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What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?

It seems like the FOSS community is continuing to grow, and FOSS apps keep getting better (Immich reallh blew my mind recently), which is a big win 😎 but there are still many apps I use that I would kill for an open source alternative. I am curious what you guys think? Are there any apps you’d love alternatives for?


An alternative to iTunes so that I don’t need a Windows VM to backup my company iPhone. But I know it’s never gonna happen because Apple is the devil.


Yeah thanks I’ve read about it but the terminal part is probably above my really modest Linux knowledge for now.


OrganicMaps works really well even with Apple Carplay. I’m now a 100% relying on it.


Yeah but I’d still need an Apple program and a Windows VM, so it wouldn’t change a thing 😅


Surface Go 1 running Fedora for me. It runs perfectly even if booting from a USB to install Linux can be tricky and the Bluetooth is slow to puck up my mouse on startup.

It’s linked by usb-c to a monitor for when I’m home.


As long as it brings some focus on backward compatibility at Sony too, I’m all for it. But I don’t have too much hope sadly.

By the way, Sarah Bond looks great and I feel weak not hating her even if she works for Microsoft.


I use Word at work and OnlyOffice and it works perfectly fine for my needs.

I don’t see any reason to go back to any proprietary software at home 😇


If only my employer, the state of Geneva, Switzerland, did the same.

I hate the fact we’re giving so much taxpayer’s money to the GAFAMs.


I always admire the people taking a lot of their free time to do something beneficial for the community.

Be it as a maintainer, a small basketball coach. a village politician.

I’ve always thought about one day giving back everything I’ve received like that, but I haven’t done yet. Right now I have excuses with a difficult parental situation, but there has been many moments where I could and I just haven’t.

So congratulations and thanks to the ones doing it 👍


I think the first distribution I tried was Fedora on my PlayStation 3 around 2007. From what I remember, you had to use terminal a lot so I couldn’t do anything with it.

Then a few months later I tried Ubuntu on an old Dell computer from my father’s office.

Dual booted windows and Ubuntu for years until fully switching to Linux around 2021.

Now I’m only using Fedora with a few virtual machines for some specific needs.


From what I remember, it wasn’t difficult to set everything up.

What scared me was having to use the terminal a lot so I gave up really quickly.

Maybe Fedora was more complicated back in the days or maybe I just hadn’t noticed you could do everything with a GUI.


That number seems a bit low, but it’s really important to support Lemmy and your instance.

I’d love to support my instance, but it ain’t doable for now (at least it wasn’t when I looked into it around Christmas).

I also think accepting donations demand some organization with taxes and everything. That’s why some instances don’t accept them.


Well I can but my instance doesn’t accept money for now.

I guess all the steps you have to go through to accept donations are disuading some maintainers.


You can never know and it’s better to be careful, but he’s really careful with his sponsors from what I know.

He talks a lot about his sponsor selection in his Patreoncast and he seems picky about it. But again, it could just be marketing lies.

Still, I’d want to be able to trust his choices😅


Looking forward to updating and trying it.

What I wish for in the future: -ability to have your Thunderbird calendar displayed in the Gnome shell calendar without going through Evolution -a better guided tour for newcomers as it’s easy to miss a lot of the features offered -automount easily my kDrive cloud via WebDAV

Otherwise I love Gnome even if I’m looking forward to customizing a Plasma 6 VM.


And don’t forget that someone running Linux might need to have a Windows VM for some situations. So you need to have at least 8Gb of RAM to be able to allocate 4Gb to this Virtual Machine.

Otherwise if you just use Linux 4 might be enough but really limiting.


Yeah I agree that a nice SSD, a good display, etc are also really important.

For me, my Surface Go 1 with a 128Gb SSD is the minimum in 2024.

I bought it in 2019 and I can clearly see myself using it for at least 5 more years if Linux doesn’t become way more resource hungry.


Well then do you know if it could run any alternative OS, just for the fun Of tinkering?


I have a Surface Go 1 and I’m perfectly happy except for some mouse/bluetooth issues.

It’s not powerful but it works perfectly for the browsing or writing that I’m doing.


As everyone is saying, Linux can be perfectly stable, depending on your distribution.

The only thing I’d think about is that you could have to tweak a few things to get everything working at the beginning.

For instance, I had nothing to change to make everything work in Fedora on my Surface Go, but I gad to enable rom fusion in the terminal to get the wifi working on my wife’s MacBook Pro.

Otherwise, you can just enjoy your Linux distribution as long as you don’t want to do crazy stuff out of the beaten paths.


Linux is the best thing to revive an old beast. I used on my wife 2012 MacBook Pro with upgraded SSD and Ram and it’s now a monster.

I only had to enable RPM fusion for WiFi to work, otherwise everything worked perfectly out of the box.


Fedora Workstation with Gnome. Forgot to mention it 😇


I agree that you shouldn’t be looking for windows on a Linux distribution. What I think we lack (for Gnome at least) is some kind of video explanation for beginners about how to use a DE properly.

I mean it would be so easy to start using Gnome while not understanding that you should/can use the different workspaces and only put 1-2 windows on every workspace.

If you don’t do that, you’re gonna end up with the impression that Gnome is way inferior to what you get in Windows.

I haven’t tried any other DE than Gnome, the one from Lubuntu or old ones like unity, but I guess the lack of explanation plagues a lot of DE.

I also think we should keep in mind that these beginners distros are often just a first step in the Linux world, so it’s also okay if they resemble windows a little bit to make users comfortable.


I’d want to try it in a VM in Gnome Boxes. What distribution would you recommend for a first try after years of Gnome on Fedora?


Well I guess I’ll try the Fedora 40 spin if it’s really vanilla KDE the way Workstation is vanilla Gnome.


I love Gnome as it looks nice and is so efficient once you know how to use it (using different workspaces)

I’ll soon install a KDE distribution in Gnome Boxes just to try it and see what it’s about.

FFvii remake

This game is about to be 4 years old but i finally got around to playing it. I am floored by this game, i couldn’t put it down. I love the new combat style, the cut scenes are great how they just roll straight from the gameplay and back. The music, holy shit, the music. Every track is a banger and makes the fights and story...


Played it two years ago and really enjoyed it too. I remember there was a point I got a bit bored, but then the game picked up again.

That’s how you remake a classic!

How Do You Deal With Thumb Stick Drift? (lemmy.world)

So I like to use Xbox controllers (doesn’t matter if it’s first- or third-party) because I like the layout, it’s just comfortable to me. However I’ve noticed that on all my controllers in the past few years, the left thumb stick will start to “give out” over the course of a couple months. For instance I’ll be...


Was it an Xbox controller or a ps5 controller?


Do you do this without even opening the controller?

I might try this before opening my Ps5 controller if it doesn’t work.


Okay well thanks for the answer.

I’m gonna try to find an equivalent product then.


I’d say it seems way easier to use the touchpad (if available) to move between workspaces.

The same to open the app selection menu on the dock.

And since you use the different workspaces, I’d say get an extension to open one app in workspace 1, another in workspace 2 and so on.

That’s my workflow at least😇


Because my employer forces me to have an iPhone and I’d want to be able to back it up.

Also I’d want to learn how to use MacOS a little bit.

But I ain’t leaving the Linux boat at all😇


I’ve tried it a while ago and I couldn’t get to the end of the installation process as it was saying « internet connection required » (when clearly I had one outside of the VM)


Even if it’s slow, it’s fine by me. As long as it works 😅


My employer is the state of Geneva and I guess someone high up loves iPhone and managed to squeeze that in a budget. They don’t care about the fact it’s expensive as it’s not their money 🙁

I’d clearly prefer a fairphone but maybe it’s more difficult to run as a fleet and to impose restrictions on what an employee can do.


On Fedora? Then please tell me what are the lines you’re using 🙏


Well I tried and managed to install Big Sur but it’s not displaying my iPhone (for backups).

Since it was my main purpose for getting MacOs, it’s a bit useless.


Well I guess that’s too complicated for me but thanks for the answer.

I’ll probably just reinstall a windows VM, maybe even Windows XP instead of 10 for the nostalgia trip 😅


It’s funny that you enjoy these settings.

Personally I hate these as I’d just want to play the game the way the developers wanted me to play it. I hate that PC influence.

I guess everyone is different 😅


You have a point.

Personally, I was mostly thinking about these options for games developed mostly for consoles.

It’s true that I hadn’t taken into account that some games are developed for pc and downgraded for consoles.

Still, even for such a game I would want the developers to think about their perfect ratio between fidelity and performance.


I can only recommend that game and, even if you play it in 2030, it’s still gonna be a great game.

I’ve replayed Beyond Two Souls a year ago and it has aged well even if it’s clearly not as great as Quantic Dreams other games.


I’m using it and enjoying it but I had always thought that it would also work from one device to another without Wifi.

I guess I always had Wifi😅

It is a huge failure in communication to pretend that distro upgrades are entirely different versions of the operating system. It does nothing but make Linux seem more complex than it actually is.

The jump in distro versions, say, from Fedora 38 to Fedora 39, is not the same as the jump from Windows 10 to Windows 11. It’s more like the jump from version 23H2 to 24H2....


It clearly doesn’t stop anyone from trying Linux.

What stops them is compatibility issues with apps or hardware. Otherwise, non geeky people don’t care about these things.

I’d even say that the amount of distributions or desktop environments is more scary for people.



-Window tiling without an extension -Ability to open a program on a certain workspace without an extension -An equivalent to Time Machine -Minimizing/expending buttons by default -Gnome calendar easily displaying your thunderbird calendar -Ability to easily try other DE

Otherwise everything is perfectly fine


Well I’m using Clonezilla because apparently Timeshift has to be set up in a precise way to work on Fedora. To be honest, I don’t have enough knowledge to set up complicated things so that’s why I think it should kind of be enabled by default.

With some things I can take risks but not with a backup tool (even if it’s mostly to backup my settings as the files are saved on kDrive).


I guess I’m not techie enough to understand the question 😅

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