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The revamped Republican Party turns Trump’s lies into a loyalty test (www.washingtonpost.com)

By checking for fealty to the false “stolen” narrative at the outset, Trump’s allies aren’t simply weeding out people who disagree, they’re weeding out people who won’t acquiesce to the Trumpian approach to reality. They’re not just getting rid of people who won’t go along on this one subject; they’re getting...


Americans: We need the second amendment to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government!

Tyrannical government arrives.



No, that’s not how this works. You carried the golden calf to term and gave birth to it. Own it you two faced hypocrites.


How much more expensive can shit get before they realize this is not sustainable?

Fapper_McFapper, (edited )

At the very least, two bag holders have read your comment.


As Jesus himself said in 2 Corinthians: “Man, Woman, Camera, TV”


He does, he keeps a copy of Mein Kampf on his bedside table.


The real question, what is wrong with NBC’s leadership that they thought this was a good idea to begin with?


Awwwww is the widdle insurrectionist upset? Yes he is!


Do we think they’re going to release all the animals to their natural habitats or will they be sold off to some other attraction?


I hate zoos and aquariums. None of these animals deserve to live a life in captivity.


What I want to say will get me banned. So I’ll just say fuck Trump.


It’s like we’re all being forced to eat out of the same shit filled trough.

Hey Tommy, you got a little corn left between your teeth.


Don’t forget her emails. Never forget her emails.

The House GOP just gave Biden’s campaign a huge gift: Roughly 80 percent of House Republicans just lined up behind a plan to cut Social Security and ban all abortions (www.vox.com)

Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant....


The message is clear. Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 69, outlaw abortion on a national level. Vote Republican at your own peril.


Hey Eric, just so that you know, I’m laughing too.


“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it”

-Senator Lindsey Graham


Careful what you say, I’ve noticed that it has infiltrated the mod team.


Seems like things are starting to unravel a bit.


I’d like to upvote them but I don’t want to be put on a list.


This is the reason this crap keeps happening. DJT can say whatever the fuck he wants and suffers no repercussions. One random person alludes to violence on a tiny website used by approximately 470,000 people and we immediately censor them. I get it, rules for the plebs not for the kings. I also get that it is out of your control mod and snowflakes are going to report everything they can get away with and your job is to do your job.

Steve Bannon can issue a call activating lone wolves, DJT can say there will be a bloodbath if he’s not elected. DJT can try to incarcerate political opponents because they dared investigate him, DJT can send a mob to the Capitol to try and stay in power.

Billy Bob from down the street with absolutely no power or following can make a statement calling for violence, that motherfucker will get banned in a heart beat.

Just pointing out that things seem a little backwards. Like the cards are stacked against us.


I see you like living dangerously.


Good morning master blaster! Just curious, do you know why this comment was removed? I don’t recall you stating anything that would break the rules.


Fuck you, you traitorous piece of shit. It should be 40 fucking years not 4 months. Enjoy your time and the loss of your voting privileges.


Wait, wait, wait, there was a spine under that facade after all?


Who could have imagined that Israel, of all countries, would be doing to others what was done to them. Israelites have forgotten the face of their father. Shame on them.

Fapper_McFapper, (edited )

I hope no one else is surprised by this. I mean, it’s not like we don’t already know they want full blown fascism. Violence is just means to an end for them. We’re in deep trouble America.


Well, instead of sitting there stewing in rage why don’t you go for a walk? I’m sure you’ll feel better after a walk. I’ll even have some milk and cookies waiting for you when you return.

Mike Johnson 'blindsided' by abrupt departure that could end Lauren Boebert's career (www.rawstory.com)

Boebert had switched districts after Buck announced his impending retirement to avoid a stiff challenge from Democrat Adam Frisch in the 3rd district, but Buck’s immediate departure will set up a special election in which the state Republican and Democratic parties will choose a nominee – and there’s no guarantee they’ll...


Perfect picture of that loudmouth, contrarian, hypocrite.


Your username almost made me throw up.

Thanks Obama.

Russia reports Ukrainian drone strikes on targets deep inside its territory and a border incursion (apnews.com)

Ukraine launched a wave of long-range drones against targets deep inside Russia on Tuesday, Russian officials said, hitting at least two oil facilities in the attack on eight regions of Russia in the latest display of Kyiv’s expanding drone capacity....


Awwww fee fees have been hurt.


What’s more worrisome is that the mods actually removed my comment after they went running over to the mods. I feel like Lemmy has gotten an injection of trolls lately and mods are just letting them run around doing as they please. He’s been banned before for abusing the report system. So yeah, obvious troll is obvious.


We all know where this is headed if we don’t vote.


I dunno, something feels different this time. One of my co workers just asked for advice on what country to move to if Trump is re elected.

The reason I think it’s different this time is because this is the same co worker that used to make fun of me for thinking that Trump’s second term will usher in America’s first dictatorship. It ain’t funny now.


To his supporters this is a feature, not a bug.


I mean. How many times do they need to do the same thing before people realize Sony will abandon every peripheral?

Putin Fears Navalny Funeral Could Trigger Mass Demonstrations, Khodorkovsky Says (www.rferl.org)

The government of Russian President Vladimir Putin is likely refusing to release the body of opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, who died suspiciously in prison on February 16, because it fears a massive outpouring of grief and support just ahead of the March presidential election, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a leading Russian...


Putin fears many things.

Rainbow colors Independent thinking Cocks, he’s terrified of cocks. Ukraine NATO The EU The Baltic States Obama Biden Nalvany’s wife Short tables Gay bars Windows Large gatherings Small gatherings Gatherings

I bet he flinches like a motherfucker if a loud noise goes off near him. Bitch gave himself PTSD.

Incredibly, The Russian Air Force Has Lost Another Rare A-50 Radar Plane (www.forbes.com)

Incredibly, the Russian air force has lost another one of its rare Beriev A-50M/U Mainstay radar early-warning planes. Video that circulated online on Friday reportedly depicts the A-50’s burning wreckage in Krasnodar Krai, in Russia just east of the Sea of Azov....


I, a stickler for the rules, propose we must include the word rule in every comment.


The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.

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