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The guy just invents particles and you think we should trust him?


Black man who borrowed father's BMW questioned, forcibly arrested outside home (

tl;dr - Black man driving his dad’s BMW is detained for being suspicious because he doesn’t look like the sort of person who drives that car. He is subject to a rough arrest as his mother watches. Gatineau police insist there was no racial profiling.


The last time I checked, and it was over a decade ago, police deaths per capita was within 10% of the rates for America.

Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill (

I got in some hot water a while back for admitting I was relatively unconcerned with Republican villainy these days compared to other worries. This Canada Online Harms Act, whose details I missed earlier (apologies to Public and Yuri Bezmenov!), perfectly embodies the kind of thing that keeps me up at night now....


Hate to break it to you, buddy, but Canada has never embraced completely free speech, even with the caveat of yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. You might be thinking of laws and a constitution originating a little farther south.


Sue them in small claims court. It’s $1.50, will cost them hours of their time if they don’t default, the judge will just love seeing that NDA, and you will get your small financial victory with a greater moral victory. Then you take it to the press again so everyone gets reminded to check their bank statements and maybe do it dozens more times.


Have they considered getting some “FREEDOM” and “FUCK TRUDEAU” posters?


There’s this beast, which requires some index components to fully operate and will put you out about $1500 USD with the required Valve Index components, but it does look pretty amazing.


Yeah, it looks beautiful, but AR/pass-through is so handy.


I’m pretty sure your walk-in visits are billed to provincial healthcare and get added to the total number of visits.

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds (

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that never happened, allowing the company to turn a profit on its fledgling carbon capture and storage project, according to a new report by Greenpeace Canada....


Not Risa, the vacation planet, nor Cardassia, the snake boi planet. This is a one-off where everyone was a little disappointed because Wesley Crusher was both killed and brought back to life for trampling some flowers.


"The Senate was designed, as part of the separation of powers, to check the impulses of the House and the popular will.”

And that is a worthy consideration, but how does this help?


This is kind of like talking about my weight. It’s the same now as before, but that week around Easter was a little dicey.


He must have forgotten the lady who didn’t last as long as a head of lettuce.


If you can’t make a plan to get home safely while you’re sober, maybe you should go to a different bar, or not go altogether. Your right to get shitfaced doesn’t cover being a danger to the public.

Yes, I’m the guy who would go to the bar with his friends, maybe have one drink at the beginning of the night, and make sure they got home safely.


Well, I can’t disagree on that last part.


This looks very much like an upgrade. Components of the VR system are not included, such as controllers and a base station. Buying those from Steam to go with this headset adds $570 CAD to the price for a new setup.


This is a myth. (Moreover, it’s an American myth.) People need to stop repeating it.


It’s a link to an article about a legal case where the courts specifically stated this was not the case. In the legal realm, that is the equivalent of a peer review. And absolutely, unfettered capitalism pushes towards this outcome. That doesn’t make it a legal requirement.


They need continuous profit. The CEO swears an oath to shareholders to prioritize profit quarter after quarter ad infinitum.

So root comment did.


Ah, I see you read the article. Now we’re back at the start and you can continue to go in circles without me.


People often imagine things they don’t do can’t be that hard. Marketing is important because no one will be interested in your product if no one knows about it. Being able to envision products that the average person will want is another one that good business leaders often do.

Steve Jobs, for example, was very good at envisioning what people would be interested in. From the Apple to Macs to the iPod to the iPhone, he hit a lot of winners. This isn’t an endorsement for him owning the company, or even as a person, but he undeniably had a skillet that others around him often lacked.


Steve Wozniak was an amazing computer geek, and designed an incredibly useful computer for the time. Steve Jobs popularized and marketed the idea. He didn’t do a lot on the technical side. There was the Blackberry and resistive touch phones before the iPhone, and they had serious problems. Anyone could have made the first smartphone - Windows Mobile was released in 2003 and certainly had the money to take on this project - but Apple did. And yes, Apple did a lot to make it painful for their customers to stray from the Apple ecology to the company’s benefit, and the detriment to the market as a whole, which is pretty on-brand for Jobs.


Hah, he’s doing the Kubrick crazy stare! Now you know he’s serious!


There are at least twice as many icons s on his desktop as on mine!


I think you’d have to discuss that with France first.


That said, allowing code into your spreadsheet takes away a lot of barriers to programming.


Added to my Amazon wishlist. I can’t believe thise has been around for 12 years and I only heard of it now.


The stranglings will continue until democracy improves!


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but this is the case for everyone before they go to jail.


The first step is to get charged, the second is to be convicted. There are plenty in Trump’s shoes, who have only been criminally co evicted once and got a slap on the wrist. The smart ones pull the correct strings and don’t even get charged, and certainly don’t have their misdeeds reported in the media if they can help it.


That’s certainly possible, and I’m not very optimistic that he will see jail.


Even if money was no object, and I could buy a regular car or an EV, I still would hesitate to buy an EV. They are spy boxes, and I will absolutely not pay money for a car that spies on me.

You do realize that link says it’s a problem with all cars, right? If you’re buying new (or recently used), this isn’t a valid excuse to avoid EVs. It is certainly a good reason to be pissed off at auto manufacturers.


I agree with this in principle, but if you include wealth as power, it gets very messy. “Would you date Jeff Bezos?” “Sure!” “Would you date Jeff Bezos if he wasn’t a billionaire?” “Well…” Sure, he could use that money to coerce people into sleeping with him, but him expressing interest in a person, them turning him down, and him just moving on doesn’t sound like coercion to me.

And, yes, I think Clinton crossed that line, simply because he could fire her if she turned him down.


Fascinating compared COVID to polio and these guys were like, “Holy shit, we need to get on that!”


This is why human rights should apply to humans, and not citizens.


“Your honor, I object!”

“On what grounds?”

“On the grounds that it will be devastating to my case!”


“Good call.”

I get the feeling it will cause irreparable harm to their bottom line. They may have to pay employees more instead of paying them in optimism the company will be wildly successful.


They allow you to share ideas, possibly without monetization! How is that not communism?!


If you’re the only one, could you please retire your other accounts? I don’t overly have a problem with you voicing your opinion, no matter how poorly thought out I may believe it to be, but I don’t need to see it from all these different accounts.


But the hero also engages in vigilante behavior in order to get the bad guys, and they’re all for that, so I can see the confusion.

Almost nothing Reacher does is laudable in real life, no more than Bauer in 24. It would be a poor morality play…if that’s what you thought it was.


Well, there’s a neighborhood handshake where I live. It starts with a knife and ends in the other person’s guts, so I guess there’s that. 🤷‍♂️


Then I guess you aren’t alone.


“The last thing I want is for our politicians and government agencies to be accessible to the public or, even worse, to be able to reach as many as are interested in hearing what they have to say!”

I’d far rather they be on the fediverse, preferably on their own instance(s), than on Facebook or Twitter.


So you have two problems. Lack of financial transparency for public servants, and poor systems in place to mitigate identity theft.


Unlike if you’ve been subpoenaed to testify in court, you aren’t required to run for office. If the prospect of your criminal activity being exposed makes you not run, well, that’s just an unintended benefit.


We need to grow the economy.

And nothing grows the economy more thanlower-income people having more money to spend, so we’re advocating for increases to social security and welfare…


The federal housing building program ended in the late 80s. Since then, we have had a trend which has culminated where it is today. Here’s just one link that discusses it.


It’s hardly surprising that a problem that was 40 years in the making can’t be fixed in one election cycle.

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