
fuck that’s what im talking about let’s go


Took her far too long to notice.

mlg, avatar

She also called Palestinian protestors Chinese agents so this is probably because Bibi isn’t doing a good job doing PR and blindly listening to Biden and not because he’s actively involved in a genocide.


I agree but also she should resign due to her being old as shit.


And insider trading


First off, I agree.

Secondly: lol


That would probably be for the best.


Didn’t they have like 7 elections in a row over the course of 5 months and Bibi finally won as was like “this closest election ever in the history of Israel gives me the mandate to rule over it like a total dictator, time to gut the judges, throw the ultra-orthodox into the military, appoint my friend Lieberman head of a secret anti-protest milita and genocide gaza!”


Shit he even lost a few of them but no one could form a government. I hear on the news that some people were just voted Likud just to end the forever stalemate.

TankovayaDiviziya, (edited )

The Israeli left had been weak since the Yom Kippur War.

Edit: damn autocorrect

Akasazh, avatar




Thank you.


The man who would replace Netanyahu, Benny Gantz, considered to be a left-wing Israeli politician, will do the same things that Bibi has been doing... ya know, considering it is a unity government and all. The leftists who think they'll get their way in allowing Hamas to survive by getting rid of Netanyahu really are ignorant.


Those aren’t leftists. It’s mostly liberals who tell themselves that israel as a ethno nationalist state is perfectly fine but that a prime Minister boastfully taking Israel to it’s natural conclusion of ethnic cleansing and genocide is too much. They want it to be done more quietly.


Any sources to back up your claims? 20% of Israel's citizenry are ethnic Arabs and practicing Muslims. Israel has 100% air superiority over Gaza, if they wanted to ethnically cleanse Gaza or the West Bank, they certainly have the ability to do so. But there is no evidence that they want this. None that I've seen at least.

You know who does want to ethnically cleanse another culture/religion from the world? Hamas. Iran, Hezbollah. The Houthis. ISIS. The Taliban. What do all of these groups have in common, hm? Israel is surrounded by militants who have sworn to eradicate all Jews from the planet. In light of that, I think Israel is showing incredible restraint.

Leftists (in the US, the far-left equivalent of the "alt-right") are the ones currently rioting and protesting across major cities and college campuses across the West. Liberals are overwhelming supportive of Israel. Conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive of Israel. It's the radical extremists who want Israel destroyed.


I heard the alt-left just nuked Portland in support of Gaza.


I heard the alt left conducts satanic rituals and sacrifices babies


Right, but Netanyahu needs to go, regardless.


Wait why should Hamas be allowed to survive? They are not the good guys, they are not Palestine, they are wealthy men living abroad. I was hoping this would be a great chance to end both leaderships, not pretend like Hamas are victims


This comment took a hard left turn


As soon as he’s out of power he’s most likely going to prison for corruption, so I don’t think he’ll be taking her advice.


Really? I thought people accusing Israel of genocide were russian trolls and chinese spies?

McDropout, avatar

According to Lemmy they are!


Good to see from Nancy Pelosi.


It’s so bizarre to me that a politician saying that the grotesquely corrupt psychopath in charge of an apartheid nation that’s carrying out a genocide on one front and an incremental land grab on another while they also try to provoke yet another nation into attacking so they can play the victim as they continue their egregious crimes “should resign” is a newsworthy event.

The world is in the hands of insane monsters.


Well, it’s newsworthy because, while Pelosi is hella old, she hasn’t technically retired yet. And politicians actually saying or doing things that are morally defensible usually comes after retirement (unless you’re part of the progressive wing that the DNC is basically trying to shut down altogether).


Exactly, and that’s bizarre.

We actually live in a world in which politicians are expected to be dishonest, amoral and corrupt fuckwads and the few in Washington who aren’t are outcasts even in their own party. And we just accept that. It’s insane.


Israel isn't apartheid. Anyone saying they are has no clue what apartheid is or means.


HRW is a pretty terrible source, just saying. Also, I've been to South Africa, and I've been to the National Apartheid Museum. Israel may not be perfect, but it isn't even close to being apartheid.


HRW is a pretty terrible source, just saying.


Seems pretty credible…

And this isn’t an opinion thing, that Human Rights Watch link goes into great detail on various ways that Israel is an apartheid.

Like, we’re not talking about if a band makes good music or not, apartheid has a recognized definition by international bodies…


It’s nice that you visited, but I believe people like Desmond Tutu, who actually lived through Apartheid in South Africa..

There’s a reason why South Africa are the ones with the case against Israel in the international courts. They know what this is.


Shut up…

Amnesty international says otherwise

So does B’T Selem

Hasbarist trolls running to give cover to Israel committing atrocities in my name and using my tax dollars hold a special place in hell.


The world is in the hands of insane monsters.

I too get that feeling since around 2010.

And knowing that for sort of the night of the long knives, but for many bigger nations and elites, nothing which we’d notice is needed, - maybe something like that did happen then. Or maybe a bit earlier - in 2006-2009.

EdibleFriend, avatar

So should every politician who is supporting him through funds.


It makes sense when random people or celebrities make these demands…

But Pelosi is a senior member of our government, she doesn’t have to just make these public statements.

Cutting off aid until Bibi is about of power isn’t just possible, compared to other ways we’ve kicked genocidal maniacs out of power it’s down right cordial.

We need the people who do have the power to get shit down, actually put the work in and do it.

wildbus8979, (edited )

She should go back to her headquarters in China.

Mind you, she still isn’t actually called for a ceasefire.

Anyway, these fucks are going to scapegoat Netanyahu, orange revolution him out of office all for the oppression of Palestinians to continue, at best, at an only slightly slower pace. But more likely just be replaced by another of the multitude of genocidal maniacs sitting at the Knesset. Fuck these performative asshats.


For those of us who don't speak tankie, is the orange revolution reference an indication that the commenter also believes fascist Ukrainians secretly caused the ouster of a Kremlin-friendly President in Ukraine?


Do you have other historically inaccurate ad-hominem riddled irrelevant points to make or do you actually have something to contribute to the discussion?

It’s very clear to anyone with a half brain that the Democrat’s are scapegoating Netanyahu while completely skirting any responsibility to try and save face in front of the biggest issue they face for reelection.


Sorry, I couldn't parse an answer from your reply. What does it mean to "orange revolution" someone out of office?


I suppose this is a reference to Ukraine’s Orange Revolution: Seems to be outing someone out of office because of blatant corruption and voter fraud.


Yes, but the comment seemed to use orange revolution as something negative. Like it's a backhanded trick. It wasn't until I started reading Lemmy content that I even ran into people seriously saying the OR was a fraud pushed by the far-right in Ukraine.

I can wait for the commenter to clarify.


Well I don’t speak tankie either, and I think the revolution ousted a very pro russian government. Which would be a bad thing for a tankie.


That's why the reference was used negatively. Orange revolutions are something western democracies do to promote hegemony. Or some such tankie bs.


There’s truly nothing more tankie than opposing Israeli apartheid and not wanting liberals to help perpetuate it


Sigh. Israel isn't an apartheid state, not even close. Not like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank, Afghanistan, Egypt, Yemen, Qatar... need I go on? Muslim Israelis have the same rights as Jewish Israelis. Saying otherwise is misinformation at worst, ignorant at best.

Deceptichum, avatar

I used to think she was an idiot for that, another user on Lemmy challenged me and I looked into the comment further.

The protestors she told to go back to China were members of Code Pink.

Code Pink used to be a legitimate feminist anti-war protest group, but after the co-founder married Neville Roy Singham in 2017, a Maoist who has supported pro-China groups across the world with funding ties to the CCP and now accounts for 25% of the groups funding, the group has suddenly removed all historical complaints against China and stopped saying anything critical of China.

tl;dr: This group is openly an verifiably funded by China, and repeats Chinese talking points.

In closing, fuck Nancy Pelosi and her governments support for funding Israel, but she was right on this single issue.



Booohooo some rich person turns out not be aligned with western hegemony. Also the group isn’t funded by China isn’t funded by Roy Singham, who happens to align himself with Chinese interests. I bet you had no issues with Soros and the NED funding protests in Hong Kong though, that’s totally cool and based right?

Deceptichum, avatar

I said that.

Roy Singham is funded by China, and he uses that funding to fund pro-China propaganda groups across the world.

The rules of this community prevent me from saying what else I want to say about tankies, so I’ll leave this conversation here as I’ve been deleted too many times before.


I don’t think Singham, who made nearly a billion dollars selling his company, needs any money from China.

The guy is pretty based though, thanks for proving that point.


No “nearly a” billionaire is based.


I think a nearly billionaire who stopped making money and is now blowing all of his money financing incredibly based people, is in fact about as based as a near billionaire can be. Cause one day, and at this rate probably not that long into the future, he will not be any anymore.


Code pink existing doesn’t make her any less stupid and heartless for saying that. One group existing that matches her accusations means she’s right about them all? You say fuck Nancy Pelosi, yet you write paragraphs defending her take that pro-palestinian protestors are Chinese plants. How about you stop pushing blatant zionist propaganda?

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