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EndlessApollo, (edited )

Not paint, literally orange corn flour that’ll wash off with the first rain. Stop spreading disinformation for big oil pls. Idk why they went for this instead of classical art, but acting like this is some terrible evil crime is exactly what oil companies want you to think, they want you to root against people protesting climate change, no matter how tiny their vandalism is in the grand scheme of things

EndlessApollo, (edited )

Not misinformation, disinformation. You read the article, yet choose to act like this is comparable to spray paint or something else that won’t immediately wash off. This is like getting indignant bc somebody threw a couple eggs at a great pyramid. It’s stupid and irrelevant to climate change, but sharing articles where the title says they threw acid instead of eggs is just fucking wrong, and serves no purpose besides discrediting climate activism

Edit actually this article says nothing about corn flour, sorry for accusing you of ignoring that. That’s super shady and shitty on the Guardian’s part, a detail that majorly changes how actually harmful this act was

Double edit you’re still acting like they threw actual paint, so nvm my apology. Stop being such a blatant oil shill


I am for sure, all the articles I’ve seen on this have called it paint and it’s really disingenuous and frustrating. The way they describe it makes it sound like they took a can of paint and splashed it on the stones. I interpreted it that way at first and got pretty mad, imo there’s no good environmental message that’s sent by destroying the ruins of long dead civilizations. At least defacing classic European art can be seen as a protest against the colonialist attitudes that led to climate change, Idk how actually effective it is at forcing change but part of me gets some morbid satisfaction from it :3


Nobody’s first thought when they read “paint” is corn flour that easily washes off. Headlines written like this play these kinds of semantics games with their headlines to drive angry engagement, or even to push a political agenda sometimes. The Guardian seems to run articles critical of the oil industry fairly often so maybe this isn’t sinister like that, I’d have to do more research on The Guardian and the article’s author to get an idea

EndlessApollo, (edited )

“The rain didn’t get the tiny flecks of wheat out of the cracks” Yet somehow it’s clean. Why are you continuing to act like this is comparable to actual paint? You’re whining about something that’s literally not a deal in the slightest, you really should stop making free propaganda for oil companies

slight wording edit at the start


I wish she’d post on lemmy 196, this was a fun running gag :3


All the liberals here support genocide. Every single one. Most are too afraid to admit it and hide behind cries of “vote blue no matter who” and accusing anyone who opposes the genocide in Gaza of being a trump supporter or Russian bot, this one was just dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud. If I were smart and cared about my mental health I’d just block every librart on here (: their shit is never entertaining, just frustrating and depressing


Then what are you doing here? Why act like Russia is doing better than it is other than to try and spread Kremlin propaganda?

Time is up for neoliberals | Democracy requires a new, progressive capitalism. (www.washingtonpost.com)

We care about freedom from hunger, unemployment and poverty — and, as FDR emphasized, freedom from fear. People with just enough to get by don’t have freedom — they do what they must to survive. And we need to focus on giving more people the freedom to live up to their potential, to flourish and to be creative. An agenda...


Idk, “new, progressive capitalism” just sounds like a fancy term for neoliberalism

EndlessApollo, (edited )

Honestly, if there’s ways that machine learning and the like can make AAA game development cheaper or faster I’m all for it, and I’m pretty against most use of ML in art. Modern AAA games aren’t economically viable. You have to overwork and underpay the shit out of developers to make your average AAA game, and even with that they still nickel and dime users for all they’re worth. The obvious solution is obviously to stop paying execs so much and stop endlessly, pointlessly pursuing better graphics (ie more polygons and shaders and RTX), but that’s not gonna happen any time soon bc capitalism and shit. Theoretically ML can be used in a way that doesn’t result in people being laid off and instead just reduces the workload and allows more to be done in less time, while everyone gets paid more. It certainly couldn’t make EA games any more generic or sloppy than they already are. That would be perfectly fine imo, but chances are they’ll just lay off half their devs and voice actors and shit, again bc capitalism and shit.

Tldr AAA game devs could use ML to make AAA development more ethical and economical, but probably won’t be bc that’d make less money for the shareholders :c


Oop I didn’t mean to say overpay lmao, I know that’s not the case.

I honestly had no idea the games industry was so lucrative, I assumed they made less money than movies but that’s not even on the list. That’s extra evil, I knew they have rich execs ofc but I didn’t know just how badly distributed that wealth was. Maybe they make more profit bc of how horribly they treat everyone Idk, or maybe bc there aren’t as many celebrities with massive paychecks as there are in Hollywood.

You’re right, I thought it wasn’t a very profitable industry but it’s just that publishers are evil and choose not to pay studios enough or treat them like people. Nvm I hope AI bullshit doesn’t end up in these games (my hypothetical magical christmasland scenario of devs working less and not being laid off by it wouldn’t be too bad in my book but that’s not at all likely)

Uncommitted voters are not apathetic. The Democratic party is (www.theguardian.com)

What happens in November is up to Biden – it will not be the fault of the protest voter if Trump is elected. The questions remain: does the Democratic party fear Trump as much as we do? And does it value its voters enough to shift away from an approach to the onslaught in Gaza that a majority of Democratic voters are against?


Anyone against voting uncommitted supports genocide, plain and simple. There’s no other explanation, Biden doesn’t even lose anything from those votes, it just let’s him know that his base is pissed about him supporting genocide. Vote uncommitted or for a less zionist candidate, if you don’t or you’re against this then your position on Gaza is clear. What other reason would there be to oppose that?


Uncommitted votes don’t help Trump. You know this, you’re just too much of a pussy to say you wanna murder more Palestinians


You get to talk about respectability when you stop supporting genocide. If you don’t support genocide, why oppose voting uncommitted?


Why oppose voting uncommitted other than because you support genocide? Legit give me one reason in the entire world to oppose voting uncommitted other than because you want to send the message to Biden that Palestinian genocide doesn’t matter/is good


Cool, you do support genocide. Have a shit life asshole💖

Free palestine 🇵🇸


Hey look, it’s a liberal genocide supporter deflecting rather than owning their shit views!

Why bother being quiet about it? Why not say it? Or deny it if it’s not the case? Because you know that everyone else will know you’re a piece of shit if you’re too honest about it. Fuck off zionist, know that you’re not at all sly about how much you love dead Palestinian children


At least I’m not actively angling for them to get mass murdered like you. I’ve got a psychiatrist, I bet you’d benefit from one who can help you feel even the tiniest shred of empathy towards genocide victims and not want to kill even more


Again, if you don’t support genocide, give me your reason to oppose voting uncommitted


You’re such a coward omg xD hey at least you’re not stupid, you’ve done a great job at not saying the quiet part out loud. I don’t have what it takes to get you to slip up and admit to your bloodlust, so ig there’s no more point to replying after this. Free Palestine, fuck off zionist trash 💖🇵🇸


Where’s the logic there? XD I can’t tell Biden I don’t want him to support genocide in Gaza bc somehow a vote in a primary that Trump isn’t running in will get him elected? I take it back, maybe you are really stupid and you think voting uncommitted will make Trump win, but I’m still betting that you know this and you’re just genocidal garbage. Have a shit night, from the river to the sea 🇵🇸💖


Yea I hadn’t thought about it like that before, that’s really cool :3


Primaries. This is about primaries. There’s other dems running that’s aren’t as zionist, you should vote for them or uncommitted


You really don’t get the concept of a primary do you? xD


What other reason is there to not vote uncommitted? These are democratic primaries, trump gets nothing here. Give me one good reason not to take this free opportunity to let biden know genocide isn’t ok


Welcome to Dumbass City, population: everyone itt saying that not voting biden in the primaries will somehow get trump elected xD yall are legit just as stupid as trump supporters, you straight up have no idea how primaries work but you’re too proud and too blindly, unshakably loyal to admit it cx vote uncommitted or vote for genocide, those are your options and you’ve made your opinions very clear on the matter. Have a shit day! Hope you trip and fall into a thorny bush :3

EndlessApollo, (edited )

Uh oh are we throwing a tantrum bc someone doesn’t agree with you? Grow up cx

Also Idk if Guy Levi has anything to do with this, it’s prob best you leave him be 🌸

EndlessApollo, (edited )

How can that lead to failure? He’s literally the incumbent, there’s basically no chance of him losing, and if he does that’s a clear sign someone else would have more support. Tf is your point? Rhetorical question, I know your point: you want more Palestinians to die but you’re too smart to say it out loud. Vote uncommitted motherfucker, there’s no reason not to other than to be complicit in genocide




Your can’t vote uncommitted in generals, only primaries. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about cx why tf why don’t you quit while you’re only a few hundred miles behind




“We should protest and demand changes from the Biden administration for sure” and yet look at you shutting people down for doing exactly that xD you know normal people don’t buy liberals’ bullshit anymore right?

EndlessApollo, (edited )

Gaza getting “taken care of” means them getting wiped out to Biden and most democrats. He had made it abundantly clear he will not budge on this issue, there is nothing that can stop the flow of weapons into Israel, and that he is straight up ignoring the protestors because “disorder isn’t the answer” (besides the disorder Israel is generating in Gaza ofc). What is your solution to this? Just ignore it and fall in line? Biden will never unaffix his lips from bibi’s asshole, so what are we supposed to do other than accept the genocide and accept Biden helping the IDF wipe Gaza off the map? How about you pressure biden to stop committing genocide instead of telling people with empathy to shut up and take it?


Really? I thought people accusing Israel of genocide were russian trolls and chinese spies?


There’s truly nothing more tankie than opposing Israeli apartheid and not wanting liberals to help perpetuate it


Code pink existing doesn’t make her any less stupid and heartless for saying that. One group existing that matches her accusations means she’s right about them all? You say fuck Nancy Pelosi, yet you write paragraphs defending her take that pro-palestinian protestors are Chinese plants. How about you stop pushing blatant zionist propaganda?


Literally nothing they said in that thread came close to supporting ISIS and nothing else I’ve seen from them comes close. you just can’t comprehend the idea that someone could want fewer Palestinian children to get bombed


I would really, genuinely love to see these antifascist coalitions and pro-democracy conservatives you’re talking about. Sauce?

EndlessApollo, (edited )

Funny how a vote for any 3rd party candidate is magically a vote against whoever you like most. Fuck off libtard, earn my vote don’t fucking browbeat me for it

Like real shit how does that logic work? This does nothing to explain how 3rd party = trump. By that logic it’s also a vote against trump (implying there’s actually logic here and not liberals just assuming they’re entitled to all the votes forever no matter what)


This !!! I love seeing liberals just assume anyone who votes 3rd party would otherwise go blue

EndlessApollo, (edited )

Libertarians absolutely count tho. I still hear people blame Gary Fucking Johnson of all people for trump winning sometimes xD most 3rd parties are admittedly more likely to get left votes than right, but libertarians are the biggest 3rd party, and most who vote for them sure as fuck wouldn’t go blue. And tbh a lot of 3rd party voters prob just wouldn’t vote for dems period. I was really close to not voting for biden in 20, and I’m even closer to that this year


So you’re from a country that isn’t full of nazis. That means you don’t know jack shit about what you’re talking about. Punching nazis works, this is a fact, one you’re either fully aware of and that’s why you’re against it, or one that you know nothing about bc you have no idea how to deal with nazis. Americans are pros at dealing with fascists, you should stay in your lane and quit putting your heart and soul into defending the evil fuckers 💖


“i went to demos against a far right party” as a counterprotestor I’m sure. For someone who halfheartedly claims to be against the far right you sure do write a lot of paragraphs defending their right to call for my death


Fair enough 🐕 it’s not an episode I remembered a ton but I was starting to worry I really misremembered the shit out of it lol

EndlessApollo, (edited )

WoWow you’re actually unironically anti-maquis? You think they should just roll over and let Cardassians murder them? Wow you’re a piece of shit reactionary troll and I’ve been wasting my time arguing here. Fuck off xD those planets being handed to Cardassia doesn’t give them the right to displace and murder the people there, jfc what’s wrong with you? The “squatters” lived there before it was a cardassian planet, and didn’t shoot until they were shot. Either you’ve got shit memory for star trek episodes or you’ve got some seriously fucked up takes on colonialism

They had no options. Molly was gonna get taken away, they couldn’t just take her to earth. I really really don’t understand why you’re so invested in the thought that the O’Briens are evil bc they made a possibly stupid choice.

I take it back, you really should see a therapist. Someone who can deprogram the nihilistic bootlicker out of you. People aren’t evil by default, and driving someone from their home or taking away their rights isn’t OK just bc a treaty says so

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