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It’s pretty obvious to me that Trump is looking for ways to get out of the upcoming debates.

His committed voters aren’t going to change their minds, and he’s got a good chance of losing votes if he goes on stage and makes a fool of himself.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ (www.mediaite.com)

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf ® received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....

Dagwood222, (edited )


The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion.

reuse as needed.

Edit = Here’s a link to the author’s blog post: joycearthur.com/…/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-a…

Thanks to Cosmic Turtle.


Here’s a link to the author’s blog post: joycearthur.com/…/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-a…

I apologize


Thanks, I’ll edit that into my comment


MAGoo logic.

“We like Trump because he says what he means and means what he says…”

“You can’t take Trump literally, but you have to take him seriously.”


Read “The Marching Morons” by C. M. Kornbluth. The novella that "Idiocracy’ was based on. Much darker than the movie. Much, much darker.

Dagwood222, (edited )

As far as I know, Rudy did not show up at a single funeral held for any victim of the 9/11 disease.

Most of the ‘Ground Zero’ workers were there without respirators because George W. Bush’s people claimed the air was safe.


Thank you. Edited for clarity


New York City didn’t learn anything. The biggest change after 9/11 was that the Fire Department and the Police each sent one captain to sit in the other’s headquarters. Too much toxic pride to actually put them together under one roof. And don’t get me started on the patchwork quilt that is EMS.


I read an aticle about his recent New York trial and conviction. The author, a lawyer, said the same thing as you; that the tactics seemed to be more about feeding Trump’s ego than presenting a coherent case.


That’s literally your job as a member of Congress, to be available to the people in your district.


I’m sure her biggest donors have never actually set foot in her district. At least one has never been west of Finland.


He got as far as East Germany, according to the reports I’ve read.

actual documentary footage of East German spy training facility



I like to think her and LoBo the Clown have the same job; make the other one look sane. Both are failing.


David Brooks is the perfect example of the ‘moderate’ Republicans who gave us Donald Trump.

If people like him cared one whit about the country they would have abandoned the party the day Trump said that he “liked soldiers who didn’t get captured.”



In case you forgot who the real terrorists are.



I guess some of us take our responsibilities seriously


Bones McCoy = “On The Road Again”

Sulu = “Rocket Man”

Uhura = Whitney Houston version of “I Will Always Love You.”


Back in the 1940s, there was a Captain Marvel story where a scientist tells the Big Red Cheese that the entire universe is actually a dream and the sleeper is getting ready to wake up…


Either the tears are real or they are fake.

If real, it shows that the ‘tough guy’ is a sniveling baby who can’t handle a problem like bankruptcy, something millions of people have gone through.

If fake, it’s even worse, because it shows that in his twisted mind, he’s more deserving of sympathy then the people he vilified.

Either way, he’s scum.


Conservatives have party loyalty, not MAGA loyalty.

GOP has had two wings since Nixon came up with the Southern Strategy; the money people and the church people. The church people love Trump unconditionally. They will dump the GOP in a second if the GOP moves away from Trump.

I like to use this analogy. The GOP is like a high school with the teachers being the money folks. Trump was the new football coach who won a lot of games by feeding the team steroids and meth. Now the teachers are trying to figure out what to do now that the students are burning down the school.


Here’s a quick taste of Lee Atwater.

He was Nixon’s creature, and hung around for a long time. Helped create the dog whistles Nixon used and Trump surpassed



For fun, look up Nixon era mystery writer Ross Thomas. He started out as a Washington reporter, then became a novelist.

“The Fools In Town are On Our Side” may be the dirtiest politics book ever written.

“The Porkchoppers” is a close second.


Native New Yorker. The Trump Plaza fiasco was well covered by the local press. The greatest dealmaker in the world massively overextended himself and had to take a [iirc] $90 million bath.


Several PA House Republicans boo officers who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 | Harry Dunn and Aquilino Gonell were invited to PA’s House of Representatives — but several GOP lawmakers booed and walked out (wapo.st)

“I heard some hissing and I saw about eight to 10 of my Republican colleagues walk out angrily as they were announced as police officers from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,” state Rep. Arvind Venkat (D) said in a phone interview Thursday. “I was shocked and appalled,” he added. According to Venkat, the commotion lasted...


If billionaires thought in the long term, they wouldn’t be billionaires.

A reasonable person sees that they have $500 million in the bank and says to themselves ‘I can spend $1 million a year for the rest of my life and still leave plenty to the kids. Guess I’ll retire.’



Trump literally sold images of himself in various superhero outfits.


Remember the toilet paper march up the steps into Air Force One?

What it shows me is that none of the people who deal with him on a day to day basis have any respect for him whatsoever.


…and then you realize this probably isn’t even in the top 10 of embarrassing things in his term.


Sort of makes you wonder what the staff has been putting in his food over the years.


Shouldn’t this be posted in “Not the Onion?”


When I heard that the defense was hoping for a hung jury because one of the panel was smiling at Donnie I figured it was a classic New York City hustle.

“Yeah, sure buddy! I’m right here with youze. Go ahead and punch that cop, I got ya back!”


It happened when Obama managed to beat Hillary in 08. Moderates had a movement to vote Republican over Obama, and they did.

Have you got any source for that at all?



Read this guys words and you’ll see he’s just throwing words around trying to stir things up.

I said that the Left doesn’t have an overwhelming majority, and he disagrees. A few lines later he says that the GOP has a lock on 50% of the overall vote.


So, by the stories you posted yourself, there were people who switched from McCain to Obama after Obama beat Hillary.

Kind of like the 2008 election had two good candidates who respected the system and each other.

Nice try.


I’ll just ignore him going forward. Thanks


We had real change under Obama and Biden.

Obama passed the first comprehensive health care law, and had a nuclear treaty with Iran that even Israel said was working. Trump, of course dismantled it.

Biden is forgiving student loans, lessening the penalties for marijuana, and building green infrastructure.

Trump has called for nuking Palestine and imprisoning transpeople. Is that the change you’re hoping for?


You’re hilarious.

Yes, one person is exactly the same as a mass movement. The subject got headlines because she was rare.

You were trying to imply that after Obama got the nod there was a mass migration from the Dems to McCain, and that loss was only made up by a massive Left tsunami that had sat out the primaries.


, but might cause some of your potential voters to stay home even if they don’t vote Rep.

And it makes a lot more sense to get those people off their butts and vote then it does to change 75 years of US policy quickly.

We still have an embargo with Cuba, and the Cold War ended decades ago.

If people think they are too moral to vote for biden, tell them to look up the former slaves and women who were working for candidates back when they weren’t allowed to vote. None of the people they backed could promise to change things, but they knew slight progress was better than none at all.


According to exit polls on Election Day, McCain won the votes of only 10% of Democrats nationwide, the same percentage of Democrats’ votes that George W. Bush won in 2004.[5]

So, literally no mass movemnet by “Moderates” trying to screw over the Left.

I don’t want to talk about it because it’s meaningless.


New York Mayor Ed Koch had a great line.

“If you agree with me 51%, vote for me. If you agree with me 100%, see a psychiatrist.”


I didn’t ask, so don’t tell me that!

[Happy Pride Month!]


Bush won in 2004 by about 3 million votes, 50.7% of the vote to 48.3.

I was actually around in 2001 and went to numerous marches against the Iraq invasion. New York City, which was the place hit hardest on 9/11 went against Bush. They also hosted a few of those anti Iraq invasion marches.

You’re the one who keeps rewriting/reimagining history.


That was a rabbit hole I should have never gone down. Have a nice weekend

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