get to the Capitol, pulled the fire alarm. He later apologized, but he was charged with a misdemeanor, and the timing, just a week before Oct. 7, could hardly have been worse.

Opposition researchers turned up old blog posts dabbling in 9/11 conspiracy theories and publicized video of Mr. Bowman calling reports that Hamas sexually abused Israeli women during its attack “propaganda.” (He later apologized.)

Relatively few Democrats in the area stepped up to defend him. Some explained that in four years in office, the congressman had rarely shown interest in getting to know their communities.


Why didn’t local democrats in his district come out to support him with more rigor? Did he forge those relationships? Did he cooperate and take time to get to know the Westchester community? If I understand correctly, the redistricting made him lose a chunk of the Bronx. Race-wise it looks like based on wikipedia change history the district changed from 30% black and 30% white to 40% white and 20% black. I am not saying this is inherently racism, but his constituency changed. He lost a pocket of his base and was required to forge new relationships and build up a new base. And his fumbles and positions on Israel did not help in that regard. Money played into it, but he redistricting and bad choices created the vulnerability that allowed them to step in.


simple people over simplify answers. money was one factor. but his outreach game sucked. he embarrassed himself in nationally visible ways (fire alarm). he took hard stances on divisive political issues (Israel/Hams) when his constituents had divided opinions. he district was redrawn so he lost part of his base.


I hate this divisive bullshit. Democracies require pluralities. You need to be a big tent party to govern.


Ironically doesn’t this star wars analogy work the other way. Israel citizens are attacked. A small relatively small amount of civilians die. Then Israel goes commits genocide.


Both sides think they’re the good guys with something to avenge. And both sides probably do have that.

Copernican, (edited )

I’m not making a both sides argument about history. I’m making a both sides observations about personal experience and belief. Individuals on both side have experienced things that compel them to feel justified in war at a personal psychological and biographical level. Collectively, at a sociological level too. Explanation/description and justification are not the same thing, and I am merely trying to explain that no side thinks they are the bad guys, and both sides think they have justification. If you want to explain “why” israel goes to war it’s not useful to describe them as a maniacal bond villain or one dimensional like a Marvel Villain.

I think the conflation of justification vs understanding, description, explanation, is preventing us from having meaningul discourse. When Hannah Arendt wrote “The Origins of Totalitarianism” it wasn’t a justification for the the holocaust. It was a description of the rationality that lead to the holocaust. Just because you can attempt to understand evil doesn’t mean you are promoting or justifying it. Today, merely suggesting that Israeli’s suffered and had had experienced a sense of duty to rescue hostages is somehow interpreted as an argument for genocide and will somehow cause someone to be accused of being a zionist or some other inflammatory rhetorical pejorative.


What do you mean by “the point”? Anything that doesnt fit the preferred narrative is just not the point or arbitrary?

The star wars analogy is what I responded to. What was the point of that.


How is Lemmy so anti corporate, but bends over backwards to defend steam as an immaculate corporation. I love steam, and 90% of my game purchases or from their store. 5% are from stores that let me redeem steam keys.

I think their market position should have some scrutiny.


I agree with all these things. But I dont understand the hail corporate mentality of being upset or knee jerk defending steam. I’m curious to see where the suit goes and evaluate if I should consider joining a class action suit as I learn more.


Obviously. I’m Lemmy and against that. But there are dominant pov’s on Lemmy that saturate threads and are reflected in up votes and down votes


I think any 3rd party that can be used by Russia and China to harm candidates for US office will receive funding, favorable news from state media, etc. from Russia and China whether those 3rd party candidates know it or not.


I bought my Seiko snk803 on Amazon for like 66 bucks 10 years ago. Why is this watch now showing up as a 200 dollar watch? Why did the prices go up so much?


I got more of a Mirrors Edge vibe than Perfect Dark watching that trailer.


But you could say it pushed the limits. It required the Ram Expansion Pak. I think only 3 or 4 N64 games required that. It was packed with weird game modes like counter op. The far sight gun as a weird experiment to see through walls. It really pushed the limits and tried to do a lot. TimeSplitters was a great spiritual successor to the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark series that continued the tradition.


It’s basically just British terminology for layoffs with a severance package.


Doom was a top down 2d shooter that just happened to be rendered in first person 3d.


See league of nations.


That’s not accurate. A UN recognition of nation state is not a pre requisite for self governance. FIFA recognizes more nations than the UN. If Taiwan can’t be recognized by the UN I don’t think there’s reasonable expectation for Palestine.


Taiwan can’t get recognized despite its government being a founding member of the UN and folks surprised it’s contentious for Palestine to be recognized?


But when will Nintendo start issuing those warnings for Mario games?


Basically any game where crafting is a central mechanic. Why do people love repetitive boring tasks and looking at grids of items for hours on end.


Try hunt showdown. It’s kind of an anti battle royal game and a smart person’s thinking shooter and not a twitch shooter. Civil war era so no spray and pray. 12 man servers instead of 100 so it’s more tactical and strategic with our randomly dying all the time. And it’s a carrot instead of a stick; no shrinking map to create a funnel of conflict, but hunting for a single boss on the map that you must kill and then attempt to extract with the trophy it drops best sound design I’ve experienced in a shooter.


For me it’s the over representation of self described communists that take over every thread to poetically or unpoetically just keep saying capitalism=bad and then do shit like justify bad behavior because capitalism=bad or pretend to care about making sure employees get paid while advocating for piracy of everything being justified.


I have no problem discussing political opinions. I hate how every thread gets co opted by un critical hot takes for the circle jerk of up votes. It’s frustrating that any post about digital media has the top comments all saying “Yarrrr, time to sail the high sees.” Or anytime there’s any news about a corporation, the top comment seems to be “fuck capitalism and those greedy greedy share holders.” Those kinds of comments aren’t critical, aren’t contributing to any meaningful conversation. On reddit I think it succeeded when you had communities of enthusiasts having conversations about the thing they are enthusiastic about. Lemmy seems to have a lot more people enthusiastic about a political position just try to spread that on any and all communities.


For some reason people seem to experience the most rage, vocalization frustration, etc. when it comes to having their entertainment fucked with (whether pricing, content itself, etc). Companies can cause global recession or market crashes, be responsible for child labor resulting in death and dismemberment, or engage in flat out fraud, but those companies will never bring out the toxicity, death threats, entitlement, and communal anger like a video game or film/tv company that impacts the entertainment of the masses. When people used to think of the most evil company in America back in the early 2010’s, EA was more hated than Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or AIG. That never made sense to me.


The defunct Consumerist used to run a poll.…/ea-voted-worst-company-in-america-ag… . It was always strange how EA beat out the companies that I think do more harm to society for several years. For some reason it’s entertainment companies that draw a lot of vocal ire from consumers, despite financial institutions, pharma, telecoms, oil, factory farms, etc. doing more explicit and literal harm.


Your comment was vague. I know there’s these days, but I was talking about a theme I have been seeing since around 2010. In the past 23 years we’ve had differing levels of inflation and what not, but entertainment seems to still draw communal vocal ire in ways that seem disproportional to more impactful issues caused by corporations.

but to answer (again) your question…

what question did i ask?

Copernican, (edited )

I think the other thing you need to highlight is that during that rapid growth phase 2 years ago it meant building up teams. In tech it really became an job market where employees had lot of the power in negotiation which drove up the cost of labor to fill this surplus of openings. I worked at a company where team members were being offered 10k to 25k annual retention bonuses to not quit (if you want quit within a certain time you pay it back, but if you quit hopefully your new employer spots you a signing bonus to cover it). But with all of the factors you mentioned in this cool down, you end up with a problem that you now have too much staff, but also too expensive staff that you can’t afford. Employees are definitely losing now with the layoffs, but for the ones that were able to make job moves and survive the layoffs, they’re probably are doing much better because of it (at least from a compensation POV, not sure about anxiety worrying about being laid off next).


I’m wondering if it’s a touch screen to help with that. I prefer steam controller track pads, but I could get by with a touchscreen for portable in some games.


There’s not really a good answer other than convenience. Folks view Steam as the benevolent convenient monopoly. They want it to be their store for everything, their launcher for everything, their friends and social networks for all gaming on PC and what not. Epic is behind on feature parity and function, but even if it did have parity, I think gamers still want the convenience of one store/library/friends list.


If they force me back to the office that’s what I’m picking up for myself. Moonlander is my main keyboard. I don’t think my partner will appreciate a columnar layout though. Thanks.


What is the deal with hot swapping on low profile. I remember casually browsing a few months ago and saw folks talking about lack of universal standards making some things incompatible for either switches in the PCB or key caps on the switch. Am I making that up?



Copernican, (edited )

You can do that on a zsa moondlander and assign those key to be whatever you want.

Edit: except for the B/N. But someone that has bad typing technique and crossover and switching to columnar, my muscle memory only does thaty with T/Y and G/H. Not a problem for the bottom row.


I think the “bad” typing behavior for those stretches has a bit to do with PC gaming. In the old days of CS and other games before voip, T was all chat and Y was team chat. So my left hand was used to migrating to that specific key very quickly to open a prompt as my mouse hand transitioned over to the keyboard. As a gamer on a split keyboard, it’s usually fine, but sometimes I wish my left half had an extra column of keys.

Copernican, (edited )

If they ever force me to go back to the office, this will be my portable keyboard. The Moonlander is my keyboard for the home office, and can’t imagine going back to a standard keyboard. Wish my Moonlander keycaps had the symbols on number keys and +/- keys caps.


Default Layout for those curious:…/0


By design it’s not there. This is replacing the Planck keyboard from their line up to be very minimal on keys, but embracing the split key and ergonomics of the ergodox and moonlander.


Is that the same trackpad as used in the steam controller? Does it click?

How do you choose a right ergo keyboard for you?

I’ve slowly been going down the rabbit hole of ergo keyboards and want to replace my current “normal” full-size keyboard, but the sheer amount of variation there is, even disregarding the usual differences like rgb or some extra macro keys or whatever, is kind of giving me decision paralysis, so I’d like some help....


I have a moonlander and love it, but that’s technically columnar and not ortholinear since it’s staggered rows. One thing I like is the Oryx software that I found very intuitive and easy to use to update layouts and layers. Although some question build quality, it was cheap to find someone on printmything to 3d print extra feet for the thumb cluster to add stability to the cluster. Swapping switches was easy as well and installed U4Ts to get more tactile feel.

But I found it helpful to print shit out and play with it on a desk to get a feel for size and layout difference in lieu of seeing a real keeb. You can get creative with folding stuff or angled binders to simulate tenting options as well. This tool lets you do size comparison and print out different keyboard layouts on paper.


For me it was really up in the air between ergodox and moonlander. But as a novice to mechanical and ergo, the Oryx software was a huge selling point, and I wouldn’t discount that benefit when considering a ergo keyboard where you will be needing to tweak and edit layers to experiment with fit. Just built a budget GMK67 keeb for my partner, and that software is sketch and weird… Really made me appreciate Oryx.

In the end, I think I preferred the moonlander thumbcluster layout of 3 columns of thumb keys. That red key is really a modifier for not typing. The column and row ergodox thing seemed not as great for me. I was surprised that the modifier keys on the moonlander being narrow width wasn’t a hard thing to get used to.

Copernican, (edited )

I am signed up for the ZSA newsletter. They just sent an email with the subject line called “The Ergo 58.” In it they discussed why they are are no longer making the compact Planck EZ, but said:

“In response to my original announcement about the Planck EZ going away, we got a whole bunch of people professing their love for compact keyboards and wondering if we’ll ever make another. To which I can say — we love small keyboards too, and… stay tuned. :)”

They didn’t discuss anything about the keyboard in the email body. So maybe waiting a bit would be a good option if you are looking for something more compact and portable. Not sure if they will be making a compact ergo split key keyboard, or something more in line with the planck.

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