@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar



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@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Except for Nazis I agree with this message. But Nazis can eat a dick and should get nothing they want.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

If Michael Rosenbaum is not in it then forget it!

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Well I think the only way to defeat fascism in America is with redacted, we will need to rise up redacted… well what needs to be done to defeat these conservatives can’t be said outloud.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Wow! Never even knew there was a game. I want to try this out now.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Where can I see the rest of this showcase?

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

I read Hackers: Heros of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy. Should I really read Kens book as well? I mean I feel I learned a lot about how it came about from Levy book.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Man you should read it. It goes over the entire computer revolution from like 50’s on.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

No shit Sherlock. Problem is they did give a shit and at least in American we are all one paycheck from being homeless and can’t afford to rise up.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Of course but requires that rise up part of rant. When your ready so am I.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Which means she got the cartels support. Which says that she may not as left as people think.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Hell her husband recruited Trump to run as Republican. They literally wanted to run against him. Keep in mind Trump was even surprised he won, she was that fucking bad.

But now that he got taste of that power he wants it back.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

This made me find this game and download it. Good so far.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Between Trump getting back in office to the nut jobs drinking raw milk to purposely catch the bird flu, I say if he winss and it mutates then we are fucked.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Dogs can be racist especially if thier owner is one. But I seen dogs do it naturally too.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Alternative headline: Democrats show they want to lose the next presidentancy and Congress to facsiest.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Problem is Biden won’t do shit nor the Democrats and Supreme Court know it.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

What happened to her. In 2015 she was a Bernie Sanders supporter and was a big help in 2016. By 2020 she was a toxic piece of shit.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Justices are probably afraid that we will revolt if they make being homeless illegal. Because we should if they do.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Really Biden on a election year your going kill children. I really think Democrats like losing to Republicans.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

I saw a bumper sticker for this guy in Oklahoma so apparently there some morons everywhere. But I don’t see him taking Biden votes.

I think thier afraid he will take away Trump votes.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

He needs to be removed from office by force if necessary. And we need fucking law that you have give up your business to run and hold political office. Fuck this scumbag.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

I remember when he was on Smallville. See him then to Reecher gotten buffed. Great actor glad to hear this from him.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Definitely he is Aquaman.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Thens he a fucking coward and they should get a judge who will not give in terrorist. I swear he could probably talk shit to the judges face continue to talk about the jury and they won’t do shit.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Did you play the original OP? Have anyone here but me play the original and beat it? I am playing Remake before starting Rebirth I thought it would be a continuing of the original story am I wrong.

Remake the battle system is okay except for summons. I preferred the original for that.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Until he is actually punished he will keep doing what the hell he wants. It’s a wonder he don’t just tell the courts to go fuck themselves. Not like they will do anything if he does.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah but he got free classes while the rest of us suffered. Like to know how he vote on student loan debt.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Glad to hear it. Reading article he seems to want to truly understand the billls he is voting for or against. Good to see but wish we could get fresh blood in there. Because Sanders and this guy won’t live forever. On another note fuck Warren she a 🐍.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

She stabed Sanders in the back and she refused to leave the primary during Super Tuesday all because she was promised VP. She literally flushed all the work progressive tried to accomplish for her career.

No surprise since she was a former Republican even 2016 she refused to endorse Sanders over Clinton.

She not progressive she a neoliberal and wish people stop talking about her as if she on our side because she is not. She a snake in the grass. She there to seam progressive but to toe the corporate line.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

He wants to tant the jury pool as well. He wants to make the judge do some drastic so he can have something to appeal.

Like I keep saying they are trying not give him ammunition to appeal on. And I keep saying he going keep appealing no mater what so hold him to the same standards as everyone else. But they won’t.

Kristi Noem Is Now Banned From 10 Percent of Her Own State (www.thedailybeast.com)

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a MAGA Republican shortlisted as a potential running mate for Donald Trump in November, is now legally barred from visiting some 10 percent of the lands in her home state—and can be thrown out of those places if she violates the order....

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly they probably happy if the could round up all the brown people and place in that 10% of the state.

You know she just needs to be removed from office and 100% of state. I let you imagine how.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Worse they don’t want a trail if they could get away with it they gas them. Why they hate social media and the internet in general. Harder to hide when we can film and record their misdeeds.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

They old enough maybe we get lucky and they have a stroke or something else. 74 not young.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

According to Biden are doing great economically. The news keeps repeating it too. Us down here on the bottom know all bullshit. House of cards getting ready to fall.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Do you not shop for necessities, or pay rent or a mortgage. Do you get gas or pay bills. Prices are out of control and pay is stagnant. Also work especially in construction has come to a stand still and it’s effecting a lot of different industries.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

That article and you are full of shit. I don’t care how many “jobs” you create if they all pay shit wages it means nothing.

You can site all the fucking sources you want I live in reality and here in Oklahoma one cheapest states to live in people are struggling to pay rent and buy food. So fuck off with her neoliberal bull shit.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Your claims come from mainstream media. You must be rich fuck because is working class dont see this great economy you speak of. Also every article I read and from fucking experience tells me your full of shit.

Go take yourself back to bootlicking but data just released showing we grew a bunch of new billionaires proves the economy is fucked for everyone but the 1%.

Also the fact that this very article points to a problem and you ignore it. Done talking to you because you’re either a troll or part of the problem.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

By the way here a source theguardian.com/…/worlds-five-richest-men-double-…

I’m sure you will ignore it and keep telling us how great the economy is doing and how us poors and working class just don’t understand that the rich getting richer and corporations making more money that it is really all good for us too.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

I bought her book so sure that helped. Give me a link and I will donate to. She doing good work. Wish she could be charge of her government. She the type of world leaders we need.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t matter how much he raised if the people in charge of the money are to fucking stupid to make sure you get on the ballot in OHIO. It’s like Binden wants to lose. Between this and putting energy into Florida instead of Michigan, Pennsylvania and other battleground states. It’s like watching 2016 all over again.

Former officials speak out against Biden’s unconditional support for Israel (www.independent.co.uk)

“There’s no incentive to investigate if the president and the White House themselves have announced that aid is unconditional,” said Brian Finucane, who worked for a decade in the Office of the Legal Adviser at the State Department advising on arms transfers and the laws of war....

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Why the fuck are they hugging? They shit never makes since to me? Fucking shack hands. Good thing I’m not president I punch him in the mouth.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah was glad for this but didn’t like that he didn’t lose by such a slim margin. You think it been bigger.

LA Times Column: How Jack Smith just called out Judge Aileen Cannon in the Trump classified records case (www.latimes.com)

The Smith team then made its most important and aggressive move by noting that when judges have issued clearly erroneous jury instructions that doom prosecutions, “courts have permitted the government to obtain writs of mandamus.”...

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

She probably won’t know what means and to stupid to look it up. Or she will ignore it.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

He going appeal no matter what Jack does. Trump will delay, delay, delay.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

100 bucks says they deny his appeal and what he says comes true. 100% like Trump and co want and all the GOP. These whole things a joke.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing apparently she will do this and our DOJ will do nothing. I truly believe all the cases against Trump are a show. No one wants to prosecute him because they fear his deranged base.

So they going play this out then wait until after November. If he wins then America is fucked. If he doesn’t then maybe then they will do something.

Until then it’s all a big show so might well not be surprised about anything you hear or see in these cases.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Why you downvoted? Because you’re not lying.

@Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

Well to be fair this would be worse under Trump.

My father who now is a full on Trumper once told me (before Faux news and newsmax fried his brain) that everything going on the country is based on last guy in charge. And it can take up to two terms just fix the mess.

So lot of the Problems are Trump fault and Biden doing what can. Of course Biden and most Democrats are conservative now so they don’t and won’t help that much.

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